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@Baz posted:

I’ve noticed she hasn’t really got any boobs either

true, she hasn't.

but I did read some women who want to be men, wear something to squash them.

have you noticed, does she have an adams apple?

@*mollie* posted:

yes ...what they refer to, doesn't mean a lot now, all so confusing...

I totally agree By the way , if you’re watching Apprentice live tonight feel free to join us ….kaytee , ros, amythist and I …in the thread

@Baz posted:

I totally agree By the way , if you’re watching Apprentice live tonight feel free to join us ….kaytee , ros, amythist and I …in the thread

thanks, I don't usually watch live but will look out for you if I do

@*mollie* posted:

payment day....but will it flush out any game players?

or maybe we don't have any?

this weeks lot hard to predict!

Aren’t they just I reckon maybe they are all game players …except for the old sheep guy


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