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Corin is determined to win whatever it takes.However the taking of her makeup is so wrong,as it is her makeup that is her security blanket.If Corin remains the same  without it then all power to you girl.I suspect she'll overcome it by wearing shades.Blokes have no idea of the significance of makeup to a woman.Especially a woman like Corin, who is already on the cosmetic surgery band wagon.That is why she constantly looks in the mirror,even as soon as she awakes she has a mirror and is applying slap to her face.
Because it gives her the confidence to face the world,as she must feel very insecure without it.Don't forget it's not just her HM's that are seeing her without it ,but this programme is seen in many countries by possibly millions of people.
I hope Corin keeps her cool. She has done brilliantly so far. She would be a a very deserved winner were she to win.

Yes, she is determined to win and yes it would appear she would stop at nothing to stay in the house as long as possible and even win. That is her game-plan: Determination.

Corin has brought so much to the house. Her spirit, compassion. She has been there for so many to them. Rachel 1, Govan, Keeva, Josie, Mario, Ife, Andrew, Laura.. everyone fact if they needed it. Despite outright hostility towards her at times Corin has just got on with it.When you look at the bitching and back biting and double standards in the house, Corin, Mario and Sammy boy come out as the only candidates form the motley crew that is still in the house.

I have a lot of admiration for Corin (after initially disliking her intensely) and learned a lot about determination and making the most of things from watching her.

You go Girl!!! Corin would be a worthy winner indeed.
Dave has told Andrew about Operation Wiggate and, when Andrew objected, told him that it is a task for BBLB.

“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers”

From the Book of Proverbs.

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