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RR 'a few years ago' sorry but  Most Liverpool fans can't even remember the days when you were a force in football. 'Glen Johnson good going forward' that's a big help for a DEFENDER eh? Ashley Cole can attack and defend. For Johnson defence is just something that happens to other people he's a liability that's why we got shot of him.

Gerrard scores a hat trick in the Europa and how many in the PL? You may as well just accept it. You've reached your level. Making it into the Europa by finishing 7th because one of the 'proper' teams in the PL won the FA Cup does not make you 'big'.

You'll get better with Carroll he's a good striker who is proven in the PL (that's why Dalglish wanted him). Suarez has proved nothing and is an unknown quantity. Wind your own neck in and may I suggest learn to start giving it the big one when you're not a small-time team with ancient history. Living in the past is not good for players or supporters. We won the double last year, now we're struggling for a CL place. Arsenal have been pants for years and now may well win the PL. 'Now' matters. NOTHING else matters.
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
That's the truth Joe. I love all the footy peeps on here, even the ones we don't really see anymore like Pinky, Crunchy, Green Fairy, Coldy etc etc.
But I don't like quite a few teams and players.
I fekkin hate Stoke and Birmingham with an absolute fiery passion though

I hate United and Rangers. Don't care about Everton much these days because they are shite.

Don't really care for any other team in the Prem, like to see Arsenal and Newcastle do well though.
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
RR 'a few years ago' sorry but  Most Liverpool fans can't even remember the days when you were a force in football. 'Glen Johnson good going forward' that's a big help for a DEFENDER eh? Ashley Cole can attack and defend. For Johnson defence is just something that happens to other people he's a liability that's why we got shot of him.

Gerrard scores a hat trick in the Europa and how many in the PL? You may as well just accept it. You've reached your level. Making it into the Europa by finishing 7th because one of the 'proper' teams in the PL won the FA Cup does not make you 'big'.

You'll get better with Carroll he's a good striker who is proven in the PL (that's why Dalglish wanted him). Suarez has proved nothing and is an unknown quantity. Wind your own neck in and may I suggest learn to start giving it the big one when you're not a small-time team with ancient history. Living in the past is not good for players or supporters. We won the double last year, now we're struggling for a CL place. Arsenal have been pants for years and now may well win the PL. 'Now' matters. NOTHING else matters.

2005 is a 'few years' ago, when was your last European Cup?..oh wait.

Look Prom, I don't hate Chelsea, they don't feature on my radar really. All I know is they gave us Β£50 million which allowed us to buy two great young payers to help our rebuilding, I know we have been shite the last couple of years. Not all clubs are as lucky as Chelsea we had two cancerous owners that tried to run the club into the ground financially and only got rid of them a few months ago. You had Roman throwing money at any problem that faced Chelsea. Chelsea are about to enter a rebuilding stage where the likes of Drogba and Anelka may move on to clubs closer to home, Cole might finally move to Real or Barca because he is still world class. Just give it a couple of years and Chelsea might find themselves in this situation.

Also, you haven't cemented 4th place yet. And as unlikely as it may be we can overtake you- its not impossible, it is certainly feasible but it is unlikely. Like I have said, 8 games on the bounce unbeaten conceding one scoring 9. (Also a goal and a clean sheet in there too courtesy of the boys from Stamford Bridge )
I don't doubt things are looking up for you RR but apart from that one CL win courtesy of beating us through the 'goal that never was' you've been nothing for a long, long time. We were pretty much the same for a long time too. Man U and Arsenal ruled the roost then it was us and Man U now it's Man U and Arsenal again. I'm okay with that, it gets boring the same teams winning every year that's why I think the Scottish league is such a joke.

I just hate people banging on about 'we won this 20 years ago therefore we're 'big'. It's nonsense, it really is. I hate how Liverpool fans always live in the past but I'm liking Liverpool a bit more now since Dalglish took charge. He's a true footballing legend not a fraudulent clueless f*ckwith like Hodgson. I swear I was willing you to lose every game while he was in charge.

Anyway I doubt you'll pip us to a CL place. Roman will sack CA if it looks like we're not going to secure a CL place. The comedy is this: it will be the players to blame, the same ones who will play out of their skins for whoever replaces CA. I hate modern footballers, including many Chelsea players.
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
I don't doubt things are looking up for you RR but apart from that one CL win courtesy of beating us through the 'goal that never was' you've been nothing for a long, long time. We were pretty much the same for a long time too. Man U and Arsenal ruled the roost then it was us and Man U now it's Man U and Arsenal again. I'm okay with that, it gets boring the same teams winning every year that's why I think the Scottish league is such a joke.

I just hate people banging on about 'we won this 20 years ago therefore we're 'big'. It's nonsense, it really is. I hate how Liverpool fans always live in the past but I'm liking Liverpool a bit more now since Dalglish took charge. He's a true footballing legend not a fraudulent clueless f*ckwith like Hodgson. I swear I was willing you to lose every game while he was in charge.

Anyway I doubt you'll pip us to a CL place. Roman will sack CA if it looks like we're not going to secure a CL place. The comedy is this: it will be the players to blame, the same ones who will play out of their skins for whoever replaces CA. I hate modern footballers, including many Chelsea players.

You didn't have to swear too hard under Hodgson. I wish Kenny had been given the job at the start of the year, we would be in a far better position. But for a team that were in the relegation zone before Christmas it is credit to them to come back and potentially challenge 4th place and win a European Cup.

I don't bang on about History, but it is important but I don't constantly go on about it. How do you define a big club though Prom? Liverpool and United have the two of the biggest biggest fan bases in the world, this is well known and both teams have massive fan bases in Asia especially.

The above shows that Liverpool are the third biggest pull for merchandise in Europe only behind Real and Barca. Liverpool are still a massive club it doesn't matter if they are winning trophies or not.  Arsenal haven't won a Trophy since 2004 but they are still a big club. 

Also, for what its worth, I don't believe that Chelsea made a good decision buying Torres when they did. He should have been a Summer buy, the media furore that followed Torres knocked him even more off his game than he already was, also from an outsider point of view it seems to have broken down relations within the Chelsea team, particularly Drogba who I feel particularly sorry for, and I have stated on here before that I admire Drogba as a player even if he does like the odd dive.

As for you lot making fourth, you have a pretty difficult run in ahead of you, as well as the fact your game in hand is against United.
Torres has played really well the last two games he's just under a lot of pressure to score. He's come close but he's taking extra touches he never used to take. I have no sympathy for Drogba. He's like Lampard. Everything has to be all about him or he throws his toys out of the pram. Drogba hasn't played one good game for us for months, before Torres even came along.

I'd be quite happy if we just got rid of him. Anelka and Torres are linking up really well. I define a big club by how much ambition they show and how willing they are to change things if things are going wrong. AND by their recent success, not past. In the last decade we are relatively small time though still bigger than Liverpool in terms of what we've won. Most of Ireland supports Liverpool or Man U never their local teams and it's the same in other countries they look at a club's history and choose who to support that's how they get their fan base. It's more plastic than waving flags I can assure you.

Having a massive legion of gloryhunters who cheerfully ignore the teams in their own countries is not something to be proud of particularly, in my opinion of course. It's exactly that kind of logic that filled the PL with diving foreigners and goalkeepers who can't catch the ball they can only punch it to the opposition who sometimes thank them as they slot the ball into the net. Football ain't what it used to be. I'm off to get my slippers and Bovril.
Morning all *waves*

Meaty, the allocation minimums are laid down by the FA and PL I think. I know a lot of Arsenal fans were furious at the crap allocation that we got from Orient, and now we have to give them about 3000 more tickets for the replay than they would normally get if it was a league game.
The away section at Stamford Bridge always seems really small to me when I'm there I have to say.
Anyway aren't Man City cutting back Man U's allocation of tickets for your home games because of perstistent standing by the Man U fans at previous games? Seems a bit of a convenient decision to me. Away fans nearly always spend the entire game standing at the Emirates and the stewards and old bill only get involved if they are standing on the seats or on the stairs or other out of the norm behaviour
Been reading BM this evening, think the reality is starting to kick in for some fans... changes are always made to successful clubs. Only have to look at the fans the club has attracted since the takeover, the lower working class will soon be priced out and in comes in the middle class.

Yesterday, Chelsea away sells out at 5750 points. Despite this, the club are still selling hospitality packages with tickets in the away end...

Club putting suits before fans... and even in the away fixtures. Prices going up every year. You only have to look at the sh*te the club comes out with... "match day experience" and "supporter satisfaction". Turning into Old Trafford already... it will be interesting to see what the club does next season, come season card renewals they will try and evict the whole east and west stand.... I will still pay up even if they do try it, but even then it won't be the same.
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
 Prices going up every year. You only have to look at the sh*te the club comes out with... "match day experience" and "supporter satisfaction".

Hahahahaha, welcome to the lives of Arsenal supporters mate. The match day experience slogan is the one guaranteed to get the Horrified of Holloway Roadites on the Online Gooner forum ready to explode.
It is a particularly vile piece of Orwellian Newspeak. It happened to footie when the suits from business schools took over. They love spouting that sort of bollux
Looked earlier for tickets to the game... there is hospitality only available at Β£140 a person.

Copied and pasted...
  • Three course pre-match meal (locations to be confirmed)
  • Executive coach transfer from the City of Manchester Stadium to the game
  • Match ticket (in the away end)
  • Match programme
  • Official Manchester City host/ess throughout the day
So it wasnt Chelsea being tight... it was us taking a huge chunk out for the corps Utter sh*te that those of us who have over 4k loyalty points and have been attending for years get put aside so the club can cash in and hand the tickets out to those who may well be attending their first game. This is how opposition supporters get in the away end... a few weeks ago there were complaints that some at Old Trafford were United fans. The tossers managed to buy tickets through our club.
Originally Posted by RZB:
I've just read Dean Richards has passed away aged 36,

V sad,


About Chelsea, none of my business but even i'm annoyed at some of the stick Torres is getting already, he's not near top form at the moment and every player has that at some point in the season but he's just joined a new club and has to get used to how Chelsea play as it's different to having Gerrard just behind supplying the ball at Liverpool so all he can do is continue to stick at it and in time he'll start to regain his confidence and scoring goals.

Mike Dean cup final referee tomorrow.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'll see your roll eyes Darlo and raise you a sweary rant about Mike Dean. he absolutely hates Arsenal. The minute I heard he was in charge I thought we wouldn't win. I'll be ecstatic to be wrong but I think he will let the legbreakers of Birmingham run riot with our players just like that clown Walton did last Wednesday when we played Stoke.
I fekkin hate them all.

RZB - that is really said news about Dean Richards, only 36. They are just saying it was a long illness without any details on Yahoo. What was wrong with him, do you know?
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
RZB - that is really said news about Dean Richards, only 36. They are just saying it was a long illness without any details on Yahoo. What was wrong with him, do you know?

I remember at Spurs a back problem, and a problem with dizzyness, The Beeb reports because of the dizzyness he was checked for a brian tumour, but the test came back clear, the dizzyness was down to an inner ear infection, not sure if a few years later, it was a brain tumouor, They report long term illness,

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