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Originally Posted by Issy:

To be fair, I do not think that the viewers are intellectually challenged - we know this from the people on here. But I have to laugh when the people that say this, then happily admit in the next breath to watching every soap on the TV.

I HATE soap operas  but wouldn't even presume to make a remark about the intellect of folk that watch them religiously.

We all do things that relax us in different ways.,..

I am just the sort of bloke that will admit to watching bb without a second thought I don't care if people think it is rubbish I like it.

Originally Posted by neil3842:
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

Em I can read fine you posted


"I posted too saying BB? OMG what a loser, then went back to C4 to post unspeakably insulting comments aimed at my least favourite HM at the time "


So did you or did you not post saying BB? OMG what a loser?


Of course I did, I was on a football forum. Mate, you're embarrassing yourself here. Go back and read my original post again.

Not that it matters but you tell me I can't read and you never called them losers. Yet when I point you to the part where you did, I am embarrassing myself. I never said you did it here. But why do it on a football forum why not simpley say nothing.


Jesus H Christ. I am male and I like BB. If men who like BB are losers, so am I. I was laughing AT the people on the football forum who felt obliged to hate BB even though they probably fekkin watch it. I honestly can't believe I am having to go to such extreme lengths to explain this.

Originally Posted by Prometheus:


Jesus H Christ. I am male and I like BB. If men who like BB are losers, so am I. I was laughing AT the people on the football forum who felt obliged to hate BB even though they probably fekkin watch it. I honestly can't believe I am having to go to such extreme lengths to explain this.

Very well explained...

Originally Posted by Karma_:

The LUTers were on mostly through the day and early evening to cover the live feed that most people couldn't see weren't they? I know Olly and Angel were regular LUTers and they're definitely not night owls (or insomniacs).


Live feed was always available on C4 (or E4 - one of the 2) from about 1am onwards anyway.


Which just goes to prove how much notice I took

Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

The LUTers were on mostly through the day and early evening to cover the live feed that most people couldn't see weren't they? I know Olly and Angel were regular LUTers and they're definitely not night owls (or insomniacs).


Live feed was always available on C4 (or E4 - one of the 2) from about 1am onwards anyway.


Which just goes to prove how much notice I took

Hate to say this, but why are you worrying about how much notice others took? 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

The LUTers were on mostly through the day and early evening to cover the live feed that most people couldn't see weren't they? I know Olly and Angel were regular LUTers and they're definitely not night owls (or insomniacs).


Live feed was always available on C4 (or E4 - one of the 2) from about 1am onwards anyway.


Which just goes to prove how much notice I took

Hate to say this, but why are you worrying about how much notice others took? 

I'm not... just makes me laugh at myself cos I am rabbiting on about lutting at night and it happened more in the day.

So clearly I am talking a load of old drivel which actually is not unusual for me.,...

Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Should I LUT this thread?


Only if you are unbiased.....and don't mention my embroidery.........or plump pink teddy making.....

The viewers deserve to know the truth


Unless Velvet can LUT 15mins behind, then we can edit..

The truth is I have run out of stuffing...........nite nite.....xx


i think alot of people men AND women pretend they don't like it.........and watch it.......the amount of times someone has said to me (and these are people who've said 'it's crap..i dunno why you watch it..awful programme)....'has that john james been evicted yet'...or 'what were victor and shell arguing about last night?'........closets!!!!........


That's strange in my group of male friends I would say its about 50/50 as to who watches and who doesn't. We're all straight...i think...but the ones who do watch can happily talk about it to one another, whilst the others that don't just grumble in the corner and 'judge' us.


Saying that though, I was getting a bit fed up with BB, dunno if im going to get into it on Channel just doesn't seem right.

Originally Posted by Prometheus:

It's okay for all you women freely blabbing about BB here there and everywhere but we men have to hide it. I just wanted to point out how blatantly unfair life is, or something.

I've always been out  when it comes to BB,....why hide it,  I've never been ashamed of watching any TV show, my lists of likes in life, BB is highbrow compared to some.  

I'm sure we've done this before, however I will repeat that I've never been embarrassed by my previous support for BB. Initial interest was sparked by the old Civil Defence experiments involving people together in small spaces, and various role play stuff at University. Fantastic early series peaking with Galloway, burns and co celeb version. Alas! It's more or less been downhill since then. I haven't bothered with the last two.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I kind of agree neil3842, might as well say nothing, unless you're in a trolling mood.

Nothing wrong with a bit of trolling in the right place.

Me I go on the Daily Mail forum and do it

That Daily Mail forum gets quite a lot of anti-coalition comments.  Oddly, the DM can't decide whether it wants to love or loathe the coalition and often has stories that cast them in a negative light.  I get the feeling the online version of the DM is a little bit different in readership to the print version.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I kind of agree neil3842, might as well say nothing, unless you're in a trolling mood.

Nothing wrong with a bit of trolling in the right place.

Me I go on the Daily Mail forum and do it

That Daily Mail forum gets quite a lot of anti-coalition comments.  Oddly, the DM can't decide whether it wants to love or loathe the coalition and often has stories that cast them in a negative light.  I get the feeling the online version of the DM is a little bit different in readership to the print version.

Oh its dead funny. Actually the people who contribute to the main pages are pretty much bog standard DM readers but the ones on the forum are kind of more normal... they are the ones who are most likely to be anti coalition - apart from a couple of T****rs on the news forum... I got into a right old ding dong on there with two of them about public sector workers.


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