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I couldn't be arsed watching! As I said before, if there was some way all four of these teams could loose............ Don't like 'em.


ION While we are there, my mum has expressed a wish to see a German game so I asked my mates if they could get tickets for Hannover 69ers v Kaiserslautern. It was sold out! However by hook or by crook they tracked down a couple of tickets. Petra says, "You won't believe how much they are!


 In a ground where they are used to paying 10€ to stand, drink bee-yor, and smerk tabs, they think that this is daylight ribbery.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Pinky  so pleased to see you here, I lose track of people on FB too easily lol


Well done the Baggies, now you can build on what you've achieved this season x


I'm off to the Wigan game tonight, hope our lot don't take it as casual as they did at QPR or we will lose. Watched our Ladies lose 2-1 yesterday to a last kick of the game goal to Frankfurt in the CL 1st leg. We have no chance out there next week. They are miles above anything any English club can do

La Veggie   my favourite Arsenal fan!!  Oh blimey what happened on Monday?  I kept turning over as Mr Pink was watching the speedway (common problem this time of year!) and even though I would like Wigan to stay up, I was saying come on Arsenal, don't let Veggie down.


It's good to be back.  Hoping for a point on Sunday (3 would be better), but Liverpool are on such a high at the moment getting into the Cup Final (and don't start me on the KO time of that.....!   I really hope we can now build on this season's achievements and finally become an established PL club, the whole set up of the club has improved so much over the past few years, it really feels as if we are going places at last.

β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!



We did exactly what I thought we would do and took it casually. Not looking forward to the Chavs today - I fear our customary end of season collapse could be about to kick in.


Good luck today against 'Pool. I hope you win if only for Roy Hodgson's pride as i thought he got a raw deal there.


Good luck everyone today - may the football gods shine on us all.

Except CS and Prom obviously


Lol Moonie, everyone loves a ref story


Jer  I think Mowbray must have given them their shredded wheat today. What a good result.


As for us, glad we didn't lose but we were a bit unlucky but very toothless without Arteta. Factor in our Ladies losing 2-0 away in Frankfurt in the CL (4-1 on agg) and it has been a poop day to be a Gooner.


Well apart from the Spurs result of course

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Yes soops! I mean the last games next week. In the unlikely event of Cardiff losing and us winning we will be in the playoffs. Only 2000 tickets available but I'll do my best.

Oops, sorry, thought you meant we were still in with a chance because we won today and they lost. Just seen it again on MOTD, that second goal was definitely not off side. Hope you manage to get there next week pet


Not a good day.  I suppose we're (Norwich) safe now but it would be nice to finish on a high note, rather than a string of lacklustre defeats like that against Blackburn today. 


Can't really complain though.  We've exceeded expectations this season and if we can put one over the moustachioed whining scousers and the Norfolk glory hunting plastic counterparts next week then that will be enough for me. 



Last edited by Carnelian



Someone was asking after you in a thread the other day. Really pleased to see you here, how's the job hunting going.


Carnelian - you've had a great season. Safe and lots of plaudits for your play. It's tough at the end of the season when you're playing teams who are fighting for their lives. Look at our complacent bottlers against Wigan and QPR.



Barcelona not turned up... or least, Messi hasn't. Never seen him give the ball away so much. Someone might have wanted to tell him this ain't your average La Liga side.



Drogba has been great, they would be stupid to get rid of him... he's tracked back and Barcelona struggled to get past him. As for Torres, as soon as he came on... Barcelona were nearly in.


Luckily for him, he just scored... meaning his crap contribution will go unnoticed.

Originally Posted by Avalon:

I'm not particularly a fan of Real Madrid but I do rather like the lovely Jose.  I am, therefore, hoping they make it to the final, triumph, and that JM can get to hoist the trophy aloft. 


Oh Avalon, how could you


I don't care about him winning the CL - but he is a horrible, horrible person.

There was nearly a riot on the Arsenal forum I frequent when there was a suggestion early in the season that we should have him.

A few votes for but utter contempt and rage for the suggestion from the vast majority


I shall put this abberation down to hormones


Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Avalon:

I'm not particularly a fan of Real Madrid but I do rather like the lovely Jose.  I am, therefore, hoping they make it to the final, triumph, and that JM can get to hoist the trophy aloft. 


Oh Avalon, how could you


I don't care about him winning the CL - but he is a horrible, horrible person.

There was nearly a riot on the Arsenal forum I frequent when there was a suggestion early in the season that we should have him.

A few votes for but utter contempt and rage for the suggestion from the vast majority


I shall put this abberation down to hormones


You're probably right, Veggie   To be honest, I don't really know what he's like as a person.  I just have fond memories of him, when he was a manager here,  striding up and down the touchline in his big coat


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