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Day 1


Over the next 27 days 11 celebrity housemates will be filmed 24 hours a day in the Celebrity Big Brother house. The first housemate to enter the house is Hollywood actor, Stephen Baldwin. "Wow", he says taking in his surroundings.

Page 3 model Nicola T is the next celebrity housemate to enter the house. "Oh my God. It's so weird", she says introducing herself to Stephen who asks her if she was cold in the dress she came into the house in. "You're braver than me", he says.

After examining the kitchen Nicola asked Stephen if he got booed. "I think I got booed", she says. "That's ok, there's going to be haters everywhere you go".

"I feel really bad for asking this but what do you do", Nicola asks. "Are you an actor?"

Stephen tells her that he is and that he has been for the last 20 years. Nicola wants to know what he has been in. "I did a movie about 15 years ago that was quite popular that was called The Usual Suspects", he tells her.

Nicola tells him she knows of the film and asks if there was a murderer in it and if he was it. "I played a very bad man named McManus." Nicola interrupts to ask if he thinks the next person to enter the house will be a boy.

Next in the house is cage fighter and Katie Price's boyfriend, Alex Reid. "It's like a rollercoaster, I haven't got off it yet", he says to the pair during introductions. "Have you had a spray tan or are you naturally that colour?" Nicola asks Alex who admits to going on the sun bed and if he was coming onto a show like Big Brother he needed to look good.

Fourth into the house is actress Stephanie Beacham. Talking of her entrance Stephanie says, "I was seriously underwhelmed. Then suddenly seeing how many people are standing out there in the cold and caring you suddenly think, 'oh babe, you better pull yourself together'." Trying to figure out what 'banner' her fellow housemates would come under, of herself Stephanie says, "This old slag is classy", before telling Nicola that she has been an actress for some time.

Talking of Alex she proclaims, "You'd be bad boy. Cross dressing, bad boy". Alex laughs as Nicola asks him if that is true or if he just does it for parties. "I dress up for fun they've just blown it way out of proportion. If it's going to get me a hot woman, which it did, I'll dress up whatever".


Next into the house is rapper Lady Sovereign, after introducing herself as Sov and looking around the room Stephanie and Stephen move the conversation onto politics. "Obama is horrible. And he's unfortunately headed for a disastrous presidency", says Stephen. "This is interesting and we may not be able to talk much as I think he inherited horror", Stephanie responds.

The sixth housemate is singer and actor Sisqo. "I've heard about you. You're the trouble maker", he says to Sov who tells him he's the same height as her. "I'm a little taller when I stand on my wallet", he jokes.

Singer and producer Dane Bowers is next to enter the house. "Round two", laughs Alex as he gives Dane a hug. The rest of the housemates notice a bruise on Danes head and enquire about it. "I had a scrap, but not with him", he says pointing at Alex. Alex explains that the papers have been saying over the past few days the pair of them got into a fight on New Years Eve. "Unfortunately, we get on", says Dane. "Good that makes me feel better", says Stephen. "I had plans to straighten both of you out right here tonight".

Hollywood vice queen Heidi Fleiss is the eight celebrity housemate to walk through the door. "Hey, I've seen you before", she says to Stephen giving him a hug. "I'm nervous. A lot nervous", she says to Stephanie. "Aw, there's no need to be nervous, we just haven't got any tea that's all", is Stephanie's response.

Discussing what she does now Heidi explains that she now lives in Nevada, originally with the plan to get back into the sex business but they she changed her mind. "I take care of exotic birds", she tells Stephen.

Swedish singer and DJ Jonas Altberg (Basehunter) is the next celebrity to enter the house. "I feel even shorter", says Sisqo noticing Jonas's height.

21 year old Katia Ivanova, ex girlfriend of Rolling Stoner Ronnie Wood, follows Jonas into the house shortly afterwards. After a quick introduction with everyone Katia runs into the bathroom.

The conversation turns back to Alex and Dane's supposed fight. "Were you there when he had the fight?" asks Nicola to Alex. "Yes, but I didn't see it", he responds. "Gutted", she says.

The eleventh and final housemate to enter the house is footballer turned movie star, Vinnie Jones. "They save the best til last", says Sov.


The housemates have been getting to know each other when Big Brother speaks out. "Tonight Big Brother would like to assist you in getting to know one another better and thought and ice breaker task would do the trick. Located in the garden is a small car. Housemates will play how many celebrities can fit in a minute."

Housemates are given five minutes to complete the task and anyone who doesn't fit into the car.

The celebrity housemates quickly pile into the mini with Dane, Sisqo and Sov hanging out of the boot. Big Brother informs them that they must get into the car. The three of them pile in and close the doors. "Congratulations housemates, you are free to leave the car", sounds Big Brother. "Didn't we do well", says Stephanie clambering out of the car.


Katia, Jonas and Sov are at the smoking area discussing what they each do. "I was just in a public relationship. Doing a bit of this and a bit of that", says Katia.

The rest of the housemates are in the lounge having a similar discussion. "I went to prison. I ran an illegal sex business." Heidi tells Nicola. "I was a madam." She continues before explaining that she now looks after exotic birds and has a Laundromat and a dog grooming business. "Oh God. You are so sensible. I've always thought that I've wanted a Laundromat", says Stephanie. Continuing that her dog grooming business is very successful Stephanie tells her she Skypes her two puppies everyday.


The housemates are in the lounge when Stephen is called to the Diary Room. Entering the Diary Room Stephen finds two bottles of champagne to give to his fellow housemates as a prize for passing their first task. "I think I have a bit of a platonic crush on Stephanie", Stephen tells Big Brother. "It's shocking. I think she's just delightful. It's just a nice, friendly, healthy, little infatuation."


Big Brother opens the door to the bedroom and the housemates run in to claim their beds. As his bed is near the door Vinnie says he'll be on official tea making duty for Stephanie.


Alex, Heidi and Stephanie are in the bedroom. "It's cheesy but my fighter name is The Reidonator."

The rest of the housemates are in the lounge. Jonas and Katia are about to go for a cigarette when he lets her wear his jacket. "Look at you, absolutely gorgeous", he says when she has it on.

In the bedroom Stephen tells Alex he's a little but curious about what wardrobe he has brought into the house. "All Arthur, no Martha", say Alex before adding that he's read he was offered an extra Β£100,000 to come into the house as his alter ego, Roxanne. "I'd wear a dress for a 100 grand."


Most of the housemates are in the lounge. Vinnie and Stephanie are discussing living in LA. "I quite like it over there but there's a lot of stuff in Britain that you do miss", says Vinnie.

Nicola is talking to Sisqo about his hit 'Thong Song' and how a friend of hers was dumped by her boyfriend after dancing very provocatively with another man to the song.

Stephen is talking to Stephanie and Vinnie about how he has not had an alcoholic drink for 20 years and that the 21st anniversary of this achievement will come during his time in the house. Stephen, Vinnie and Stephanie discuss Alcoholic Anonymous as a positive force in quitting drinks and drugs and Stephen mentions that the 'AA prayer' was a really important tool for him, and recites it .

Sov and Jonas are in the garden discussing how neither of them were very academically minded at school. "I didn't fit in very well. I didn't enjoy it. So I dropped out before I did my exams", says Sov before explaining she moved into amateur acting but was ultimately discovered through her rapping.

Stephanie is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. "I'm surprised the loo doesn't shut and the showers are so small… but it's jolly and sweet in the house" Stephanie then complains that they "it's acrylic we're sleeping on". Big Brother asks what her character Sable Colby would have made about this fact. She replies "she wouldn't".


All of the Housemates are in the Bedroom.

Vinnie, Alex, Sisqo and Heidi talk about Vinnie's old career as a footballer and bad boy and how he has now become a movie star. Heidi remarks "you must be really famous". Vinnie states "I've done about 50 movies".

Vinnie says the biggest budget film he has worked on was Xmen. Sisqo suddenly releases who Vinnie was in the film, the Juggernaut, and excitedly imitates his performance Sisqo: "Don't you know who I am?! I'm the Juggernaut!"


Most of the Housemates are asleep in the bedroom.

Dane is in the Diary Room. Big Brother asks Dane how his relationship is with Alex. Dane says that people stir the situation up and that they are both cool about it. Dane admits that Alex is more in the public eye over the issue but hopes that the two of them can form a friendship.

Sisqo and Sovereign are in the Living Room. Sisqo voices how impressed he is with the house: "They built this frickin' house dude. That's pretty dope…with electrical doors and magnetic doors!"

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