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You take pot shots at me all the time and I let it go. is that not enough
I haven't taken potshots at you, but deegs is quite right when she wonders why you and several other FM who have had several IDs and have been banned are allowed back, whereas she is not. You were nowhere near this forum when she started earlier today, but the jungle drums obviously played on FB and suddenly there you are. Why interfere with something you had nothing to do with?
cologne 1
OK all I am going to say is

I have NEVER been Banned from here EVER not once. I have one ID its this one.

I have had other names on other forums but so what my friends know who I am and that is all that matters.

It is actually my right to have any name I like and to have as much privacy as I like on here.

Rucks can be funny and I am guilty as the next person for pointing and laughing or dropping the odd house but nothing to get me banned.  I got here today under my own steam. My joke about traffic being a bitch was because my internet was down and it i (probably) paraphrased a quote from a  film.

Ok said more than I meant to rant over.

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