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did you have plenty of forum friends join you for BB last night?

I did try and go on the forum the 1st night, but it was moving quite quick and its hard for me to concentrate and watch the show with all my family interruptions at night I had to make big use of pause and still missed a fair bit.

Will try and find time to read back the forum to see what you think of the HM's though

@*mollie* posted:

did you have plenty of forum friends join you for BB last night?

I did try and go on the forum the 1st night, but it was moving quite quick and its hard for me to concentrate and watch the show with all my family interruptions at night I had to make big use of pause and still missed a fair bit.

Will try and find time to read back the forum to see what you think of the HM's though

Awwww that’s a shame You could always pop in and just post when and if

@*mollie* posted:

oh dear ! she does seem to have trouble walking, so wonder if its arthritis?

Nah, I reckon it just her bliddy weight around her hips , cos she doesn’t walk , she wobbles ….not that I’m skinny

@Baz posted:

Nah, I reckon it just her bliddy weight around her hips , cos she doesn’t walk , she wobbles ….not that I’m skinny

oh dear, must be so hard on Spain.

(not that I am skinny either, far from it).

tv makes you look even fatter though


not sure I want to buy beermats for a fiver

and that brown drink doesn't look appetising.

but will buy a glass of bubbly and bung a bit in their charity bucket as they are raising money for charity

@*mollie* posted:

not sure I want to buy beermats for a fiver

and that brown drink doesn't look appetising.

but will buy a glass of bubbly and bung a bit in their charity bucket as they are raising money for charity

I agree ….on all counts

@Baz posted:

Well there’s an eviction tomorrow , so …

hope we see it then...(if they do use nominations that is, and don't have some other new idea of how to evict)...

gosh that Muslim woman is driving me nuts...still think she is sly...and tries to grab camera time and annoy the others. She does seem to be successful in her quest to annoy all the others. Would prefer she went.


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