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Now I'm a hardened meat eater (and I was very careful how I typed that ). 


So over the weekend I bought some beef cheeks to try, after seeing them quite cheap in Tesco and remembering seeing a recipe on 'Something for the Weekend' a while back.


Anyway, I cooked the cheeks according to the recipe and it all smelled very delicious.  However, when it came to eating it, all I could think was "I'm eating a face".  Today, Mr Cinds, who had also been looking very forward to the delicious smelling dish also admitted that he just couldn't stomach it knowing it was an animals face.


So my question is to the carnivores of the forum, is there any part of an animal that you really just couldn't eat?

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On Come Dine With Me this evening, a woman reckoned she had eaten monkey brains while the monkey was still alive. No way could I do that, it wouldn't even occur to me to eat part of an animal whilst it was still alive  

I used to eat a fair bit of offal and meat when I was younger but my intake has reduced by about 99% now since I became aware that I was esating animals and their bits 

Originally Posted by Syd:

Silly really cos we eat the "Rump", and all the cow has done is chew the cud wiv it's cheeks....but I know what you mean.      (I have never had the Cheek, wish you had tried it to give us an opinion) 

I did try it Syd, that's what I meant when I said all I could think was I'm eating a face.  To be honest it didn't have the meat consistency what other cuts have, and you would think that it's probably the main muscle the beast uses it would be quite tough, but it wasn't, the only way I can describe it is, that it felt spongey. 

Originally Posted by San:

On Come Dine With Me this evening, a woman reckoned she had eaten monkey brains while the monkey was still alive. 

Wasn't there a video that circulated years ago called 'faces of death' where is showed a group of men eating the brains of a monkey while it was still alive?


I think that was what inspired one of the Thomas Harris books, I think it was Hannibal, where in the film they eat Ray Liottas brains.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I did try it Syd, that's what I meant when I said all I could think was I'm eating a face.  To be honest it didn't have the meat consistency what other cuts have, and you would think that it's probably the main muscle the beast uses it would be quite tough, but it wasn't, the only way I can describe it is, that it felt spongey. 

Was it a bit like liver?  I like liver, I know a lot don't but I like the texture.

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I did try it Syd, that's what I meant when I said all I could think was I'm eating a face.  To be honest it didn't have the meat consistency what other cuts have, and you would think that it's probably the main muscle the beast uses it would be quite tough, but it wasn't, the only way I can describe it is, that it felt spongey. 

Was it a bit like liver?  I like liver, I know a lot don't but I like the texture.

No, I like liver too, either lambs or calves, not pigs though.  I can't describe the texture apart from spongey, but not in a liver way. 


No! I used to eat meat as a kid and I loved tongue sandwiches until one day I asked my mum "Why is it called tongue?" and she replied "Why do you think?"


Couldn't eat it after that. I was always a bit squeamish about meat eating even as a kid. My mum said that she always knew I would become a veggie at some point - don't think she reckoned on the veganism though!

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

No! I used to eat meat as a kid and I loved tongue sandwiches until one day I asked my mum "Why is it called tongue?" and she replied "Why do you think?"


Couldn't eat it after that. I was always a bit squeamish about meat eating even as a kid. My mum said that she always knew I would become a veggie at some point - don't think she reckoned on the veganism though!

 I really do admire you're stance, and totally understand it all.  


But sadly I don't think I could ever give it all up totally.  I love a glass of milk, and I love eating eggs.  I know I can do without eating meat, because I have in the past when I just simply couldn't afford it.


I used to have, what I can only describe as a 'die hard vegetarian' as a neighbour, and she would verbally attack all of the time about us eating meat etc etc, but then when I pointed out she was wearing leather shoes she didn't like it.  


We used to laugh because the husband wasn't a vegetarian but it was enforced upon him by her, and you could always find him milling around the bottom of our garden when we were having a bbq.  And I always used to joke that one day we would find her kids hiding in our parking space eating a greggs sausage roll.

Originally Posted by Renton:

We live on the border of Northumberland so its all sheep country

To see those tiny lil babies bouncing around the fields and knowing their fate is so upsetting

Obviously you know I am from your neck of the woods.  


My Dad was a policeman and he once brought home a lamb that he had found after being hit by cars.   What Dad has told me, even as an adult, he brought it home with the intent to kill it for meat, but we had saw it under the cover in the outside loo.  So it 'Frisky' lived with us until it was a full grown sheep.  NO we never ate her, she went to live on my uncles farm.  


I've mentioned before that in Bulgaria I was given the option of dishes based around brains ("creamy" and - I think - "fried" were the options). I like to consider myself fairly experimental, but that definitely came under the "beyond the pale" category...


Also: when I was a kid, tripe was one of the very, very few things that literally made me sick...


Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I've mentioned before that in Bulgaria I was given the option of dishes based around brains ("creamy" and - I think - "fried" were the options). I like to consider myself fairly experimental, but that definitely came under the "beyond the pale" category...


Also: when I was a kid, tripe was one of the very, very few things that literally made me sick...


I have never tried any of the above for the same reason i would not try "Brains Faggots" 

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I've mentioned before that in Bulgaria I was given the option of dishes based around brains ("creamy" and - I think - "fried" were the options). I like to consider myself fairly experimental, but that definitely came under the "beyond the pale" category...


Also: when I was a kid, tripe was one of the very, very few things that literally made me sick...


I've never eaten tripe either.  The 'hairy' description puts me right off.

Originally Posted by Syd:


I have never tried any of the above for the same reason i would not try "Brains Faggots" 

I used to love Brians Faggots - but just couldn't face them now. Anything that has been 'mechanically extracted' - sausages, burgers etc make me want to puke.


I cooked rabbit once - but couldn't bring myself to eat it

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Syd:


I have never tried any of the above for the same reason i would not try "Brains Faggots" 

I used to love Brians Faggots - but just couldn't face them now. Anything that has been 'mechanically extracted' - sausages, burgers etc make me want to puke.


I cooked rabbit once - but couldn't bring myself to eat it

We used to breed rabbits. So rabbit with black pudding was what I was fed as a child. I'd love to see master cinds face if I fed him that.


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