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i think ive moaned about this before

oh well


they should only be sold once a year

bonfire night


thats the original reason


my dogs-and countless others are having a breakdown

EVERY NIGHT im hearing them

they wont go out for a walk

they wont go into the garden


theyre just sitting & shaking


ive had to put paper down incase they are shitting & shaking


ONCE A YEAR for fireworks


what do you think?

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Originally Posted by pirate1111:

my god daughter was born in late october 18yrs ago-she came home bonfire night

i bought a catherine wheel & stuck it on a plank

lit it for her & the mom

watched a few fireworks go off

great night


we never had to put up with this shit

its like warfare

who's got the loudest fireworks wins

Legislation was brought in a few years back to limit the decibel level of fireworks, but it was either too lenient, or is widely ignored by the importers.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I have to say that I love a good organised firework display, but the idiots that seem to think setting off fireworks at 1am in the morning is a 'fun thing to do' need to be rounded up and shot into space in one massive rocket.


There is a time and a place for fireworks.




Pirate We had an horendous night last with our little Yorkie. I was exhausted by midnight, as was he. The fireworks started at 6ish and went on all night long! What the hell was that about. We now have to endure Wednesday night, then we have to endure next weekend because tw*ts that don't have their displays on Wednesday will be having bonfire parties on Saturday...yadda,yadda,yadda.

We hold him as tight as we can, but he does escape and wants to go out to fight the big bangs. I am sick of it.

Like everyone else here, I think we should have organised displays only,make the buying and selling of fireworks illegal like in Ireland. Because I was saying last night to my OH, with the heightened threat of terrorism, surely selling gunpowder/explosives to all and sundry is a tad ridiculous,and dangerous!

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

and we're off


tonight has gotta be done...tradition etc...

i still got 2 shaking greyhounds

i just found youngest at top of stairs quivering

they are both now wrapped in blankets watching tom & jerry 

I was thinking of you and your dogs this evening. As I walked home, I could hear one of my neighbours' dogs who was clearly upset.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

They're idiots if they think they are displaying anything.


Get them to Malta or Spain in Fiesta where they have effectively silo's built into the ground/beach   


In the words of BTO - they ain't seen nothing yet   

What really blew me away in Malta were the mechanised ground fireworks - proof that fireworks displays don't have to be just about big bangs. I remember watching amazed as a firework butterfly flapped its wings while "flying" across Mosta Square on a zip-line...

Eugene's Lair

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