I got you a gif
that's not what I posted last night
I got you a gif
that's not what I posted last night
^^^^ Kaffy what happened?
6.01pm: Evander just told Luisa he has eleven children (with five women) "because I can afford it." Good work, Evander
^^^^ Kaffy what happened?
I dunno! Last night it was boxing gloves punching boobs and then the boxer sticking his head in them.... It just seemed kinda right for Crunchy..
I've got my new name boss
I got you a gif
that's not what I posted last night
that was there late last night when I peeked in the thread
when I say the thread title I had a flashback to Alex Sibley
I'm politely requesting a different show-name Mrs Ali. I respectfully ask to be designated The Mexican Masher.
8.32pm: Is jet lag taking its toll on one of our American housemates? #bbuklive pic.twitter.com/YytQYYcHSb
I'm politely requesting a different show-name Mrs Ali. I respectfully ask to be designated The Mexican Masher.
when I say the thread title I had a flashback to Alex Sibley
I now get why Crunchy referenced Kate Lawler, doh..!
I thought I was going to get a name on the Puga-list?
I'm supporting Evander as well as being a Blair's Witch.
You're on the list on Page 1 - Stinger Cinds.
You can change it if you like though
You like my name change boss
I caught the Van at the lights.... I'm in
You like my name change boss
Beautiful, totally beautiful
I caught the Van at the lights.... I'm in
I shall add you as Bonecrusher Bethni.
If you want an alternative to that, let me know
Welcome to the 'Van
I caught the Van at the lights.... I'm in
I shall add you as Bonecrusher Bethni.
If you want an alternative to that, let me know
Welcome to the 'Van
Bonecrusher is just fine by me
11.45pm: Evander's telling a nice story about buying his mum a house when he got rich. All she wanted was to be near a bus stop
Awww, bless her
I love this:
I love this:
Love it..!
Just twirling my new name.
My Lithuanian granny on the left.
My Lithuanian granny on the left.
Eeek! Watch out Van!
My Lithuanian granny on the left.
Eeek! Watch out Van!
Please tell me you know that was a wee joke Xochi.
I think the van just crashed off the road.
My granny's bigger than your granny
I think the van just crashed off the road.
It was bound to happen, Vids as he's often cited 'god' in his pre and post fight interviews.
I think the van just crashed off the road.
It was bound to happen, Vids as he's often cited 'god' in his pre and post fight interviews.
God is currently distancing himself from Evander.
Luisa imo would be aware of his religious beliefs. Calculated question me thinks .
I agree. It was his 'they can be fix' that was offensive.
Luisa imo would be aware of his religious beliefs. Calculated question me thinks .
Maybe so, but she did try to stop him putting his foot any further into his mouth.
You'd think he'd have been taught that by his church, eh?
Then again, if he feels strongly about something (where religion is concerned), he'd be very likely to spout his 'belief' - and sort of stand by his teachings.
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