I am so sick of how easily placated, passive, compliant, obedient and generally pussy whipped people are.
What the feck is wrong with people? Why don't they complain, rant, rail, shout, scream and rebel?
Why are they happy just plodding along, constantly having the piss taken out of them?
"Well I don't like to make a fuss dear."
Well I fecking do and you're making me look like a loon.
Your utter passivity and refusal to stick your head above the parapet for a single second makes those of us who do look like unreasonable lunatics.
Now it may well be true that I am both unreasonable and a lunatic.
But that's really not the point.
When i have a genuine grievance like the problem i have with my neighbours dogs, he has two! yes two of them in flat, does he walk them once or twice a day, of ourse he fecking doesn't, does he retrieve the ensuing mess they leave all over the communal areas? no of course he fecking doesn't, he just opens the door and lets them go, crapping everywhere but mostly outside my flat.
So I take issue with him and ask him to train his dogs to crap outside his flat and not mine, the look of shock and horror on his fat, spotty neanderthal face is burned into my memory banks for ever, he was outraged! yes i kid you not, he was dumfounded that anyone would ever find him or his dogs or their excrement in any way an issue,he looked at me as if i as somehow unbalanced and possibly dangerous ( well tbf i was getting to the point of wanting to pin him to the ground and stab him as much as possible before anyone noticed) but that's beside the point.
It's all you complacent , placid people I blame.
Stop being like that!