flip flops not the best choice for that terrain.
Ant's shirt looks a bit tight
Ant helping out as usual
@*mollie* posted:flip flops not the best choice for that terrain.
I was thinking that
@*mollie* posted:have we seen that before then?
No, but Iâve been to Calpe and know you can see it from Benidorm
@Baz posted:No, but Iâve been to Calpe and know you can see it from Benidorm
nice, another place our traveller Baz has been to.
you would make a good tour guide (better than the ones we have seen on this show, I am sure!).
@*mollie* posted:nice, another place our traveller Baz has been to.
you would make a good tour guide (better than the ones we have seen on this show, I am sure!).
Iâd be useless âĶ.but at least I wouldnât flog AvonâĶ.and get better prizes than a bliddy key ring
@Baz posted:
Iâd be useless âĶ.but at least I wouldnât flog AvonâĶ.and get better prizes than a bliddy key ring
well that is a good start
@Baz posted:Loads of bliddy rocks on that beach
yes you would think she could have found somewhere better to take her
@Baz posted:Nude bathing
no thanks, I wouldn't know where to look and wouldn't want to flash my flab either
@Baz posted:Ant has a good heart
he does .....no wonder he doesn't have much free time...
and his fans even had a topless flash today
@*mollie* posted:
no thanks, I wouldn't know where to look and wouldn't want to flash my flab either
DittoâĶ.on both counts ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@*mollie* posted:he does
.....no wonder he doesn't have much free time...
and his fans even had a topless flash today
Yes, but not much to look at