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Originally Posted by RZB:

I like JLS, wouldn't go to see them in concert though.

The BBC1 show with Gabby Logan is alright but I find Garth Crooks irritating after a while...

I prefer having the net rolling on a Saturday, If I'm not at WHL that is,

I like Crooksy, you know we loaned him to you in the eighties,

You booked any tickets to games yet or trying?

Had no idea, theres only so much about football I know lmao.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally Posted by RZB:


You booked any tickets to games yet or trying?

As a seasn ticket holder, I get to buy my seat for the C/L games, I'm actually busy the night of the AC game at WHL, my mates using my seats. it's been a cracking cup run , even if it end in the next round,  The home games have been electric
Yeah should be proud regardless, it will make everyone at Spurs determined to get there again and consistenly aim to challenge for top honours etc.

I need WBA to beat Wolves next week, have good banter with my dad and uncle about it.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):
Yeah should be proud regardless, it will make everyone at Spurs determined to get there again and consistenly aim to challenge for top honours etc.

I think it's going to get harder and harder, apart from Everton once, we've  had the same 4 teams going through to C/L every season,  City will get through this season,
Would be good to see a few of you regulars give it a break for a few seasons
Originally Posted by RZB:
Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):
Yeah should be proud regardless, it will make everyone at Spurs determined to get there again and consistenly aim to challenge for top honours etc.

I think it's going to get harder and harder, apart from Everton once, we've  had the same 4 teams going through to C/L every season,  City will get through this season,
Would be good to see a few of you regulars give it a break for a few seasons
Who knows?, doubt the TV companies would see it that way because the top sides provide lots of publicity etc.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
 I thought the loyalty points system would stop this sort of thing
Probably a corporate. I've had corporate tickets at Chelsea and they're not always in boxes.
In Chris Kamara's words... Unbelievable jeff.

Most blues seemed alright today, those around me anyway... some right nobs on the front rows. Instead of giving the rags the w*nker/ The V's sign they are sat there taking pictures
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
Instead of giving the rags the w*nker/ The V's sign they are sat there taking pictures

 Footy ain't what it used to be that's for sure  I am still trying to understand what's happened to our players. I've got over the Liverpool game now but still haven't got over the fact they didn't even try. They don't play for the shirt, they don't play for the fans, they don't play for their own pride...what's left? Only one answer: money.
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
watched the manchester are so so frustrating.........utd were there for the taking .....but rather like us they want to walk the ball into the net sometimes......

i dunno what meaty thinks.....but in a game like thati thought they were crying out for craig bellamy.....he'd of annoyed the crap out of vidic and smalling...
I been saying this all season... last year he ran riot in the manchester derby, now we have no wingers so we moved Kolarov from LB to LW, which was fookin useless. I said this before, I couldn't care how thuggish or a pain in the arse Bellamy is as long as he continues to play well on field.

Also know what you mean about walking the ball into the net, we knock it about outside the area for a long time, the only players who will shoot from outside the area are Kolarov and Tevez... alot of the time Silva is trying to pass his way into the net, rather than just having a crack at goal. One of our best players, but looks like he's lacking in confidence when it comes to shooting. Kolarov wasnt playing well and Tevez was completely taken out the game by Vidic and Smalling.

Bellamy v O'Shea... jesus christ Typical City
That was the best result for us though spongey. We're out of the title race. City were the enemy today (sorry Meaty).

Walking the ball into the net... we don't try to do that we just have a really lethargic midfield. Essien, Mikel, Lampard, three names no pace and no urgency. When all three play together we're massively up against it before the game even kicks off.

I really hate that Ancelloti rates Essien so highly he is totally crap. The last player he rated really highly publicly was Joe Cole. Nuff said.
oh deffo the result we wanted prom........totally agree..... we're out of it.........i'd be happy with 3rd/4th place now....but that isn't a forgone conclusion either...

i disagree about us not wanting to walk it in though......we lack the final ball..the killer pass....we're too busy pussyfooting around the area instead of just getting it in the box........reminds me of when dan 'ten touch' petrescu played for us!!

essien.........hmmmm.......another whose gone off the boil recently......he's been immense the past few seasons....yet this year it's not happening for so many others..

and meaty i agree.......i couldn't care less who chelsea players are shagging......what they're like off field.....i just want them to play with pride for the shirt
For some reason the new quoting system is suddenly broken for me...

spongey, we're just too slow. We take far too long to get the ball up the pitch which is why we end up faffing about in midfield passing the ball to each other for an hour. We need pace and urgency. Mikel is too thick to make things happen quickly. Essien is a lumbering oaf who can't pass to a player in the same shirt if his life depended on it (he's always been like that btw) and Lampard rushes forward, looks around (giving the oppo defence all the time in the world to get back) then passes backwards. FFS! I honestly think our entire midfield needs a major overhaul and Ramires would be a good player to build it around.

muf. We need to play you twice and if we beat you twice that hands the PL to Arsenal and I don't want that let's settle for 3 points each to keep the gooners in their cage
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The rest of us analyse it thusly.......... It's either going to be a shitty Lancashire team or a twatty London team that win the Premier League. Each year I pick one of the superior ones and stick a moderate amount of cash on 'em. I got it wrong again.
How could you know that yet? Who did you bet on? Man Utd and Arsenal are still in it.
see prom i think up til now essien has been a huge influence.......fair few goals.....(the c/l one against barca that sent us into dreamland until the final few seconds) is one.......but it's just not happening for him.........lamps as much as i love him he's probably seen his better days now.......the injury has taken it out of him.he's nowhere near the player he was even last season.....

the one i'm most peed off about is mikel.......spends his time picking up yellow cards and nothing else..............ramires?....well i wasn't a fan and the jury is still out for me..maybe he needs time to settle we'll see.....

course the rumour mill has us buying reina and fabregas in the summer!!
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
......he's been immense the past few seasons....
Albeit when he wasn't:
a. Injured
b. Away at the African Nations 

Last season, during the awesome double campaign, Essien only managed 21 appearances. This season, fit and available again, his form has been sub-standard at best and against Arsenal (in particular); shockingly bad. Hopefully he can regain his best form - the same applying to Lampard, Mikel and Malouda.
Cold Sweat
CS and spongey as much as it pains me to say it he is a terrible footballer. No awareness, terrible first touch, can't pass, he will score a good goal once a season and somehow the Chelsea faithful see him as a messiah again I never will. I had all that crap with Joe Cole who is also a terrible footballer somehow elevated to a status way beyond his talent.

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