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Me too, one of the worst feelings ever. Energy levels were so low I could hardly roll over to take a drink of water!
I know what you mean RR, after witnessing my mam go through it. She was never the same after it and eventually died in 2001. And while I don't blame it on that, she lost an awfull lot of the strength she had because of it.
Y'see if you lived in Wales you could get all your medication free on prescription. 

And it ain't flu if you can haul your arse to a pooter and even LOOK at a bright screen. I had flu - proper flu - when I was 17. I was essentially unconscious for 3 days and it took me weeks to recover.

You heard about the flu test? If you see a ÂĢ50 note float past your bedroom window and you crawl out of bed to get it then you don't have flu. It's a heavy cold - which IS lousy. But it's not flu. ïŧŋ
And paracetamol is much cheaper if you can take it
Paracetamol is just about the only thing for flu. It will keep the temperature down. It's a wonder drug really for all sorts of pain. The rest of Beecham's is carp, sorry Crunchy. You're better off taking the tablets and have some hot water with a squeeze of real lemon and a wee bit of sugar.
cologne 1
Awww Crusty Bits I'm amazed how you can be at death's door yet say it won't knock you for 6, you wee little hero you

Keep to the paracetamol, it'll help you to feel a bit brighter cos the temp will drop. Get round your ma's and ask her to make you a hot curry (curry powder and peppers in abundance), then go home, put on loads of clothes and sweat it out. Vit C (orange juice, oranges etc) will also help, as will Vicks on your forehead or cold strips.

Failing that, jump on a train down here and I'll kick you around the park for a bit. xx

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