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@Baz posted:

Yes , we are watching it ….only didn’t watch the last one cos it clashed with Bake off , or something

oh yes, I remember there was some sort of Menu cooking show that had lots of episodes.

@*mollie* posted:

cheeky devil that barber...

gives his card to a bald man, who says its not good for him...

so he taps him on his hairy chest and says he will do his chest! Damn rude man! 

That is not funny

No, I don’t like him at all ….he’s creepy


Hicky and my lads have red/green colour blindness.

so common in males and a nuisance as they sometimes get clashing coloured clothes.

they can see bright green and red, but not that dull green colour

@*mollie* posted:

Hicky and my lads have red/green colour blindness.

so common in males and a nuisance as they sometimes get clashing coloured clothes.

they can see bright green and red, but not that dull green colour


@Baz posted:

I thought he said he was studying in Cardiff ?

oooppps, you are right, Kev said I got it the wrong way round, he is from Bangor, studying in Cardiff.

Lots from North Wales also seem to come down South to study.

(MrM's cousin is one who did that)

@*mollie* posted:

oooppps, you are right, Kev said I got it the wrong way round, he is from Bangor, studying in Cardiff.

Lots from North Wales also seem to come down South to study.

(MrM's cousin is one who did that)



sorry it wasn't much notice this morning, but we went to see the pups and dropped friend's hubby off at work to save her a journey.

and then son has his auditon today, so was looking for something for him

but glad you could make it

@*mollie* posted:

sorry it wasn't much notice this morning, but we went to see the pups and dropped friend's hubby off at work to save her a journey.

and then son has his auditon today, so was looking for something for him

but glad you could make it

No problem

@Baz posted:

Yes, I can’t understand why people pay ridiculous prices for trainers

nor me

son bought a pair for £45 from Sports Direct, so not cheap but they were  awful compared to the Asda pair.

Had to take them back as they squeked so loudly, they were useless to him on set.

And they didn't like exchanging them for me, as they said he has worn them once! Had a row with them, as they reckoned a loud squek was not important, but they swopped them in the end.

@*mollie* posted:

nor me

son bought a pair for £45 from Sports Direct, so not cheap but they were  awful compared to the Asda pair.

Had to take them back as they squeked so loudly, they were useless to him on set.

And they didn't like exchanging them for me, as they said he has worn them once! Had a row with them, as they reckoned a loud squek was not important, but they swopped them in the end.

Good for you .


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