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I have just heard on the radio that the French foreign minister has called for England and Russia to be expelled if there is anymore trouble between the fans.


Well Mr French foreign minister, what about France being expelled too. Reference the Marseille 'Ultra'?


They have been causing chaos too. Get your own 'fans' in order before you start making threats of expulsion to other countries 

Moonie posted:

I have just heard on the radio that the French foreign minister has called for England and Russia to be expelled if there is anymore trouble between the fans.


Well Mr French foreign minister, what about France being expelled too. Reference the Marseille 'Ultra'?


They have been causing chaos too. Get your own 'fans' in order before you start making threats of expulsion to other countries 



I thought I would give it a few days, letting the dust settle and see what intelligence came out of the incidents before commenting.


It would seem that there is credible intelligence that French and Russian hooligans have been targeting English fans, one report suggesting that the English fans attacked were eating and drinking in bars, not chanting or causing trouble.


The French police take a very hard line and it naturally looks extremely bad with tear gas, people lying around injured and furnitures/bottles upturned and thrown.


No on one is saying that English fans are completely blameless but I think they are a convenient scapegoat for any trouble that kicks off.


I heard that there was also trouble between German and Ukraine fans following the game - not really making the news.



And yes I agree with you Moonie, the French should also be kicked out of their own tournament for trouble their fans have engaged in.


Let's hope Euro 2016 progresses with no more trouble.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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