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As a Boro supporter I think that I may have identified several worse players than SWP .

You'll have to first have it confirmed that they have been lobotomised and put their heads down and run as fast as they can with no idea where they're going or why  before losing the ball and for them to be actually worse they would have to forget they had the ball in the first place.
I think you're right Joe, various nefarious goings on in toonland I think. There's a poll running on Sky sports site at the mo asking if Pardew will be a sucess at Newcastle.
It's 97.3 percent saying No

Really nervy win last night - we were shocking again for large parts of the game. Plus Gibbs crocked - again. We have the most fragile players on earth it seems.

All the English clubs through - a big Up Yours Blatter and Platini
Barcelona have signed a commercial shirt sponsorship with a Qatar company for Β£125 million...

There goes their commitment to charity and helping UNICEF then, they done this because of the stupid financial fair play rules... hope Twattini is proud of himself. Something else springs to mind in this, Qatar (world cup hosts) had Pep as an ambassador, there was talk of double dealing between Spain/Portugal bid and the Qatar one.

We could well be screwed here... if we try bend the rules and our owner gets his own business to sponsor us, UEFA would be up in arms argueing that it's simply a cash injection from the owners and not a real deal.
I think we are dealing with a depressed footballer...disillusioned with football/life, fearful of the future, desperately homesick, flashes of irrational behaviour. He works his arse off every game but never looks happy and its a known issue that he misses his family. Don't know what he plans to do though if he left, he's always said early retirement.

If he was off to another club. A Β£40mil+ is useless to us... I recon a player swap with a big club would be on the cards.

Bit confusing though, because it was only two days the club did an interview with him for the OS and City Magazine and he said hes happy and plans to stay. It was NOTW who had the story first, guess its best waiting to hear the story from the club. Don't know if they will make a statement or not though.
I think we are dealing with a depressed footballer...disillusioned with football/life, fearful of the future, desperately homesick, flashes of irrational behaviour. He works his arse off every game but never looks happy and its a known issue that he misses his family.

You probably don't want to hear this but I think it stems from the fact Fergie didn't rate him enough to push the boat out and keep him at United. Every interview he does he has a dig and tries to justify himself. He's an excellent footballer but he definitely has issues that affect him on the pitch. If he misses his family fair enough, some things are a lot more important than football but yes, I agree there are issues there behind the scenes even if we don't agree exactly what those issues might be
Club Statement:

It is with disappointment that we confirm to our supporters that Carlos Tevez has submitted a written transfer request. The Club can also confirm that the request has been rejected.

The Club remains disappointed by this situation and particularly with the actions of Carlos' representative.

Roberto Mancini and all at the Club have shown, and will continue to show, sensitivity to Carlos' personal circumstances including the issue of his family being based overseas.  Indeed following his suspension as a result of the game against Bolton, Carlos requested, and was given, special dispensation by the Manager to take leave overseas.

The written transfer request is in stark contrast to Carlos' stated position in both public and club contexts.  Significantly, over recent months, the Club has also received numerous requests from Carlos’ representative to renegotiate and improve his playing contract as well as more recently a request to extend that contract by another year.

However, in line with the Club's policy of not negotiating playing contracts mid-season this has not been granted.  Carlos' current five-year contract has three-and-a-half years to run and he is the highest paid player at the Manchester City Football Club.

This is both an unfortunate and unwelcome distraction and the Club will remain focused on the games ahead in what is turning out to be a very promising season.  The door remains open for Carlos to be selected to play.


Two things stand out to me,

1) His f*cking agent has leaked it to the press
2) Both of them want more money

Regarding the last line... I see it as his choice, sit in the reserves or play first team football. The club won't be help at ransom, no matter how good the player is. I think we have so far handled it well, but now we have to stick to our guns, belt up and continue our aim on the top four with or without Tevez.
From a layperson's perspective Mincey, it appears that he is throwing his toys out of the pram. Just how much money does one person need?

He did it at United aswell, they didnt pay up... I hope we do the same and say cya later. He must be earning way over Β£200,000 a week. Our club has got the money throw at him, but I hope we don't cough up, let his contract run and let him go elsewhere. He won't be able to find any other club that will pay him more. The only clubs in Europe I could see him going to are R.Madrid or Barcelona. Doubt any other club can afford his wages.
Not really, more of an individual... doesnt like being subbed even when its the last 2 mins of the game. He has handed the captaincy (He can't speak a word of English). My only worry now is that we have allowed/sent him off to Argentina for a break, I recon we will have serious trouble getting him back on the plane to come back. Its a trick players often use, transfer request, special leave and have left the country for good.

And who is next in line as our best striker... a 20 year old talented brat who has an even worse attitude

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