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I am so sick of how easily placated, passive, compliant, obedient and generally pussy whipped people are.

What the feck is wrong with people? Why don't they complain, rant, rail, shout, scream and rebel?

Why are they happy just plodding along, constantly having the piss taken out of them? 

"Well I don't like to make a fuss dear."

Well I fecking do and you're making me look like a loon.

Your utter passivity and refusal to stick your head above the parapet for a single second makes those of us who do look like unreasonable lunatics.

Now it may well be true that I am both unreasonable and a lunatic.

But that's really not the point. 

When i have a genuine  grievance like the  problem i have with my neighbours dogs, he has  two! yes  two of them in flat, does he walk them  once or twice a day, of ourse he fecking doesn't, does he retrieve the ensuing  mess they leave all over the communal areas?  no of   course he fecking doesn't, he just opens the  door and lets them go, crapping  everywhere but mostly outside my flat.

So I take issue with him and ask him to  train  his dogs to  crap  outside his flat and not mine, the look of shock and  horror on his fat, spotty neanderthal face  is burned into my memory banks for ever, he was outraged! yes i kid you not,  he  was  dumfounded that anyone   would ever find him  or his dogs   or their excrement in any way  an issue,he looked at me as if i as somehow unbalanced and possibly dangerous ( well tbf i was getting to the point of wanting to pin him to the  ground and stab him as much as possible before anyone noticed) but that's beside the point.




It's all you   complacent , placid people I  blame.


Stop being like that!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We used to have a really bad tempered and argumentative neighbour - a cat (possibly ours) used to regularly crap in her garden and she had a real go at my husband about it.


He smiled and said 'but it's taken me ages to train her to do that'.


She did crack her face ..............the thing is you don't really have much control over cats - they do their own thing as and when they please.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

the thing is you don't really have much control over cats - they do their own thing as and when they please.

We throw the cat poo over into the neighbour's garden - they have 6 cats so it's a fair bet that it belongs to them. 


I put cut holly over bits of the garden that the cats really like to poo on. One day my husband through some cat poo over the fence and it had a bit of holly embedded in it. It landed on top of the neighbour's shed.


I bet they looked at their cats a bit funny

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

the thing is you don't really have much control over cats - they do their own thing as and when they please.

We throw the cat poo over into the neighbour's garden - they have 6 cats so it's a fair bet that it belongs to them. 


I put cut holly over bits of the garden that the cats really like to poo on. One day my husband through some cat poo over the fence and it had a bit of holly embedded in it. It landed on top of the neighbour's shed.


I bet they looked at their cats a bit funny


Our cat buries hers under the neighbours tree...


Sprinkle pepper Rexi - they hate that 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:

My dog will only shit in my garden....and then only the left hand side of the path....

My dog's like that, Croc. We can take her on a five mile walk and she'll still wait till we get back home before she'll go for a poo, in our garden.

Yep...thats it....I reckon she holds it till we get back.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:

My dog will only shit in my garden....and then only the left hand side of the path....

My dog's like that, Croc. We can take her on a five mile walk and she'll still wait till we get back home before she'll go for a poo, in our garden.

Yep...thats it....I reckon she holds it till we get back.

On the positive side, it means we never have to walk around, carrying one of those used dog poo bags.


i have more than once stomped round my neighbours house with me hair like him out of flock of seagulls..dressing gown on an wearing me spongebob slippers to tell them to stfu when their chuffin awful rap music either keeps me awake..or wakes me up at half seven on a sunday morning.......


thankfully they got the message.........i think the sight of me frightened them to death....


I get what you`re saying JB. 


I`m not confrontational but I say my piece when I think it`s right to.


A bloke at my local Spar is the rudest most ignorant moron ever to grace the til in any Spar in the whole wide world. He treats customers like muck on his shoes. 

I eventually told him that.


His answer: Good.


Caught on camera. 


He got the boot.   


Being German, I'm supposed to find it easy to complain, but I never used to. I always kept my mouth shut for instance when I went to the hairdresser and the end result was horrific. I'd smile, say very nice, pay and run home to wash my hair. If a meal in a restaurant wasn't very nice, I'd say I had a small appetite, etc. Not any more. Since I passed 50, I don't really care anymore. If my hair looks shoite at the hairdresser's, I'll say so and ask them to change it. I'm not prepared to pay money anymore for things that don't meet my approval.

cologne 1

I never complain, i get all shy and embarrassed, until every now and then when i know im in the right and someone is blatantly doing something wrong, then i go mental I have no issue standing in the middle of morrisons shouting at the shopkeeper while the whole store comes to a stop to listen. then i return to an oasis of calm


I tend not to complain about 'little things,' can't be doing with getting worked up into a frenzy about sod all....but, if I think someone is seriously taking the piss, then I'll definitely have my say, not in a shouty, red in the face, burst a blood vessel, give myself a coronary kind of way, but definitely have my say nonetheless.... Someone's dog's repeatedly crapping outside of my door would definitely fall into that category

JB, you could suggest he buys a couple of these

Originally Posted by jacksonb:


When i have a genuine  grievance like the  problem i have with my neighbours dogs, he has  two! yes  two of them in flat, does he walk them  once or twice a day, of ourse he fecking doesn't, does he retrieve the ensuing  mess they leave all over the communal areas?  no of   course he fecking doesn't, he just opens the  door and lets them go, crapping  everywhere but mostly outside my flat.

So I take issue with him and ask him to  train  his dogs to  crap  outside his flat and not mine, the look of shock and  horror on his fat, spotty neanderthal face  is burned into my memory banks for ever, he was outraged! yes i kid you not,  he  was  dumfounded that anyone   would ever find him  or his dogs   or their excrement in any way  an issue,he looked at me as if i as somehow unbalanced and possibly dangerous ( well tbf i was getting to the point of wanting to pin him to the  ground and stab him as much as possible before anyone noticed) but that's beside the point.


The dog crappola issue boils my blood.  We have neighbours who think their dog has the right to dump its load anywhere, on more than one occasion I have challenged them about it, the first was when it was taking a dump on another neighbours lawn, and when I pointed it out the response I got was 'oh well they're not in'   I said 'OK next time you're not home I'll bring my 2 up to crap on your lawn'.  


They also take it around to the communal grassed area behind another neighbours house where the children in the street (used) to like to play, they can't now as it's full of their dogs crap. What's more annoying is, that if they could be bothered to walk another 2 minutes there's a fantastically huge field where they could let the dog actually run, although I would still be pee'd off if they didn't pick his crap up.  I have 2 dogs and I've seen me go back to where they have been with a bucket of water to swill it away when they have had an upset stomach and it's impossible to pick it up.



Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:


It's all you   complacent , placid people I  blame.


Stop being like that!

and being like you, stressed eric, will put you in an early grave .... don't worry about me. I am generally placid .... but if I feel the need to complain about something, then I will

That`s exactly what JB did. 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I don't seek aggro even when I know I'm in the right    


It`s not about aggro velvet, it`s about not letting others walk all over you and yours.  


I don`t seek aggro either, I avoid it like the plague but sometimes you have to stand up and be counted. 

Apologies for the cliche but it`s all I could think of. 


My husband is also a gold medalist complainer: if he's going to pay for something, he wants it to be right.


We have a family story about this: we took all the kids and their significant others out to a nice restaurant for a meal.  The waiter made himself scarce almost immediately.  Bob finally got his attention, and the first thing he said to him was, "We're going to need a LOT more attention around here", complete with the bushy eyebrows meeting. We had very good service after that.

Originally Posted by Lori:

My husband is also a gold medalist complainer: if he's going to pay for something, he wants it to be right.


We have a family story about this: we took all the kids and their significant others out to a nice restaurant for a meal.  The waiter made himself scarce almost immediately.  Bob finally got his attention, and the first thing he said to him was, "We're going to need a LOT more attention around here", complete with the bushy eyebrows meeting. We had very good service after that.

Your hubby sounds a lot like mine, Lori.

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I don't seek aggro even when I know I'm in the right    


It`s not about aggro velvet, it`s about not letting others walk all over you and yours.  


I don`t seek aggro either, I avoid it like the plague but sometimes you have to stand up and be counted. 

Apologies for the cliche but it`s all I could think of. 

Well, you're right.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Lori:

My husband is also a gold medalist complainer: if he's going to pay for something, he wants it to be right.


We have a family story about this: we took all the kids and their significant others out to a nice restaurant for a meal.  The waiter made himself scarce almost immediately.  Bob finally got his attention, and the first thing he said to him was, "We're going to need a LOT more attention around here", complete with the bushy eyebrows meeting. We had very good service after that.

I'd be standing to attention.

I did waitressing when I studied.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I don't seek aggro even when I know I'm in the right    


It`s not about aggro velvet, it`s about not letting others walk all over you and yours.  


I don`t seek aggro either, I avoid it like the plague but sometimes you have to stand up and be counted. 

Apologies for the cliche but it`s all I could think of. 

Well, you're right.

Thanks cologne. I understand velvet`s circumstance - hence ma apology.   


ïŧŋïŧŋïŧŋ  I have 2 dogs and I've seen me go back to where they have been with a bucket of water to swill it away when they have had an upset stomach and it's impossible to pick it up.





that image  was rather  too much info, not you  with buckets of water  but the diluting  of the poo....


anyways i discovered   that in the covenant of the common areas it is written in  writing, that pets   are not permiited to  be  kept.


Happy daze!


I dash of a wordy complaint to The  Guardians of the Covenant  ( whilst wondering if ive inadvertently fallen into an indiana jones movie) and  three days later, the dogs  and their crap are no more. 

The mouth breather next door isn';t speaking to me, which is quite a relief in it's self, and all my neighbours appear to be very busy   with their heads under car  bonnets,  or intently examining the floor anytime i walk past.


Its because it's not polite to complain, i just know it...

Originally Posted by jacksonb:


I dash of a wordy complaint to The  Guardians of the Covenant  ( whilst wondering if ive inadvertently fallen into an indiana jones movie) and  three days later, the dogs  and their crap are no more. 

The mouth breather next door isn';t speaking to me, which is quite a relief in it's self, and all my neighbours appear to be very busy   with their heads under car  bonnets,  or intently examining the floor anytime i walk past.


Its because it's not polite to complain, i just know it...


Go Indi.. good result.      I used to be a rubbish complainer.. but I've much better at it as I've got older...


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