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I always write to the chairperson of the organisation.

I got really fed up with our local sainsburys a few years ago. They seemed to stock the shelves on a saturday morning, leave big stacking trollies everywhere and the staff seemed more interested in talking to each other than helping customers.

The number of times I used to move these things out of the way so I ( and others ) could get by.,


I got cross in the end and wrote a STINKING letter to the head honcho suggesting that he sent his staff for retraining at Morrisons



Result? An accompanied shop with the store manager who did not warn her staff she was doing it and saw the hazards and I got a whole week shopping half price.


Another time I went with my daughter to the local M and S cafe. She ordered a sandwich as did I .

She got hers and waited for mine to arrive.

30 mins later nothing - so I advised her to eat it.

I went and asked for a refund and then complained about the shoddy service to the store manager and got a huge bouquet of flowers for being inconvenienced.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

ïŧŋïŧŋïŧŋ  I have 2 dogs and I've seen me go back to where they have been with a bucket of water to swill it away when they have had an upset stomach and it's impossible to pick it up.





that image  was rather  too much info, not you  with buckets of water  but the diluting  of the poo....



Are you now complaining about me being a responsible pet owner? 


as a dog owner I bloody hate other dog owners that don't pick up after their dog, or even worse.. owners that allow their dog to go free and crap where ever...   its one of the few things I will go apeshit at someone over...    they give us all a bad name.


Apart from that I tend to be one of those people that doesn't complain until something reaches a certain point... and then I go all ranty and sometimes a little sweary...  its not good.   I find its better to get husband to deal with things like that, he manages to keep his voice level, and remains articulate and doesn't end up effing & jeffing in an outraged hissy fit (like I do).


I had asked the person who's dog kept pooping on my front path & garden - nicely (usually not me but I liked the dog). I'd even supplied them with poopa bags as I too have dogs & know that sometimes you may get caught out. All I got was a grunt so I photographed them & their dog a few more times & then picked it up & smeared it all over their windows at the front of their house. Hasn't happened since.




Mind you - I could have done that to the woman who pushed her dog onto my front lawn to crouch down ... when I banged on the window and told her to go she said 'it's aright, I have a bag'.


So I went outside with a bottle of bleach and squirted it on the lawn (not near the dog).


The lawn has never recovered ...

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:

The dog two doors down used to shit in our garden - so we built a big fence. It kept their kid out, too, who was always coming in after a ball.

Blimey  you have posh neighbours deman, my neighbours only get as far as the local  karaoke most nights


There used to be this loony one in an adjacent street whose garden backed onto ours. She came round once acting loopy, trying to claim we were throwing catshit into her garden. We pointed out she had several cats, while we had none. Stupid cow - she moved out not long after.

Originally Posted by Abo:

I had asked the person who's dog kept pooping on my front path & garden - nicely (usually not me but I liked the dog). I'd even supplied them with poopa bags as I too have dogs & know that sometimes you may get caught out. All I got was a grunt so I photographed them & their dog a few more times & then picked it up & smeared it all over their windows at the front of their house. Hasn't happened since.



I will never forget one day I was coming home from work I stood on dogs poo how I never saw it I will never know it must have been a pretty big dog my shoe  was full of it,I had to go through my garage door leave my shoes in there,had to put the hose pipe on my shoes before I could even attempt to clean them properly the smell was appalling there are plenty of doggy poop bins were I live ..I use them it is the right thing to do.I used to have the cats pooing in my front garden every time I wanted to plant and started digging there it was,one cat used the same spot and it always killed my plants,I have got brick pavers in my front now with plant pots and dont have that problem, I would get angry if a dog owner let their dog do its buisness in my garden and I would ask them to please keep their dog off my property...oh and I tried everything to keep the cats away from my plants.. pepper etc etc none of it ever worked ....  

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I am so sick of how easily placated, passive, compliant, obedient and generally pussy whipped people are.

What the feck is wrong with people? Why don't they complain, rant, rail, shout, scream and rebel?

Why are they happy just plodding along, constantly having the piss taken out of them? 

"Well I don't like to make a fuss dear."

Well I fecking do and you're making me look like a loon.

Your utter passivity and refusal to stick your head above the parapet for a single second makes those of us who do look like unreasonable lunatics.

Now it may well be true that I am both unreasonable and a lunatic.

But that's really not the point. 

I thought this was about this forum until I got to the next part

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

as a dog owner I bloody hate other dog owners that don't pick up after their dog, or even worse.. owners that allow their dog to go free and crap where ever...   its one of the few things I will go apeshit at someone over...    they give us all a bad name.



I've been known to boil my bags at people who do it too (usually when I was out walking my own dog). And I'm usually such a quiet, placid soul!

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

as a dog owner I bloody hate other dog owners that don't pick up after their dog, or even worse.. owners that allow their dog to go free and crap where ever...   its one of the few things I will go apeshit at someone over...    they give us all a bad name.

Is that better than going dogshit at them?

Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by Abo:

I had asked the person who's dog kept pooping on my front path & garden - nicely (usually not me but I liked the dog). I'd even supplied them with poopa bags as I too have dogs & know that sometimes you may get caught out. All I got was a grunt so I photographed them & their dog a few more times & then picked it up & smeared it all over their windows at the front of their house. Hasn't happened since.


with 2 pairs of rubber gloves & the poopa turned inside out. Cause as I pointed out I had poopa bags


These days if you don't complain you don't get


Regarding dog mess......a woman along the road had one of these small yappy dogs that she let poo everywhere and never picked it up.....The day it did it's business outside my gates, I went and told her to pick it up. Needless to say she didn't. As I was the owner of a seven stone sheepdog at the time, who could make much bigger poos than her rat, I waited until potty time and led my dog along the road where it did a large piece of business outside her gates.....the rat did not poo all over pavements again

Originally Posted by Kaytee:

These days if you don't complain you don't get


Regarding dog mess......a woman along the road had one of these small yappy dogs that she let poo everywhere and never picked it up.....The day it did it's business outside my gates, I went and told her to pick it up. Needless to say she didn't. As I was the owner of a seven stone sheepdog at the time, who could make much bigger poos than her rat, I waited until potty time and led my dog along the road where it did a large piece of business outside her gates.....the rat did not poo all over pavements again


I haven't got a dog, but I could send Mr Blizz...  


I complain about EVERYTHING that hacks me off.  The phrase that really gets my goat up is 'that's our company policy'.  The amount of people I have lifted out of it for saying that to me   Or the other one, 'that's not what it says on my screen here'....that is like a red flag to a bull with me.


I have also been known to fly off the handle at the wrong person however.  One time I rang a local school because they were erecting a fence behind my parents' house.  I tore strips off the principal, turned out directory enquiries had put me through to the wrong school   I had to apologise profusely


Another time i rang this religious group who kept posting religious pamphlets through our door.  I told her there was a 'no junk mail' sign on our door and could their delivery people not read.  Turned out their 'delivery people' were our next door neighbours


My dog's a male but for 3 years he went wee wee like a girl (not cocking his leg up). He also would never, ever do a number 2 outside, but would wait until we got home and do it in the garden where he usually does his stuff.


The one day I thought 'oh what's the point of taking the bag with me carrying all this stuff - he never craps outside' the little sod went and done it. I had to traipse all the way home and get the appropriate bits and pieces, traipse all the friggin way back and clear it up. (Only cos I didn't want to get a fine )


The upside was that was also the first day he went wee wee like a boy! I was jumping around and squealing and clapping my hands and telling everyone who went past about the wondrous event


Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

as a dog owner I bloody hate other dog owners that don't pick up after their dog, or even worse.. owners that allow their dog to go free and crap where ever...   its one of the few things I will go apeshit at someone over...    they give us all a bad name.



I've been known to boil my bags at people who do it too (usually when I was out walking my own dog). And I'm usually such a quiet, placid soul!



indeed...  tis most out of character 

Originally Posted by Temps:

I complain about EVERYTHING that hacks me off.  The phrase that really gets my goat up is 'that's our company policy'.  The amount of people I have lifted out of it for saying that to me   Or the other one, 'that's not what it says on my screen here'....that is like a red flag to a bull with me.


I have also been known to fly off the handle at the wrong person however.  One time I rang a local school because they were erecting a fence behind my parents' house.  I tore strips off the principal, turned out directory enquiries had put me through to the wrong school   I had to apologise profusely


Another time i rang this religious group who kept posting religious pamphlets through our door.  I told her there was a 'no junk mail' sign on our door and could their delivery people not read.  Turned out their 'delivery people' were our next door neighbours

well done temps,  that's what i like to see people  being infuriated  by  jobsworths, and quite rightly so.


I had a  run in  with  the electricity company  that sent me a  bill for  ÂĢ620 one  quarter, my bill was usually  about ÂĢ70.

I spoke the  the jobsworth on the phone  , he was eager to speak  to me at first,was probably having a slow day and   theres a limit on the amount  of times  he can skive off to the  toilets, so initailly the  enconter started out well


He said, after a  few clicks and a concilliatory' won't keep you a minute' just getting the right  screen  up,haha'

We were getting long famously....

''it says on the screen that your bill is ÂĢ620, if you have  problems paying your bill....'


At which point i said'' yes i know it is  ÂĢ620, i told you that not  5  minutes  ago,and  i do have a problem  paying this bill   because i don't   owe you it''


''Oh,  that's not what it says on the screen''


I  exhaled   an explative, he  got pouty  and refused to speak to me  ever gain,   i would have  been  sad about this  but in  fairness we hardly knew each other anyway and didn't think on balance i'd miss him that much, so I asked him to transfer me to some  one who  could help me and not get upset  and hurt, and  some one who wasn't goning to  cry would  be nice too.


 he  said he wouldnt, i used another  exppletive,  we never spoke again...


I never paid the ÂĢ620 either...

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Temps:
''it says on the screen that your bill is ÂĢ620, if you have  problems paying your bill....'




I'm sure you could... but if you couldn't... Temps has some very good tips for getting extra cash that involve hanging around supermarkets with a half drunk cup of coffee....

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

good heavens! karma  can get cross?  well  whoda thought it...


Well, quite! x



But yes, it cannot be denied that I do enjoy a bit of a rant now and again. I had a go at the gate in the park earlier cos it swung back too fast and smacked me on the backside. Then the old fella from across the road with a face like a scrotum went speeding past me again in his Clarks springers so I had a pop at him an all. Quite a good day


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