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I was daft enough to stay up till 5 am because of all the drama between Bea, Marcus and Charlie but for those that missed it.....the CH4 video no where near covers it......I've taken this from Selena's Blog on MSN which is more in depth Smiler

It all started in the early hours when Bea brought up people saying she was negative.

Bea, Charlie and Marcus were talking in the living area and Marcus asked where Charlie was up to with his booze. Charlie told him that he was on his second can and as Bea was chatting away, Marcus joked that she only spends time with Charlie when she wants alcohol from him. Bea denies this.
Bea then told Marcus that she was surprised he nominated her when she’s been “so supportive” of him – Then she asked him for some of his cider (LOL!)

The alcohol is flowing and Charlie and Bea leave Marcus and head for the bedroom. After whispering for a while, Bea says Charlie should “distract Marcus” and she kneels down on the floor and starts taking things out of Freddie’s drawer. Hasn’t she upset him enough?

The pair have stolen tea from Freddie’s draw and acquired a can of cider from somewhere... Bea says that it’s really naughty and asks Charlie if they should put it back or “hide it, to see if he kicks off.” God, just leave Freddie alone!
At first Charlie is worried that he’ll wake Freddie returning his stuff, but he plucks up the courage and puts them back.

Meanwhile Bea is in the living area with Marcus complaining about Freddie again. Marcus tells her that hammering Freddie like she does is definitely negative, but he’s sure she will change when she gets out.

He suggests she make a change (big or small) as she keeps going on about Freddie. Bea says that’s “twaddle” and she doesn’t care. Marcus adds that Bea always says she doesn’t do things when she does.

It begins to get heated and Marcus tells Bea that she’s turned people against Freddie. She replies that she has been victimised (Marcus scoffs) – He adds that she’s always moaning about someone.

Then Bea says something that surprised even me!
Marcus tells her that she’s a moaner and points out how many times she’s moaned this week, Bea says it’s unfair for people to “market her as negative” and says that people have used “intimidation techniques “ to make her that way.
What? So one minute your saying you’re not negative and the next minute you are but it’s down to others ‘intimidation’. Who has been intimidating you Bea? I think if this was happening Big Brother would have been calling someone into the Diary Room? Do tell...

So anyway...

Marcus concludes the conversation with a positive and suggests that (if she’s so worried about being a moaner) he’ll wink at her when she starts. Bea dismisses this idea and tells him to “just tell her” but Marcus doesn’t want to upset her and his way “nobody sees.”
Bea isn’t happy with being called a moaner and all these references to her negativity. Marcus tells her that she’s been told about it before but she doesn’t listen.

Bea says its “classic victimisation!”


So Marcus tries another angle and suggests she tells people what she likes about them, rather than what she doesn’t. Bea says this sounds like some sort of “program” and Marcus points out that that she’s being negative – again!

Bea says she’s being dragged into these sorts of conversations as ‘people’ are desperate to make her look negative. She adds that the further away she is from Siavash, Freddie and Marcus the better. Marcus tells her to stop talking about Freddie all the time as its making matters worse.

Bea calls Freddie a “catalyst for negativity” and claims he is disliked by everyone in the house (yeah since you turned up!)
Marcus says that he can only go on how Freddie is with him and plenty of other people are catalysts too. Bea wonders if he’s referring to her and Marcus adds, “You’ve got a one track mind and that one track is BEA!” Go on Marcus!

Bea gets upset (oh here we go) and tells Marcus she doesn’t want to argue, she just wants him to accept what she’s said.

(Regardless of this she heads for the Diary Room and says she’s going to tell Big B that Marcus is a bully)

Marcus frowns and says that Bea is "mindlessly horrible" to people if they say something to her that she can’t take. She’s quick enough to give it out to everyone else, but doesn’t like it coming back.

(That’s usually when she gets upset or acts the wounded puppy Marcus)

So there you go!
What do you think of that? Sorry its so long but it did go on and on and on ......thanks to Bea

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Great report Thumbs Up

I would like to add a bit more though.

They did steal the cider and Bea said it was ok to steal from Freddie because he is not cool and various other unpleasant things about Freddie to justify drinking the cider.. Charlie then hid the cider down the side of the bus stop.

Bea got completely Pwned by Marcus and continually brought Freddie up again and again, and she also continually looked to Charlie for back up, but to his credit (or not) he stayed quiet and tried to mediate after it all erupted. Marcus banged on and on about her projecting situations on to people and the fact she had it all backwards and was blame-shifting etc. She denied it all. Throughout the entire argument/discussion Marcus never once lost his cool or raised his voice. She constantly shouted back and called him all sorts of names. It was an attempt to again asassinate Freddie, but when she realised it was to no avail, she turned on Marcus and basically tried to do exactly what she did to Freddie the other day, but Marcus wasn't having ANY OF IT.

Charlie sat there with a dumb blank look on his face throughout and even admitted he wasn't really listening, but I wonder if that's just an excuse because he can't sympathise or empathise with people he doesn't like, I.E. Freddie. So he said at the end that he agreed with both of them. Fence sitting moron!

She said she felt bullied and Marcus was a bully. She felt victimised and she started to cry after she realised she had been harping on and on about it all. She then lost the plot and was rude and pathetic and went to the DR.

Then Freddie got up laughing about it all and Charlie laid in to him and told him to go back to bed. Then Marcus said it's best you go back to bed as he didn't want Freddie making a tit of himself and ruining Marcus's chances of going. So he went back to bed.

There was sooooooooooo much more as well. It's probably best (if anyone gives a shit) to go back and check all the early morning threads. There were over a dozen highlighting various talking points and hotspots in the evenings events.
Bea brought Freddie into the conversation at every opportunity she got (talk about obsessed). Marcus pulled her up on it more than once. Lets not forget the Fredster was in bed at the time, he WAS asleep until they (Bea and Charlie) started rummaging around in his drawer (directly underneath him) for things to nick.

I dont like Marcus but he was BRILLIANT last night. I dont want him to leave because he's got the complete measure of Bea. By the same token, I dont want Freddie to leave, because THAT is Bea's plan - thus the SUDDEN revulsion towards Freddie.

Now she wants nothing to with Marcus ever again (and said so to his face) - Siavash will be next Nod
Originally posted by langster:
Great report Thumbs Up

I would like to add a bit more though.

They did steal the cider and Bea said it was ok to steal from Freddie because he is not cool and various other unpleasant things about Freddie to justify drinking the cider.. Charlie then hid the cider down the side of the bus stop.

Bea got completely Pwned by Marcus and continually brought Freddie up again and again, and she also continually looked to Charlie for back up, but to his credit (or not) he stayed quiet and tried to mediate after it all erupted. Marcus banged on and on about her projecting situations on to people and the fact she had it all backwards and was blame-shifting etc. She denied it all. Throughout the entire argument/discussion Marcus never once lost his cool or raised his voice. She constantly shouted back and called him all sorts of names. It was an attempt to again asassinate Freddie, but when she realised it was to no avail, she turned on Marcus and basically tried to do exactly what she did to Freddie the other day, but Marcus wasn't having ANY OF IT.

Charlie sat there with a dumb blank look on his face throughout and even admitted he wasn't really listening, but I wonder if that's just an excuse because he can't sympathise or empathise with people he doesn't like, I.E. Freddie. So he said at the end that he agreed with both of them. Fence sitting moron!

She said she felt bullied and Marcus was a bully. She felt victimised and she started to cry after she realised she had been harping on and on about it all. She then lost the plot and was rude and pathetic and went to the DR.

Then Freddie got up laughing about it all and Charlie laid in to him and told him to go back to bed. Then Marcus said it's best you go back to bed as he didn't want Freddie making a tit of himself and ruining Marcus's chances of going. So he went back to bed.

There was sooooooooooo much more as well. It's probably best (if anyone gives a shit) to go back and check all the early morning threads. There were over a dozen highlighting various talking points and hotspots in the evenings events.

Thanks Langster Thumbs Up Yes.........I saw all that too
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Bea brought Freddie into the conversation at every opportunity she got (talk about obsessed). Marcus pulled her up on it more than once. Lets not forget the Fredster was in bed at the time, he WAS asleep until they (Bea and Charlie) started rummaging around in his drawer (directly underneath him) for things to nick.

I dont like Marcus but he was BRILLIANT last night. I dont want him to leave because he's got the complete measure of Bea. By the same token, I dont want Freddie to leave, because THAT is Bea's plan - thus the SUDDEN revulsion towards Freddie.

Now she wants nothing to with Marcus ever again (and said so to his face) - Siavash will be next Nod

I know......its a right royal dilemma this week isnt it? I just wish it wasn't these two up against each other Frowner
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

That's what I'm praying for. It can't end like this!
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

There were rumours of a secret room a few weeks go but so far nothing. If BB really have one this would be the perfect week to use it but are BB on top of the game this year? so far it doesn't look like it
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

That's what I'm praying for. It can't end like this!

I know Jenny believe me I feel your pain Frowner and I could literally scream when I think of some of the dead wood that will be still in there
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

There were rumours of a secret room a few weeks go but so far nothing. If BB really have one this would be the perfect week to use it but are BB on top of the game this year? so far it doesn't look like it

It would be the perfect time wouldnt it Yellow Rose....after all theres still 3 weeks to are they going to keep it alive until the final? Ahh well I guess we can only keep our fingers crossed that BB have something up their sleeve eh?
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

That's what I'm praying for. It can't end like this!

I know Jenny believe me I feel your pain Frowner and I could literally scream when I think of some of the dead wood that will be still in there

After Freddie or Marcus leave Team Negative will set their sights on the one who stays and Siav. What an utterly boring end to BB if this happens
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Well its silly oclock again.....all the HMs are in bed......what the eck am I still doing up? Dreading tomorrow night.........wouldnt it be great if there was still a twist.......whereby the one who is evicted gets to stay in a secret room and goes back in a week later to wind them all up.........nah....who am i's just not happening this year Frowner

That's what I'm praying for. It can't end like this!

I know Jenny believe me I feel your pain Frowner and I could literally scream when I think of some of the dead wood that will be still in there

After Freddie or Marcus leave Team Negative will set their sights on the one who stays and Siav. What an utterly boring end to BB if this happens

Yes I agree......surely BB are not going to sit back and let that happen......its far too predictable Frowner

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