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I've seen it now Disley and you're right. That boy has been sent off so much already this season. The problem is the inconsistency of refs and the fact that they seem to consider where an offence has taken place/whether the player is on a yellow already/how early in the game the offence is etc etc.

I'm all for refs using a bit of common sense but things are getting ridiculous now. We had 4 players booked last week at the Mancs and they got away with none - even Ferdinand got nothing for that shocker of a challenge he did. But then I suppose in Howard Webbs (confessed Man U supporter that he is) world that kind of challenge is ok when it's Man U dishing it out.
No wonder the Arsenal fans were chanting Fergies Rent Boy at him
Don't forget Flecther right in the refs one point he even pushed the ref away. The Guardian picked up on this aswell, United get away with everything at Old Trafford. Balotelli shouted for the ref (wasnt as bad as Fletcher) and was carded instantly, theres alot of hatred for Mario Balotelli... every commentator/pundit has a right go at him during the games and the ref is always on his back.

At one point aswell Arsenal were making a counter attack and Rooney look behind and just as Chamakh was making a run, Rooney tripped him up. There was a video on here but seems the FA claimed copyright
Drives me mad Meaty. Man U supporting son came up for the game and even he said that Fletcher was out of order - mind you he blamed the ref for not taking charge! Like that happens at OT with Webb.

There was a good article the other day here,00.html.
this was my favourite bit from it

Darren Fletcher refereed the game in exemplary fashion. Although Chamakh's caution, delivered with the sort of scream generally only associated with mouse-spotting women, was issued for a foul identical to the one by Vidic a few minutes earlier which went unpunished, it was still warranted and Fletcher's determination to see it issued was a magnificent credit to the game. It also spared the linesman from another sweary tirade. Buy that man a whistle for Christmas.

 What a shame, on the other hand, that Howard Webb, the number one referee in the country and, judging by his appointment in the summer, the world, seems not to appreciate the duty of care he has for the rest of his profession. The behaviour of Fletcher when he chased Webb at full sprint to barge into the referee was utterly outrageous. But it paled alongside the non-response of Webb. In doing nothing, he betrayed his profession and the next referee to be assaulted on a Sunday morning.
I see he has now withdrawn his transfer request, strange as he hasnt even been given a new contract... probably accepted that we won't sell him. Im off to the game now, will be interesting to see what treatment he gets from the fans... boos or cheers? Knowing how fickle fans are they will boo him and then go beserk if he manages to score. The ground staff have done excellent to get the game on today.
Well, that was a typical City peformance... come the big games we can't get the job done. First time we could of gone top for christmas in 81 years and we failed. After the first early goal everyone looked at each other and knew it was gonna be a "typical city" performance. One guy next to me spent the rest of the game in the bar when the second goal came Kolo Toure had a shocker... didnt contribute anything. The only good thing he managed to do was get himself sent off so we didnt have to play him next game. Poor ref again, two stone wall pens... one in the first half off Neville and another down the other end which was actually going in but blocked by a players arm. Tackles going in with stoods facing up, baffled how Fellaini was still on the field. Not to mension a headbutt by Cahill which resulted in blood pouring from Zabaletas head. I hear this constant "respect the ref" campaign... how can you respect a ref when he allows tackles flying in like that and then when we even slide in he blows the whistle. We dominated from 30 mins in, 24 attempts we had... they had 4, once again we couldnt finish though.

Mancini has to take blame for the second goal, Zabaleta went off with his head injury, we watched him go down the tunnel and after 3 mins everyone behind the players bench was screaming for him to make a sub quick... it was actually 8 minutes he was gone for. The guy really does have some odd tactics. We had no RB and Baines just walked through. The fans behind went mental at him after the goal came. We really do need to change the way we play aswell, either go out and buy Dzeko in January who thrives off headers or stop the cross after cross, we still not scored one header this season. Tevez and Balotelli are the type of forwards who take bullet shots. Still in a good position though, joint second but unfortunately we have Newcastle away next which won't be an easier game. Can't afford to be dropping points now.
No boos or cheers... I was gonna give the silent treatment but decided to just applaud like the rest. He used to get huge cheers when his name was announced over the tannoy. No different to the others now though, by half time there was a chorus of boos as the team went off though.

Also, did anyone manage to spot Balotellis hat? I was outside the Colin Bell stand and heard everyone laughing, turned round and spotted Mario just heading inside. It was outrageous

It was like that penguin out of Wallace and Gromit


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