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Well the outcome was ok I suppose... stayed the same... so am celebrating with a vino !!! thou I shouldn't !!...
Mike I know how you feel, we are off on holiday soon and hubbys niece has been doing the 'iron man' so I will def feel like someone will harpoon me... lol lol... oh well... i'm 15 lb lighter...
And get back to that gym pronto Mr.. !!!
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
I need to lose 5stone in two weeks ....LOLs

There's either the Coma diet or the Swine Flu diet. Big Grin

Failing that, I can go the wedding in your place and tell them I've been in a car accident, that's why I looks different lol.

I laughed out loud at that.... why can't there be a pill for a five stone weight lose.. lol... as for going to the wedding that would be funny if it could be pulled off.. hehe
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Glad you got into the wedding trousers, Mike!

TiGi, good going! You should go buy yourself a new pair of shoes or something.... Smiler

Oh gosh I have Lori, new wardrobe though!! Best thing about losing weight is the new clothes and shoes and stuff! I Think thats whats motivating me Big Grin

I keep trying to focus on that (esp. every time I go to my closet...) but I've yet to be successful. I'll keep trying! Smiler
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
I need to lose 5stone in two weeks ....LOLs

There's either the Coma diet or the Swine Flu diet. Big Grin

Failing that, I can go the wedding in your place and tell them I've been in a car accident, that's why I looks different lol.
That would be hilarious. I'd love to see that! Laugh

Well, after my 2nd relaxed week I've put ON 3 pounds, but I'm not bothered by that and it's coming off already. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
There's either the Coma diet or the Swine Flu diet.
I did the 'very bad flu'
diet a few years ago. Lost about a stone (14lb) in about 4 weeks.

I was only eating 1 small meal a day and sleeping the rest of the time. Smiler

And feeling like crap, no doubt. That's a painful way to diet...
right...back...with avengance

just saw photos of our family do and i thought i looked great...but i no longer have a double chin oooohh nooo i have a chin that stretches all the way to my neck Eeker i looked blinking the plan is to listen to paul mckenna every night...walk to work 3 times a week and the days i don't walk do an hour of hard exercise each night.... cross stitch lots cause i don't eat when i cross stitch

80lbs to lose and that is the last time i mention that number...going to concentrate on how far i come rather than how far i have to go.

*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
its worse when you think you look wonderful and then you see the photos Crying although i might keep one as my motivation

MY motivation is a photo of me about 13 years ago. Can't believe I was ever that skinny. My friends referred to me as "lean", then, and I was on a 10-day bicycle trip from Montana to Canada...
I was 7st 12lb (110lb)from the age of 15 until I got married at 27. Then I ate lots of chips and other rubbish and put on 2st (28lb) in a relatively short space of time. The heaviest I've been is 10st 4lb (144lb). I'm about 9st 7lb (133lb) now, but as I'm only 5'2" (62 inches) in height, I need to get a bit more off to feel comfortable again. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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