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Hmmmm Joe I dunno really. I was full of optimism before last season and we all know how that turned out

It's the old problem of injuries that seem to do for us every year - and we've already started the trend this season with Nasri and RvP.
Brentford are having problems as well. it think their match is live on the Beeb website tomorrow so I may have a chance to see it.
Capello has confirmed that Rooney will srill be in the team for Tuesday's match.

But if the story turns out to be true, football, loss of sponsorship, potential divorce could be the least of his problems. As the law now stands, any man who uses the services of a prostitute who pays a pimp can be charged with a criminal offence. This is the effect of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 which came into effect this January. The act refers to a prostitute subjected to force, bur is defined in such as way in such a way to make it effectively cover any prostitute who is forced into prostition by another. Ignorance of not knowing that the prostitute was forced is not regarded as a defence. The act was deliberately enacted in this way by the previous government with the specific intention of abolishing prostitution. (Well that's the idea and I'm sure that the world's oldest profession will be immediately stopped, and that all concerned will see the error of their ways and turn into law abiding citizens, and that the moon will after all turn out to be made out of cheese).
El Loro
Hart looked abit shakey at times tonight, as soon as he pissed that high ball up the whole team went into panic mode. Our defense looked alright, Barry is a good holding midfielder... but his tackles were piss. A.Johnson was brilliant as always, Milner looked alright aswell. We looked better when Rooney was on, hes good when playing behind Defoe who missed quite a few chances.

6 City players were on that pitch from 70+ onwards... well chuffed

Who the f*ck parks the bus against Blackburn at home? Seriously... its f*cking Blackburn FFS!

Home game and it looks like we played a formation of 4-6-0... idiotic manager with his piss defensive tactics. Can't see Mancini being around long to be honest, this is what got Hughes sacked... draws/losses against mid table sides.

What makes it even worse is that he will probably blame it all on injuries later in an interview.

So lets get this straight... Man City spend all summer spending loads of cash, hacking everyone off in their attempt to find the perfect team and yet they still can't win a match..

We can win a match... the problem is we are inconsistant.
Well with respect shouldn't you be trouncing the rest of the opposition? I mean you have only won one game ... just goes to show money does not a good team make..
Well with respect shouldn't you be trouncing the rest of the opposition? I mean you have only won one game ... just goes to show money does not a good team make..

Having good players doesnt make a good team... it may look good on paper, but when you watch them on the field it is very different. Out of the 6 signings, 3 of them are injured. Two of them being vital to our defense. Won one league game out of 4... a draw against tottenham away which is probably the game where we expected to come out with no points. And a 3-0 win against Liverpool, we have the potential to go a long way... unfortunatly most of players hardly know each other and they want time that we really don't have to gel.
Having good players doesnt make a good team... it may look good on paper, but when you watch them on the field it is very different. Out of the 6 signings, 3 of them are injured. Two of them being vital to our defense. Won one league game out of 4... a draw against tottenham away which is probably the game where we expected to come out with no points. And a 3-0 win against Liverpool, we have the potential to go a long way... unfortunatly most of players hardly know each other and they want time that we really don't have to gel.
Sorry Meaty, but I agree with you. Team spirit is such a crucial element of a winning and I don't know if you will agree with me here, but it seems as if you have too many players that isn't allowing for that to happen. Sadly a lot of players won't get a chance to prove themselves.

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