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I still wouldn't swap it for our old tree with decorations we've had for years with all their memories. We have a red heart which my then 2 year old (he's now 28) swiped from Santas grotto in Debenhams, 2 little teddy shaped boxes that were a gift from friends now in America, 2 little pom pom robins made by my boys when they were little etc etc.

So many memories, I love it when I put our tree up every year.

You can't buy that kind of thing for all the money in the world
It's the only thing I've done Sprout tbh. I've wrapped a few bits for my grandson and my mates 2 and my son. I need to get a little pressie for my son and DIL and cards for them but then I'm done. We don't go mad at Christmas spending money we aint got!!

What you need to do is rope in a willing kid to help - takes all the work out of tree decorating
Veggie  that's a good thing though, that you know your limits 
As to your other part of the post, yes I know I have family but they wouldn't think of going out of their way to bother. and TBH, I wouldn't go out of my way to ask them  allthough I have been invited to my Brother and sis in laws for christmas day.  It's like we're there but only if something goes drastically wrong 

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