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@Baz posted:

Well I think we should go along just for a peek….and the cava 🤣🤣

good idea, a few canapes and cava will go down well for us....(we can just humour these agents, as I don't like them)...

@Baz posted:

Omg fancy having food in the toilet 🤮🤮🤮

that is absolutely disgusting....

and the flippen toilet seat has even been left up!

I would have a fit if my boys ever left the seat up! (which they never do)...

@*mollie* posted:

that is absolutely disgusting....

and the flippen toilet seat has even been left up!

I would have a fit if my boys ever left the seat up! (which they never do)...

I used to make Mr B use the downstairs loo….and the upstairs one was mine 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Baz posted:

Well they said this was a holiday home , and they are now moving there permanently so want a bigger house …goodness# knows why!

to make more money when they move the the next  place after that at a guess

@Baz posted:

Can’t see them getting anyone wanting to buy an 800k house by just randomly giving out flyers !

no and at a guess if someone does buy on the back of that, they are more than likely to withdraw their offer later.


our tv choice was not so good last night ....

that pair of agents irriated me, the Spanish dance item irritated me, the blokes who were selling irritated me, especially the food in the loo with the toilet seat up, and I wasn't keen on the lady buyer. (maybe I got irritated easily yesterday though as it was so hot)...

@*mollie* posted:

our tv choice was not so good last night ....

that pair of agents irriated me, the Spanish dance item irritated me, the blokes who were selling irritated me, especially the food in the loo with the toilet seat up, and I wasn't keen on the lady buyer. (maybe I got irritated easily yesterday though as it was so hot)...

I tend to agree 🤣🤣🤣


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