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@*mollie* posted:

no those apartments

dont' want to cook/wash up if I go away

I was talking about the other woman’s place .And no, I don’t want to wash up etc ….especially not at those prices …I’d want a bliddy butler and chef .

@*mollie* posted:

oh dear, they still aren't eating a meal and sitting on separate tables.

wonder when it was filmed?

Last year I’m guessing ….but I don’t think they will change things when covid is still so rife ….

@Baz posted:

I was talking about the other woman’s place .And no, I don’t want to wash up etc ….especially not at those prices …I’d want a bliddy butler and chef .

agree,butler and chef should be included at that price per night.

the price of those apartments has put me off, and we, of course, never waste Dame;s money on frivolity.


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