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It's a difficult one with Charlie Adam. I can understand Olly wanting to keep him and, if he turned out to be pivotal to Blackpool staying up either this season or next, him not wanting to let him go cheaply. After all, if he is as key to Blackpool as Olly is suggesting then he would be worth way more than a few million to them with the PL money.
But for a player like him to be given a chance to move to a 'top four-ish' club then you can't blame him for wanting away. I just find it disappointing that contracts aren't worth the paper they're printed on these days

Dunno CS, when you're wounded you've always been able to come out fighting. it could be you doing the 6-0
Obviously as a Gooner I would prefer a Bolton win - might be an interesting match tonight. I do the whole superstitious thing though of 'as long as we win I'll put up with whatever anyone else does'
Doesn't mean I don't hope though!
Yeah, having him is bad enough Disley but then you have to put up with his rentagob father - or stepfather or whatever is he.
I speak as a Gooner who remembers fondly Wrighty the player but can't stand Ian I'm always right Wright the meeja personality. He'll be running his mouth at Owen Coyle non stop over his son if you buy him
Haha Joe, we also joined in via the radio! Mind you, I am getting a little tired of Fabregas's histrionics lately, throwing himself down everytime someone even brushes him and then whinging like a goodun to the ref non stop. Very tiresome indeed, not what I expect from an Arsenal player let alone a captain
Off to the Emirates soon, hope to blazes we win and go through to the final. Our reserves have just beaten Chelsea reserves 1-0, penalty by Vela. Let's hope it's a good omen for tonight.

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