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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

oh & I am DittyBird over there 



you can "palm face" some of my choices...    I chose The Incredibles over Apocalypse Now   HAHAHAHAHAHA  to my husbands disgust (I hate Vietnam films with bloody & guts)


The Incredibles is AWESOME. I actually think Apocalypse now is too long winded and overrated. I loikes Platoon I do's.


I'm gonna add you 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:




some of the choices are toooooo hard...


e.g.   Ratatouille vs The Dark Knight!!!  


and     The Matrix   vs   The Fifth ELement...



how can I choose between them!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Some of the choices are also so bizarre it's hilarious:

For example, I've just been asked to compare "Bambi" with "The Deer Hunter"!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:




some of the choices are toooooo hard...


e.g.   Ratatouille vs The Dark Knight!!!  


and     The Matrix   vs   The Fifth ELement...



how can I choose between them!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Some of the choices are also so bizarre it's hilarious:

For example, I've just been asked to compare "Bambi" with "The Deer Hunter"!


Its not really about comparing. You just have to think which one you enjoyed more. The way i do it is: if I could only watch one of the 2 films they give, which one would i pick?


my  top 20 movies


The Karate Kid (the simplicity of this movie but the over all message about bullying is amazing and got me through many a bad time)


Back to the Future (all of them)


The Goonies


Indiana Jones (all of them)


Harry Potter (all of them)


Lord of the Rings (all of them)


The Lost Boys


Rocky (all of them)


Rambo (all of them)


Star Wars (all of them but especially Revenge of the Sith...I loved but hated seeing how Anakin became Darth Vader)


The Fifth Element


Blade (all of them)




Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them)


Short Circuit




Steel Magnolias


Untamed Love


The Colour Purple


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Its not really about comparing. You just have to think which one you enjoyed more. The way i do it is: if I could only watch one of the 2 films they give, which one would i pick?

That's still "comparing", though, isn't it? You're just using your own personal criteria. As far as I can tell, the site gives no guidance on how to choose, so everyone's going to go about it differently...

Eugene's Lair

1. Moulin Rouge

2. Jumanji

3. Monsters Inc.

4. The Patriot - (Erm - not exactly)

5. Jurassic Park

6. Being John Malkovich

7. The Green Mile

8. Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl

9. A Bug's Life

10. The World Is Not Enough

11. The Usual Suspects

12. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

13. Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End

14. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

15. American Beauty

16. Goodfellas

17. As Good As It Gets

18. Blade Runner

19. Rush Hour 2

20. X-Men: The Last Stand - (Not really, but it put it on my list anyway)


At the moment it is more a list just of 'Films I've seen' rather than any realistic ranking of them.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Everyone-else has posted theirs, so here's my list:


1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Godfather
3. Star Wars
4. Casablanca
6. Seven Samurai
7. The Godfather Part II
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
9. This Is Spinal Tap
10. Lawrence of Arabia
11. Blade Runner
12. Das Boot
13. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
14. West Side Story
15. Citizen Kane
16. Singin' in the Rain
17. 12 Angry Men
18. Dumbo
19. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
20. The Sound of Music


TBH, I've probably spent far too long on this, and it's a bit over-analysed as a result. I still got quite a few surprises, though, and my Top 50's a lot more diverse...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I spent a good half hour and it still hasn't come up with the correct answer!


It's because when you rate one against the other it doesn't discard them, just puts them both on your list, but with the one you chose in a higher position.


There are several ways you can do it and you can take any of them off your list, or get specific films added to your list. or manually move them up and down your list.


However, if you want to get a realistic list by comparing THEIR choices alone, then you'll need to keep doing it for hours and hours and hours.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'd try this, but i'm not sure there's a lot of point..I've seen less than half of anybody's top 20 list. 

There are hundreds and thousands of films out there.

A lot of the films that are on other people's lists haven't been offered to me as yet and a few I,ve got haven't been mentioned by others.

There are also a lot of films I was offered that I hadn't seen and quite a few I hadn't even heard of. It's all a bit of fun anyway, so you might as well go for it, So what if you've only ever seen 20 films in your life?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'd try this, but i'm not sure there's a lot of point..I've seen less than half of anybody's top 20 list. 

You can turn that into a positive, though: 

As you go through it, you'll also develop your own (unfortunately-named) "List of Shame". This list of films you haven't seen can be arranged according to their overall rating by other members, thus creating a rough "to-do" list of viewing recommendations...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
That was then:-
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Jumanji
3. Monsters Inc.
4. The Patriot - (Erm - not exactly)
5. Jurassic Park
6. Being John Malkovich
7. The Green Mile
8. Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
9. A Bug's Life
10. The World Is Not Enough
11. The Usual Suspects
12. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
13. Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End
14. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
15. American Beauty
16. Goodfellas
17. As Good As It Gets
18. Blade Runner
19. Rush Hour 2
20. X-Men: The Last Stand - (Not really, but it put it on my list anyway)

At the moment it is more a list just of 'Films I've seen' rather than any realistic ranking of them.

This is now:-

Numbers 1 to 16 are still the same, but 17 to 20 are different.

17. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
18. GoldenEye
19. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
20. Ghostbusters II

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

It's the way it does it that, initially, gives a somewhat warped list.


It offers 2 films - say Mary Poppins and Fight Night. If you have seen them both you then choose one - we'll go for Mary Poppins. It doesn't discard Fight night because by choosing between them the program assumes you have seen them both, and puts both on your list.

So our list looks like this:-


1. Mary Poppins

2. Fight Night


We now get offered another 2 films - Let's say The Towering Inferno and X-Men - again we've seen them both, so we choose Towering Inferno. Again it doesn't discard X-Men and adds both to the list with Towering Inferno Higher. It actually inserts each new pair into the middle of your list - so it now looks like this:-


1. Mary Poppins

2. The Towering Inferno

3. X-Men

4. Fight Night


Suppose the next choices are Toy Story and Alien and we pick Toy Story. Again it puts bot titles into the centre of the list....and of course Toy Story will be in a higher position, so our list now looks so:_


1. Mary Poppins

2. The Towering Inferno

3. Toy Story

4. Alien

5. X-Men

6. Fight Night


The truth of the matter may be that you like Toy Story over Mary Poppins and Alien the least, if you keep on comparing their choices it WILL eventually change, but it'll require a LOT of comparing to get the order changed in that way. However, it can be quite fun to see it gradually changing in that way.

The reason it WILL change is because now and again it will offer a comparison between a film that is already on your list and a film it hasn't offered you before.


Realistically it probably wouldn't offer you choices as diverse as the titles I have used here, but I was just using them to illustrate it's working.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

i bet you're all cursing me for introducing you lot to this. Who thought it could be so addictive?

Flash in the pan Rawky? Looks a lot like we've mostly given up.

I'm still plugging away: I find it's one of those things I can do easily "in the background" of other tasks.

I probably shouldn't admit it, but my list's now into 4 figures...

Eugene's Lair

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