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If I was on a game show and fancied one of the other participants, I don't think I would market it as the 'love of my life'. These things have a habit of biting you in the bum and Josie and the crab are going to be bitten in the bum very quickly. He and she are crap people and there is not much that can be marketed apart from a few vaguely naughty pictures. After that, bye bye .
cologne 1
I hope she comes to her senses and runs as fast as she can once she is able get away from him.

However while everyone is picking on Josie for standing by him - foolish as that is of her - let's not forget all the other people in the house who are still supporting him with their friendhip.

Josie may be a fool in love with a prat, but she has shown much more backbone than all the "big strong men" in there who by their inaction when he is being bullying and nasty are implicitly supporting his actions

DS - its just strikes me as desperation on ALL their parts, by not getting involved?  I would LOVE to have done a BB, and this year in particular I would NOT have stood by (sat around in Steve's case) and watch things that are seriously not right.  I WOULD have told JJJ to get their arses out of bed cos its boring, I WOULD have told Ben to tell them all to f*ck off, spesh Dave, I WOULD have told Corin to let rip AND STOOD BY HER instead of crawling into bed with a crab.  I WOULD have given crab-eyes what for, so much so that HE WOULD have crawled out sideways crying his eyes out... I WOULD have asked Steve what the f*ck is he doing there when all he does is sit by himself..... .  RIght at this point I would be questioning farmer giles how the hell she got to the final when all she does is lie in bed/bathroom/top of sofa/garden with a duvet on top or eat and/or both...

However while everyone is picking on Josie for standing by him - foolish as that is of her - let's not forget all the other people in the house who are still supporting him with their friendhip. Josie may be a fool in love with a prat, but she has shown much more backbone than all the "big strong men" in there who by their inaction when he is being bullying and nasty are implicitly supporting his actions

Well said DS
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Reference: ds
I hope she comes to her senses and runs as fast as she can once she is able get away from him. However while everyone is picking on Josie for standing by him - foolish as that is of her - let's not forget all the other people in the house who are still supporting him with their friendhip. Josie may be a fool in love with a prat, but she has shown much more backbone than all the "big strong men" in there who by their inaction when he is being bullying and nasty are implicitly supporting his actions
spot on...........steve was mumbling a few 'yeah out of orders'........and when corin said to dave 'you wouldn't be happy if someone spoke to your wife like that would you?'.......he was so quiet i could barely hear him..............sam still thinks john james is the mutts nutts.....jj is like brokeback mountain with him
spot on...........steve was mumbling a few 'yeah out of orders'........and when corin said to dave 'you wouldn't be happy if someone spoke to your wife like that would you?'.......he was so quiet i could barely hear him.......
No one really piped up, I heard a few mumbles and then they all looked at their shoes! It's been a real boys' club in there this year. It reminds me of when I worked in the City of London. All the men did 'banter' and were 'dynamic and forceful' and the few women there were whiney and bitchy *shrugs*
Reference: Senora
Josie's words are empty and lack conviction or meaning

At least she had some words.  Everyone else seemed perfectly willing to allow Sam's nastiness towards Corin to continue.  I mean, this was going to be day #6 of Sam picking on Corin.  Day #6!!!  Even if you think Josie's words were hollow, they at least had the effect of putting a stop to Sam's antics.  And that's something that no one else in there was willing to do.

All the big men... where were they?  Awful bunch of housemates!!
At least she had some words. Everyone else seemed perfectly willing to allow Sam's nastiness towards Corin to continue. I mean, this was going to be day #6 of Sam picking on Corin. Day #6!!! Even if you think Josie's words were hollow, they at least had the effect of putting a stop to Sam's antics. And that's something that no one else in there was willing to do. All the big men... where were they? Awful bunch of housemates!!
Sorry Spidey she's full of shit...She made that whole speel about JJ1'a attitude to Corin and when she she heard JJ further bragging he had insulted Rachel her less than convincing admonishment with a smug grin, was enough...Then to later see her crawl into bed with him...Just showed a lack of respect for herself, and that her words earlier were empty and meaningless..
Senora Reyes
Reference: DS
Josie may be a fool in love with a prat, but she has shown much more backbone than all the "big strong men" in there who by their inaction when he is being bullying and nasty are implicitly supporting his actions

Even if they miraculously end up spending the rest of their lives together, she won't put up with any shit from him. 
 she has shown much more backbone than all the "big strong men" in there who by their inaction when he is being bullying and nasty are implicitly supporting his actions
Hear, hear, a bully can only thrive in a group atmosphere where they have bystanders supporting them, even if that 'support' is by silence and inaction. Josie is the only one who has really called him out on his behaviour
Even if they miraculously end up spending the rest of their lives together, she won't put up with any shit from him.
Not directed at her,no she won't we saw her put him in his place,directed at others she'll do as she does laugh and tell him not to be a naughty boy...She wasn't laughing yesterday granted but then again it wasn't about Corin,it was tit for tat about him not defending her when her and Sam were at it so basically it was about herself.
Reference: Lee
Not directed at her,no she won't we saw her put him in his place,directed at others she'll do as she does laugh and tell him not to be a naughty boy...She wasn't laughing yesterday granted but then again it wasn't about Corin,it was tit for tat about him not defending her when her and Sam were at it so basically it was about herself.
She didn't laugh when she was standing up for Corin, against Sam, either.

She knows the difference between a serious argument and an absurd ranting session, which she has every right to laugh at. 

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