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FA Vase at Wembley....

Hereford v Morpeth Town

Hereford score after 75 seconds  

1-0 currently...

Hereford the form team...two trophies already, including promotion. Won the last 22 games. Scored over 200 goals this season...108 points...second club got 101 and didn't get promoted...I bet they are spitting nails 

Morpeth keeper has made two brilliant saves to keep them in the game 

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:
Saint posted:

England vs Australia TONIGHT at 7.45pm on ITV

England will be expected to win this quite comfortably and it should be interesting to see what impact Marcus Rashford has.

These days it's not that easy to win the so called "easy" games though is it El?

That's very true, The last time the two countries met was in 2003 when the result was England 1 - Australia 3 in a friendly.

El Loro

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