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This run of games has ended exactly as I suspected it would, the trouble is it's easy to say well we'll get these out the way and then go on a good run against the lower teams, because confidence is clearly nonexistent right now. The defending speaks for itself, given how they let sideshow bob run the length of the pitch without attempting a tackle multiple times. When confidence is high, there'd be someone on him making a challenge immediately. Coyle's got two weeks to rebuild confidence going into the game against Wigan. Thankfully I'd say that's one of his main strengths as a manager, but it's not going to be easy.

There was some trouble in east stand today and a video is knocking about on what happened... shows the police trying to throw an old man out the ground for standing up. Turned out he had heart problems, collapsed and they managed to revive him.


Idiots The entire east stand is stood up and they attempt to throw one old man out? I knew that the stewards and GMP were right tossers but this takes it to a whole new level.


Scuse the language.


Great draw for the Canaries.   Just read the comments on a whining scousers forum (is there any other type of forum if Scousers are involved?), he he.   Lawro will be moaning for England on MotD.  Liverpool fans should be grateful that Norwich gave them something to moan about. 


When Bryan Gunn got sacked and Paul Lambert got the job, Lawro predicted that Norwich would get relegated to league Two.  I bet he never foresaw that little over two years later Norwich would be drawing against his beloved Liverpool.  What a twat!

Last edited by Carnelian

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