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1.Eviction crowds.

 I'm all for kids enjoying themselves but hey if you want to boo and chant "get blahdeblah out" then bog off to a wrestling match !
It looks stupid and completely undermines the interview.

2. Shiny or sparkly eviction outfits.

Any housemate coming in in anything remotely shiny should be ushered to the nearest exit for their troubles,or locked in a room with 10 thousand magpies for our enjoyment.

3. Fireworks, enough of the fireworks already,it bewilders some  housemates into dumbstrucked silence during interview.They are also to sparkly.

4. Any housemate under 30, it started ten years ago with older or if not older more mature housemates and became an instant hit, lets end it that way please rather than having housemates who have to shout at eachother to prove themselves.

5. Housemates who wear dresses that show more than 33% of cleavage is also a big nono, I'm thinking of last years winner who was basically a pair of boobs on legs and gave absolutely nothing, and Carol who gave just a bit too much, so please If we could just keep most of them bits covered AND  have a better class of housemate who doesn't shout, screem,  wear shiny stuff, or likes to act up to a baying crowd. then by all means have the fireworks, 4/5 aint bad.

What would be the things you friendly forum beings like NOT to see in the last ever Big Brother.

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I don't want:
Women with long hair who constantly toss it, flick it, fondle it, stroke it, eat it....
People who are related.
People who, within a few hours, fall madly in love "for life" (haha)
Women with long hair who constantly toss it, flick it, fondle it, stroke it, eat it....
oh - and did I mention women with long hair who........?
People who think it is fun to keep others awake in the bedroom when they could easily talk elsewhere.
and women with long hair who....
1) Manipulation of nominations/evictions (I know other FMs are blaming C4 for this, but I believe Endemol has to take responsibility here.)
2) Ex-HMs (see other thread)
3) Couples, and partners making "surprise" entrances as HMs.
4) Secret Houses (another "surprise" that everyone now expects.)
5) Endemol continually breaching their own "no contact with the outside-world" rule.

Needless to say: with this being the last series, and Endemol not having to worry about any come-back, I rather suspect we will see all of these - and in spades...
Eugene's Lair

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