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Why the hell did it have to happen to our best player

He seems to change his reason every 5 minutes.... family reasons, fallout with Mancini and now its fallout with Cooke and Marwood. Next it will be the kit manager.

From where im standing, this is how I see it...

If Tevez heads off to Argentina and doesnt return, we can simply take him to court. We rejected his transfer request... so its his move now, stick with the club and play his contract out or cough up. I recon he will be reluctant to buy out his contract though... it must be a huge sum being our highest paid player. We effectively hold his license and him and his agent are in no position to mess around with the club... we are not like United where they don't have as big as financial backing as us (Thats not a shot at you so don't start flapping). Im sure the club won't mind letting him rot in the reserves or not play for three years, we did the same with Bellamy and Robinho... both wanted a move and we controlled where they went. Robbie wanted to go to Santos, tough. Bellamys case may of been slightly different, he wanted Cardiff but we knew sending him there by loan would prevent rivals taking him on so he was no threat in a championship side.

Be interesting to see what move him and his agent make... if it is well and truly about the money, he won't cough up a Β£40-50mil sum to get out of there. I hope the club don't co-operate with them at all and let them flap. If he stays in Argentina and doesnt return, we can take him to court over a breach of contract and sue them.

All I can say is im glad we have the financial backing... or else Tevez would of walked all over this club and made it roll over.

Also, I have just been listening to talksport and reading the players... its laughable how many of them have said that its the club that is in the wrong here. This happens often at other clubs and they usually support the club over the player. Its a different case now. Where is Holloway now with his "bully" rant?

I think it will be interesting to see how we now handle it after the statement he made, all players manage to hold their clubs to ransom. Example being Lescott with Everton and Rooney with United. We could be the first to to make a player play out his contract and show club over player power. Fingers crossed the club doesnt simply stick him up for sale in the transfer window and off he goes.
Im sure the club won't mind letting him rot in the reserves or not play for three years, we did the same with Bellamy and Robinho
Actually, you didn't. Regardless of where they went they still buggered off and left you high and dry. Rotting in the reserves is exactly what they didn't do. I had sympathy with Tevez when I thought he wanted out for family reasons but now it transpires that being the highest paid player at City isn't enough money for him I really hope they make an example of him, but they won't.
Actually, you didn't. Regardless of where they went they still buggered off and left you high and dry. Rotting in the reserves is exactly what they didn't do. I had sympathy with Tevez when I thought he wanted out for family reasons but now it transpires that being the highest paid player at City isn't enough money for him I really hope they make an example of him, but they won't.

Oops, missed off abit.  We didnt bow down to their demands though... Robinho wanted out to Santos, we sent him to AC Milan and I can't see him even making a move to England again.. Bellamy was apparently a disruption and is still our player, he is on loan at a club where he can be no threat to us.

We will see what the club does, so far we rejected his transfer request. There are three ways out of the club for him.

There are four ways out of the club for him.

1. We co-operate with him and sell/swap him ( Which I f*cking hope we don't)
2. He buys out his contract... which is unlikely as it will cost around Β£40-50mil
3. He plays out his contract or sits in the reserves
4. Possible loan move...

Its likely the tosser will stay in Argentina and won't bother returning... which then means we can take him to court for a breach in his contract.
1. We co-operate with him and sell/swap him ( Which I f*cking hope we don't) 2. He buys out his contract... which is unlikely as it will cost around Β£40-50mil 3. He plays out his contract or sits in the reserves 4. Possible loan move

1. If you do that he wins.
2. Never going to happen.
3. Never going to happen.
4. If you do that he wins.

The only way you can piss him off is if he goes awol and won't come back and you take him to court but players have done that before and never been taken to court so I can't see that happening either. I think the obscenely greedy little toerag has you by the short and curlies no matter how you look at it.
1. If you do that he wins. 2. Never going to happen. 3. Never going to happen. 4. If you do that he wins. The only way you can piss him off is if he goes awol and won't come back and you take him to court but players have done that before and never been taken to court so I can't see that happening either. I think the obscenely greedy little toerag has you by the short and curlies no matter how you look at it.

I don't think he is in a good position though... he will be pissed off unless we allow him to simply walk out the club. He will be hoping we allow him to walk away with the cash not having to buy out his 3 and half year contract... I can't see it happening. Number 4 depends on where we send him... the club has the say on where he goes and its unlikely we will send him to a big club where he could be a threat to us. We need to either keep him at the club or loan him if we want to win this club over player power. By the sound of the two statements I heard today him and his agent don't want to have to cough up a penny... the only way to avoid that is the club sells him.

Mind you, a Tevez swap deal does sound quite tasty...
If he stays in Argentina I don't see how you can take him to court.

This is what I don't get about modern football. It seems only the club have to honour any contracts signed and the players can decide they're 'unhappy' and bugger off somewhere. There must be something in his contract that states he is signed to City and obligated to play for the duration of the contract why is it so hard for clubs to enforce this? The club's argument would be 'we don't want to keep an unhappy player'. I would. I'd keep him and force him to play and if he was so obnoxious he clearly didn't make any effort to perform there wouldn't be a club in the world who would touch him.

I don't understand any of it.
This is what I don't get about modern football. It seems only the club have to honour any contracts signed and the players can decide they're 'unhappy' and bugger off somewhere. There must be something in his contract that states he is signed to City and obligated to play for the duration of the contract why is it so hard for clubs to enforce this? The club's argument would be 'we don't want to keep an unhappy player'. I would. I'd keep him and force him to play and if he was so obnoxious he clearly didn't make any effort to perform there wouldn't be a club in the world who would touch him.
I think the attraction of what a club could get for the player comes into it... we could stick a ridiculous Β£500mil in for Messi, Xavi, Iniesta etc they would still decline it. If we say ok... we will be willing to swap Tevez for one of your players, they will start listening. Even in the transfer market money seems to get us no where... or else we would be seeing world class players at City by now. The Kaka bid we put in 2008 is a prime example.
How does him deciding to pack it in make his contract invalid? 'I signed this but can't be arsed anymore. Bye'. I'm not even a City fan and I'm outraged at his behaviour.
This is one thing im unsure about... if hes in Argentina and simply says "F*ck off, I aint coming back". Im not sure what we can really do. I know if he is in europe, players are taken to court and told to pay up for breaking their contract.
If we say ok... we will be willing to swap Tevez for one of your players, they will start listening

I don't think that's true. The player still has to want to come to your club and Tevez isn't that good that clubs will ditch their best players to get him. Apart from anything else, looking at the headlines he's making I doubt any of the big clubs would go anywhere near him. I would HATE to see him come anywhere near Chelsea after this.
I don't think that's true. The player still has to want to come to your club and Tevez isn't that good that clubs will ditch their best players to get him. Apart from anything else, looking at the headlines he's making I doubt any of the big clubs would go anywhere near him. I would HATE to see him come anywhere near Chelsea after this.
Balotelli In no way does he want to be here... I think clubs will take him, Mourinho will no doubt have a right go at getting hold of him aswell. Il be back later to continue this discussion
City knew they were buying  a mercenary piece of sh!t when they bought him so the contact is null and void from that!
Euro employment laws and a thick skin would make it a piece of piss to get out of this contract and a club as gullible as City to sign him would have him playing again in no time at all!!
Personally, I don't think he should play professional footie again..But the law is the law
Ensign Muf
I'd like to see them challenging better than they are though - for the interest.

So would I. They're definitely challenging though even without Tevez, as are Spurs. It's definitely a top five now not a top four (it would be a top six if Liverpool hadn't gone insane and appointed Hodgson). Still, it beats Scotland (Rangers and Celtic toss a coin) and Spain (Barca and Real Madrid toss a coin) I wouldn't go anywhere near either of those leagues it would bore me to tears every year.

Thought this was quite a good article... I rather not let him go though, the comment below sums it all up. My concern is we let him go and he f*cks off to another club in Europe that we are supposed to be competing against. I very much doubt he will simply go back to play for a club in Argentina.

"Depression can afflict anyone, even those on Β£250,000-plus-a-week and if Tevez really is prepared to swap a mansion in Cheshire for the relatively modest wage of a domestic footballer in Argentina, then good luck to him. But if he uses that to secure his release and then agitates to go to Real Madrid or Barcelona, he loses the argument immediately."

Update: Just been looking at a post on BM, apparently the club has no comeback on players if they decide to retire, however we could retain his registration which prevents him from playing for any other club for the remainder of his contract. What a load of BS... the club can't win He will just do that and then bugger off to spain in three years time.
Last edited by MrMincePie
The club has stated we will not be selling Tevez at any price...

Looks like its Carlos' turn again, listening to a manager on talksport... he seems to think Tevez will either just play or strike. Also reports that Madrid have been tapping up and been in talks with his agent. Wouldnt surprise me if that was true. Time to just let him go, we got enough headlines as it is.
Should be a good game tonight, I think United will walk it though.

Got to feel for the Chilean Miners, they already been down one sh*thole

Also, I heard Tevez will be back at training tomorrow... everyone seems to be heading down to the training ground (Not sure if to boo and howl abuse at him:laugh tomorrow so think il go along with my brother. We also signed Gai Assulin, a 19 year old from Barcelona who is highly rated. But it makes me wonder, if he was that good why would Barce let him go?
I think Blackburn are stupid to sack Sam.  If they had beaten us on Saturday they would be where we are now and I am more than happy with what we've done so far this season.  He left us and we hit rock bottom, Newcastle got rid of him and they were relegated.  Miracle workers don't exist in football (apart from our Saviour Owen Coyle of course!) and managers need time to build their own teams.  Sam was doing a good job at Blackburn and given the means to buy the players he wanted, who knows what he could have achieved?  He did it on a budget at Bolton - of course the media didn't like it because a small town up north stole one of the so called top team's places in Europe and thereafter slated the "long ball" style of football.  Well, I was at the Reebok on Saturday and while I won't deny Blackburn stopped us playing football, they were by no means a long ball team. 

As long as my team score goals and win games I really don't give a monkeys whether its long ball stuff or not.  Pretty football is a bonus and Bolton play a mixture of both at the moment which I think its why we are where we are. 

And is it just me or did I hear the Arsenal fans shouting "hoof" to the Man U players last night? 

Mind you, teams like Man U don't hoof the ball up front, they just provide long passes don't they?
Bolton Fan
I swear Poznan are the best supporters in the world... this is their f*cking u12s match

And this is when they faced us, look at our fans... its embarrassing

Our away support is much better. We even copied them and have started doing "The Poznan"... its getting there, heard that everyone was doing it at West Ham but it wasnt shown on TV. Can't really do it at Eastlands because you have some miserable git just staring at you when your jump up and down in front of their face

Now that same Dale Roberts died yesterday, at just 24, reasons for death are unknown. Very tragic indeed to go at that age. Anyway, apparantly, now this is unconfirmed, but it was a suicide, he couldn't get over one of his teammates (Paul Terry) having an affair with his fiancee. That Paul Terry is the brother of John Terry...

That family are just f*cking scumbags Wonder how Paul slept last night...

Mum - Shoplifting
Dad - Drug dealer
Paul - Affair on a teammate who died yesterday
John - Affair on a teammate
City knew they were buying a mercenary piece of sh!t when they bought him so the contact is null and void from that!

TBF... we wouldnt of even made it into the top half of the table last season without TevezSo I think its fair to say money well spent. Shame hes only been around for just less than two years though

Meaty, gotta say I saw this coming. It's his agent that's the problem, it always was when he was with us at United. He always seems to get his own way, prepare to loose him mate.


So, Noel Gallagher, what do you make of Carlos Tevez's claims that he wants to leave Manchester City because he does not like the chief executive? "Well," said the rock star and City's most famous supporter. "He would be the first person I've ever heard of to leave a football club because he didn't like someone in the office."

Not buying it then? "Not at all. For a guy who can't even speak English how are we supposed to believe he has got a relationship with the executives in the first place, unless he's been trying to get himself a new deal anyway.

"He has two choices now if he means this – he either leaves or he retires. But I think there's more to it than meets the eye.

"Everyone was saying the same thing about Wayne Rooney: 'He's going, he's definitely going.' What is happening now is that Rooney's agent has set the bar when it comes to modern‑day transfer requests. But I would still put money on Tevez being here next season."

And what will be the crowd's reaction when City play Everton on Monday and Tevez turns out for the first time since announcing to the world that he wanted an Oasis-like split?

"He's been the best player we have ever had in my book and, as long as he is doing it on the pitch, they won't turn on him. I won't be booing anyway and I think it will be all right because he's not the kind of player who will go missing."

Gallagher is in Turin for Manchester City's Europa League tie against Juventus tomorrow. The Eastlands club have already qualified for the knockout stages. "It is disappointing because of the timing of it. Why not wait until the end of the season?

"The one thing that goes against Carlos is that he already plays for Man City so nobody can link him to us. He can't say: 'Oh I want to go to Man City because they are offering me Β£200,000 a week,' when he's already getting Β£280,000 a week out of us."

Will be interesting to see how he performs now... if he starts playing crap he can bugger off. We certainly aint in a crisis at the moment, if he is off then we simply bring someone else in. I would personally stick him on the bench against Everton, just to prove a point that no player is bigger than the club.

He can't seem to make his mind up what the problem is... its either because we missed out on champions league last season (which he is partly responsible for), misses his family (yet he buggered off to Tenerife when we gave him time off), Gary Cook or Mancini. Its dangerous stuff his agent is playing, its completely different to the Rooney situation. The club couldnt punish the player for being a tosspot because they can't afford to pay his wages while sticking him in reserves... and its the same with other clubs. But we can do that with Tevez because we aint struggling financially, we just have to see the club belt up and do something.

Its a shame because he had the potential to go on to be a legend at Manchester City, after the transfer request though its gone out the window. I recon we will hang onto him for another two years, then he will stick another transfer request in and say he misses family.... yet he will bugger off to Madrid which is even further away from them.  Wouldnt surprise me if there has been some tapping up going on. I never understood why he didnt simply move his family over here until I spotted this this morning...

Surprised it hardly got a mension... of course he wasnt English so there was never much outrage.

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