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I don't think anyone can simply dismiss a teams history... its what clubs set out to achieve, win trophies

It means nothing mate. Nothing. Last year we won the double, this year we're struggling to qualify for a CL place. All this history bollocks is for old people who want to sit round the fire with a cup of Bovril reminiscing about the past.
No because he has been charged with assault, He has a police caution after assaulting a woman, of smashing a glass in a man's face and was accused of assaulting a girlfriend. There were also reports of him smashing a fellow players jaw.

So whilst these may not appear much, they say a lot about him and the sort of person he is.
So he is fantastic at football - well yippee do.
I know its the way of the world but it doesn't make it right.
I think we have TP be careful izzy. He wasn't convicted at all. It was laughingly called an accident. As for assaulting a fellow player, you'll have to ask Messrs. Shearer and Gillespie their views. Let us not fall into the trap of believing that the players of our youth were law abiding, non violent individuals who avoided sexual encounters with multiple partners. It was all kept quiet, however nowadays they get so much cash that they become fair game.
Garage Joe
is it true dalglish won't allow his players to have long hair??...if so will carroll be like samson?!!.......can't remember where i heard this but apparently he made glenn johnson cut his hair........haven't seen a recent pic of him so don't know if it's true..

The bullshit rumours that go around are hilarious, Glen Johnson posted on this Twitter hre was shaving his hair because the corn rows were too much work.

Sure Kyrgiakos has long hair.
Ok that is a quality rant Prom!
Well I'm glad that we won. especially after one of the worst combined officials performance I can remember seeing. Lee Mason is a knob.
Worried about Brentford though. Beaten 4-1 by the Daggers tonight, they seem to be in freefall at the mo. Hope Andy Scott keeps his job as he is a good young manager
Well done Joe - good on yer
great result for us...........

well done to the cheerfuls too.....still second in league 1 and not cracking over losing howe as manager...

finding all the ashley/pardew/carroll comments interesting.........carroll saying he was forced out and didn't want to go.......ashley/pardew claiming he wanted a new contract or he was off..........the crazy world of football!!
Seen that posted elsewhere Heatseek

In all seriousness though, Liverpool were very reliant on Torres... the only strikers they had available were Torres and N'Gog really so Liverpool couldn't afford to allow him time to rest. He was pushed to play week in week out even if he had just come back from injury. He's now at a club where they have other options to choose from (Drogba & Anelka) so they don't have to play him every week... they can afford to take that risk. I think the injury problems will now be put behind him, theres alot less pressure on him now anyway. Soon see...

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