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On another note I despair about repeated mistakes with England.

Yet again we agree a highly paid deal with the manager before the world cup starts so we should keep with it otherwise its a waste of 6 million which could be spent on better things.

The German government has invested more money in youth development in South Africa than ours has in any British youth.

After their failure in 2006 Germany massively invested in youth development centres where youngsters can get top coaching regardless of how rich their local club is in money and resources.  God help the next Pele if he is born near Maidstone .  All teams in the areas these centres operate benefit though i suspect some more than others ***glares at Bayern***.

The French did much the same and was well documented before their success and to some extent Italy too.

So what have we been doing then....well we have put a commission together to erm investigate yep that was what it was, and that disbanded in 2008 and not heard from since.  I am sure there was no truth in the rumour that Howard Wilkinson bored them into submission .  
We also pissed a shit load of cash on some land where we were going to build a big erm one centre where all the best FA bigwigs could hob nob around because who needs more than one place.  Oh yea that was before we spunked all the money redesigning Wembley 100 times concentrating on what the hotels will look like and if we will have a delightful running track around it like the last one which will never got used,  completely forgetting about what the pitch will be like.  Result?  Well now well we own some expensive fields which nobody can play on.  And local training and football pitches get more and more expensive to play on now, no such thing as jumpers for goalposts, its astroturf and floodlights and corporate rates.  There are less and less of them too as they get developed and schools sell off pitches to fund school textbooks.

Oh yes what else, we have decided to help youth development by preventing most of the country access to the best academys simply because they dont live near there (45 min and 30 min travel rules for differing age groups).  Most London clubs used to recruit from boys clubs and not necessarily the ones nearest to them and the strong Essex leagues.  I am not sure about the north but think it was similar with Man U getting a lot from Oldham boys etc. Too bad if the next Pele lives near Maidstone (apart from obviously being very unfortunate anyway) which is an easy trip into London.  The only way lower league clubs can even survive is by hoarding any talent and hoping for a good pay day when they sell to a bigger club such is the price of even the most incompetent of local players.  

The most we have done in the last 20 years or so was dabble with the now gone centre of excellence which actually surprisingly didnt do too bad considering they only admitted 6 boys a year...yes I did say 6.

OMG that was long but i feel better now
That's interesting Joe, they must like Strachan (Gawd help 'em)
Disley, I don't mind the Sat eve matches, it's the early Saturday kick offs that I can't stand - especially the away matches where you have to faff about with night buses etc to get to the Emirates to get the away coaches that are leaving at stupid o clock.
They really should take the distance that away fans have to travel when they are fixing the early kick offs or the late Sunday ones when you don't get back until 3am
Reference: Barney
sounds like they forgot to do a contract extension
 Maybe but I doubt he thought up the 'going to the PL' bit all by himself. It smacks of an agent stirring stuff up to me. I bet it's because Newcastle wanted him but didn't want to pay the 4 million or whatever it was.

Now he's on a free he'll be able to ask for higher wages I would think
He'll be forever linked with ITV cocking up live footie because of that goal

Morning everyone
Morning Meaty
That news was all over the Arsenal blogs yesterday. You can bet that Blatter and Platini would be screaming if it was an EPL club in that position.
The worst of it is; when you sell them a player they don't pay it in one go, it's on the never never. So if they go bust then you lose your money.
They still owe us 12 million for Thierry and Hleb
Yeah I think so Disley. Plus there is this 'football creditors' ruling which states that clubs you owe money to have first priority on any moneys coming into the club.
Which is why the govt is apparently taking the FA or the PL to court as they want Revenue and Customs to get the priority treatment.
There is a phrase for this but I can't remember it from my accounting days.
Coyle has been talking about Wilshere again, he says he wants him back on a six month loan deal. I'm thinking if it happens, it won't be until the end of the transfer window when we'll have an idea of how many games he'd be likely to play for Arsenal.

He certainly seems to enjoy playing for Bolton... this picture says it all. Friends for life by the looks of things, and I'm sure many Arsenal fans would never have imagined anything like it....

You're right Disley, loads of us (myself included) were really unhappy about him going to Bolton, although as I have said before Bolton are a different deal now that Allardyce has gone.
It wasn't just the footie style though that we were unhappy about. It was the total over reaction of Coyle to the Gallas tackle. Even though he later apologised for it I would have refused to do any favours for him.
As to you keeping him, there may be a better chance than you think as Arsenal are not fielding a reserve team next season. They have said that the majority of non regulars will go out on loan so Wilshere will be available unless AW wants to regularly play him
I find it unbelievable that a team like Barca can be allowed to have so much debt that they have had to take a loan out to pay players  and yet they are still talking about signing players for 40 million.... Mr Blatter and Monsieur Plattini would be screaming if a team in the EPL was doing this.

Perhaps Monsieur Venger would like to loan us a couple of his babies for the coming season, I would certainly like to see some of his younger players in our team and I think we are the type of team who could bring them as we like to play passing football and this would suit them.

ION the new West Brom shirt.  Yes well, I'm sure we will be dialling 999 at some stage of the season ~ the joke many of my fellow fans are saying is we should be sponsored by the Samaritans!!   Quite like the all black away kit though..

My apologies for not being around much lately, I have got something called labyrithe vertigo, which has literally knocked me off my feet for a week or more, on tablets for it at the moment and return to the doctors in a fortnight to see whether it needs further investigation at the ENT clinic at hospital.... I have not been able to stand up properly, it's been dreadful.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Pinky  Wishing you better hun. I wondered if you had tinternet trouble again I was going to message you on FB tomorrow to see.
You should ask Robbie DiMatteo to ask Le Boss about the babies. I am quite sad that we will have no reserves next season as I enjoy watching them and I always take quite a few kids who can't get tickets to the Emirates,
They've also decided to let Jay Simpson go  I thought that they would. He has a year left on his contract and a few clubs looking at him but he'd probably like to come back to you if he had the chance.
As for those barstewards at Barca
This is par for the course and nothing new for Barcelona or Real Madrid.  They both have been bailed out by local government on more than one occasion.  Yet here they are tapping up other clubs players waving around money they dont have and then have the gall to say the media attention ups the price of players.  Well then dont use the media as your personal tool to tap up players then .

Barca had to be forced to pay the remaining on Overmars way back and Madrid for Anelka.  They take the lions share of spains tv revenue as well something like 80% as well between them.

Yet you dont hear a peep from Platini or Blatter about it.

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