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No not the right fred at all. Had a tough tough week. Going on Tues night to the CC game against Wigan, I really hope we get a result - more for the sake and sanity of the boss rather than the comp as I am really worried with what I am hearing about him.
Going on Wed night as well to Barnet to watch our babies play in the FA Youth Cup against Darlington, we were knocked out last season by Ipswich so hope for better this time around.
Denilson and Jack have apologised twice for the Saturday debacle and for last night too - shame some of the others don't front up rather than leaving the boss to take the flack

Yeah you're not wrong, I've been shocked with what I've heard and read over the past week or so on the forums. The team sure aint helping though - they need to step up badly.

Congrats on your result tonight,another strong performance. I always thought that you would qualify easily from that group tbh - maybe we'll still be on for a you v us CL final at Wembley

Wouldn't that be something  
Btw what's this about World Superstar Bale (as Man U supporting son sarcastically (sp) calls him) missing a pen?
It must be against all laws of God and Man for that to happen. Last I heard Messi wears Bale pyjamas
Hiya!! Wondering where you were! I think we've all missed you. How are you?
Hi Joe!  TBH, I've had complete and utter forum fatigue for ages now and the lap top has been gathering dust, then tonight Mr Pink was watching the Spurs match and now is watching the Ashes (79 for 2 if anyone is interested) so I fired up the laptop and caught up with what was going on.

I'm ok thanks, waiting on a hospital appointment at ENT for my vertigo and also the gastric unit for them to check out my stomach as I have been having some more problems and my doctor is being awkward about my repeat prescription, she doesn't seem to understand that with the tablets I take daily, things are ok, not wonderful but ok, without them, it's a nightmare.  I think she suspects that I have either a food allergy or IBS and wants to be certain I am on correct medication.  Hope Mrs Joe is now ok and the weather isn't too appalling where you are. 

I was really pleased with our start to the season, but we now seem to be on the normal downward spiral, 4th in the league at one point, I knew it couldn't last, but it was great while it did.  Problem is with us at the moment we are losing matches stupidly, making mistakes in key areas and it is coming back to bite us on the bum.  The Premier League is a whole different world to the Championship!  Knew we would hit a bad patch at some stage during the season, but TBH I was hoping to have more points on the board before we did.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
so glad to see you back hun, really missed you. Sorry to hear about your health, hope that the hospital can sort it out and get your GP straight.

I think the Baggies should be ok this season, it's a mad league for sure this time, don't remember it being like this since the PL started. It'll be very interesting to see what happens if the UEFA 'live within your means' rules fo come in - and whether they will be implemented fairly across Europe.
La Veggie 
Have missed you as well hun, but forum life was beginning to get me down so kept away and read loads of books I had been meaning to read (finally read Wolf Hall after having it brought me for my birthday!) and rewatching my collections of Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes and Grey's Anatomy DVD's.

The Premier League has been crazy so far this season, some of the results have been unbelieveable, I honestly did not expect us to beat you, to draw with Man Utd and to beat Man City in the league cup, to see Liverpool in the bottom 3 for a time and Blackpool to be beating all and sundry (including us!)  What I do not understand is the criticism that Monsieur Wenger is getting at the moment, it's beyond me, was reading the letters on Sky text this morning and for your fans to say that it is the poorest Arsenal team in many years surprised me to say the least.  The players that are in your team we would love!  A couple of our babies have gone out on loan, and one, Chris Wood who is a real one to watch, scored in his first match, sadly Di Mat has not decided to take any of your babies this time, pity I would love to see some in our team, they are taught football the correct way and would, I think fit in very well with our team.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

Yeah I know what you mean about needing a break. I have been doing a lot of knitting for my Grandson who is 2 on Monday and the new one who is due in February, plus reading etc. I pop around here, the Gooner forums and FB but don't post a lot. I miss all the regulars who used to come to the footy fred though - Coldy has been AWOL for ages, I left a message for Perones on FB too and even the regulars aren't here much.

Shame you didn't take Ramsay for a month but he's gone to Forest, he looked ok for the reserves this week against Wolves so here's hoping he won't go the same way as Eduardo.We seem to have babies in and out for a month at a time. here there and everywhere.

The criticism of the boss is reaching epic proportions. If we don't win tomorrow and Tuesday then I really worry whether he will just walk away. I'm so angry and ashamed of a lot of the so called fans. yes there are problems but we would be a lot worse without him I believe.

Btw our babies are up at yours on the 7th I think, not sure where your babies play but it'll be worth a watch if you get a chance
Don't be a stranger
I was watching the reserves game the other day against United... was well pissed off at one point. It was 0-0, we were putting pressure on them and just as our lad was about to launch a throw in... the dirty bar-steward pulled him by the collar to the ground, none of their players were set in position and it was likely we would of made a break to a 1 on 1 situation.

Joe Dudgeon... in six years time when hes playing first team football il be sat in the stand giving him the w*nker sign.

Don't think il go to another game though... it was freezing, plus they are streaming every reserve game live on the official site for free Next is Liverpool next Tuesday.

Hiya meaty
I love the reserves games but Arsenal have just transferred most of them away from Barnet to the training ground at Colney so we can't go although they have highlights online but it's not the same. We did have live streaming but they seem to be cutting back on loads of TVOnline stuff - the tightwads
Plus I loved being able to sit near the boss and Pat Rice and see all the other managers/scouts/players etc. You could always get autographs and have a chat.I'm going to the FAYouth Cup game on Wed eve at Barnet against Darlington - should be good, if only to see what kind of language Steve Bould is bellowing out from the dugout

Just when I thought the standard of refereeing couldnt get any worse... f*cking dreadful, Stoke out simply to injure our players and ref is doing nothing about it. Huth came in from behind with stoods raised in air on back of Balloteli's leg and no free kick given.

Fingers crossed some nutcase in the away section runs on and kicks the crap out of Walton.
"Bolton goal: They don't know when they are beaten, Bolton. A splendid passing move with Kevin Davies, Johan Elmander and Ivan Klasnic ends with Mark Davies firing in. It's like watching Real Madrid. Seriously."

That's from the BBC live text thingy... blimey. It was a good goal though. Might have stolen it at the end as well...

Let the battle for 4th place commence next week.
Lol some happy fans on here tonight! I'm one of them, just so relieved that they didn't let a 2 goal lead slip again. it's been a painful week to be a Gooner but well done to the team and expecially to Super Jack. He is a total legend - always was even as a tiny when I watched him at Barnet.

Pinky, you must be so happy too, what a good result. I'll leave a hug for Barney and Strike in case they wander in, lot of very upset Toffees on the phone ins tonight.

Oh and Meaty the song that the Gooners was singing goes.
He's 5 foot 4
He's 5 foot 4
We've got Arshavin
F**k Adebayor

That;s the only reason Greedy gets a mention, because he has a cameo in the Arshavin song
Yeah true but only when we play you I think. I don't even know the words to that version although I've heard mention of it. I can be as vile as the next footie fan but I refuse to join in with songs about peoples mothers or wives being 'ladies of the night' (although I stretch my morals for Cheryl Cole)
I don't join in the Twitchy songs about Redknapp either - just think it's not on to slag him for a medical thing when there's so much else to slag him for
Pinky, you must be so happy too, what a good result. I'll leave a hug for Barney and Strike in case they wander in, lot of very upset Toffees on the phone ins tonight.
La Veggie hug to you too, that should shut some of your fans up at least, although as a Midlander I have to say bad luck Villa, our proper old enemy!!  I'm going to pop a you played well, bad luck message on Barney's FB as well, but I think I have found the way to make the Baggies win ~ go out in my car and miss most of the match!!  Went shopping this afternoon and got out of the car just as the match started, got back in the car and we were 1 ~ 2 up, went down to Langley to see the Christmas lights turned on and got back in the car and we had won 1 ~ 4!!

Darlo, was that about Bednar on the back of the Star yesterday?  I ask because the last I heard was he may be going on loan, as the loan window closed on Thursday and he didn't go anywhere I assumed that Di Mat had assured him he was still very much part of his plans.  Can't see TBH why he wouldn't be, Fortune and Odemwingie are very alike as players and Bednar would be a good choice either to start against teams or to bring on if for some reason the other two are not looking comfortable against teams.  I like a good mix of strikers and I think we currently have that mix although I can understand Bednar being a little frustrated by not getting starts at the moment.  More of a concern to me has been Olssen being out, Bomber was saying today on Beacon that we were making some basic defensive errors.  I had hoped we had stopped doing thi, but supporting the Baggies for many years, I know that we do do daft things at times.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
If anyone else is in the Midlands are interested in hearing a true Baggie legend and a lovely gentleman being interviewed ( I can personally vouch for him being a lovely gentleman in the true sense of the word as I have met him a couple of times), Radio WM has an interview with Cyrille Regis on tomorrow between 1 and 2.  Should be a really good and entertaining listen.  This man got a standing ovation from our fans wearing a Wolves shirt!!  It may be on iplayer as well, not sure about that.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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