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@Baz posted:

Well I think we should go along just for a peek….and the cava 🤣🤣

good idea, a few canapes and cava will go down well for us....(we can just humour these agents, as I don't like them)...

@Baz posted:

Omg fancy having food in the toilet 🤮🤮🤮

that is absolutely disgusting....

and the flippen toilet seat has even been left up!

I would have a fit if my boys ever left the seat up! (which they never do)...

@*mollie* posted:

that is absolutely disgusting....

and the flippen toilet seat has even been left up!

I would have a fit if my boys ever left the seat up! (which they never do)...

I used to make Mr B use the downstairs loo….and the upstairs one was mine 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Baz posted:

Well they said this was a holiday home , and they are now moving there permanently so want a bigger house …goodness# knows why!

to make more money when they move the the next  place after that at a guess


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