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The Champions League is just a long, drawn out, advertising festival. Maybe if they just kept it to the Champion teams and played it over a couple of weeks it might work.
You won't get any arguments from me on that front Joe, but in saying that if that were the case Spurs wouldn't be playing in it this year - so it's a matter of it being the standard of the leagues that they represent that's the issue.

Like you say it's become a money cow for UEFA and to a degree predictable with the early group stages.

What I do consider to be unfair is that a team can be knocked out of the Champions League and drop straight into the Europa Cup. Because it's 5th and 6th who initially qualify for this competition we have another cup that is weakened with poorer sides.
Fully deserved that result. I don't know what annoys me more. The fact that we play so defensively or that we can't do it well?

1-1 and we decide to park the bus... Milner off and Kompany on. Had 2 RBs, 3 CBs, 1 LB and a DM on that field at 80 mins. Why not go out for the win for once? We are not a great side defensively, we brought in plenty of attacking players yet we sit them on the bench. Been done plenty of times now, same happened against Wolves... took Adebayor off and brought Zabaleta on. Time to grow a pair if we are level in a game, take the defensive midfielders off and stick Balotelli and Jo on. Not the other way round.

Thick as pig sh*t some of the tactical decisions in recent games, I just hope we are learning from them and don't allow it to happen again.

If we lose the derby next week and the game against WBA this weekend Mits likely Mancini will be sacked.
Fully deserved that result. I don't know what annoys me more. The fact that we play so defensively or that we can't do it well?
Meaty, do you think that's because Mancini doesn't yet know his best side or do you think it's the typical Italian defensive tactics that are holding you back?

I notice that on the 21st you have Fulham away, that's one Mancini can't lose.
Meaty, do you think that's because Mancini doesn't yet know his best side or do you think it's the typical Italian defensive tactics that are holding you back? I notice that on the 21st you have Fulham away, that's one Mancini can't lose.
Typical italian defensive tactics... doesnt work in the premier league. Time to belt up and start playing to win. I don't think he will be here when we play Fulham... not if he loses against West Brom.
Evening footie peeps

Whoo hoo, my mate phoned a while ago and offered me her spare season ticket for the Emirates on Sunday for nowt so I'm well happy. I've already spent my allocation of footie money for the next few months so this was a lovely surprise

Our Ladies got beaten in the first leg of their CL game last week, lets hope they can do better at home. Everton Ladies won their first leg 4-1 away at Brondby which is an amazing result.

Hope everyone enjoys the footie this weekend (not you Onetoo!! I luvs ya but we need the 3 points )

Meaty, rumour on 5live this week was that Capello is being lined up as your new manager as the Sheik thinks he will discipline the team there!! As long as England get shot of him I'll be happy
Dunno Velvet Donkey, only repeating what I heard on 5 live - not sure how much substance, if any, there is to the story. I suppose Capello just has that reputation of sorting out arrogant players so they think it will work.

Joe, I think you're right but Harry the Hoover would leap at the chance and plenty of others besides for the ridiculous salary the FA will chuck at the manager. I thought we were supposed to be getting a root and branch review of the FA after the debacle of the World Cup but that seems to have been shelved.
They're an absolute disgrace that bunch, we will never achieve anything with the men in blazers in charge
Capello to City would be absolutely hilarious (sorry Mr Meat). He's a terrible man manager, a tactical disaster and couldn't motivate to save his life. They sack Hughes who was just finding his feet and appoint Mancini who is getting exactly the same results with far more expensive players oh how I would laugh if they gave the job to Capello or, for even more hilarious results, Avram Grant 
Hughes who was just finding his feet and appoint Mancini who is getting exactly the same results
Afraid thats wrong... Hughes had us at 5th with a long string of draws against mid table sides and it was getting worse each game. Mancini has us sat in 4th but thats mainly due to other sides cock-ups. Im not getting too comfortable, I don't think we will be sitting at 4th for long.
Balotelli was top today... the sending off was just nonsense though, player pulled his leg and he tumbled over the top of him. I hope we appeal it anyway. Good decision making from Mancini aswell, didnt park the bus and went out to score more. Ref had something against Mario and the team from start to finish. Seemed pretty pissed off because we came out 2 mins late aswell

Torres looks on top of his game...
Liverpool 2 - Celsea 0 Prom
Trust Torres to find his form against us. It's such a shame Joe Cole couldn't play I was counting on him losing possession every five minutes like he always does. The worst thing about it was Liverpool were pretty bad but we didn't even turn up in the first half and deserved to be two down at half time. There was no going back after that.
Only just got back, Im not sure if I should be annoyed or happy... it was one of the worst Manchester derbys I have ever witnessed. Neither side bombed forward to score a goal. We were probably far worse for it.

I actually rather lose to a dodgy goal in the last min then sit through 90 mins of that. Sat around me, there were alot of groans and sounds of annoyance when we went on a counter attack and then some tool would knock it back to the back four or Joe Hart. We could win the champions league and the premier league and I still wouldnt be happy if thats the way we need to go about being a successful team.

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