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Yes, she'd laugh at him, tell him he was being an idiot, tell him to stop analysing everyone and just enjoy his time in there. She told him he went way overboard about Rachael, told him Corin had a heart of gold, and he did seem to calm down for a while.

Her methods may not be the same as you, or I, would use, but she still stood up for people.
She may have stood up for people in her own way but by creeping into his bed every night copping a feel, headlocking him into some sort of an embrace, to me just condones his awful behaviour.

She would earn a lot of people's respect if she really did make a stand, gave him a wide berth, stop being a doormat, and be the independent woman carefree woman she was when she first went into the house.
Senora Reyes
Blizz she only said Corin had a heart of gold recently,as for Rachael ,Corin was the only one who stood up to him about that...Her method she used when challenging him about trying to be nasty to her hit home,she is capable as we saw,she used that capability when it was about her,about others she laughed at him tearing them to shreds and during her * token* reprimand....TBH by continuing as she done she  showed him even if she doesn't like it she'd tolerate it and that could have dire consequences of she does hook up with him.
Reference: lee
Blizz she only said Corin had a heart of gold recently,as for Rachael ,Corin was the only one who stood up to him about that...Her method she used when challenging him about trying to be nasty to her hit home,she is capable as we saw,she used that capability when it was about her,about others she laughed at him tearing them to shreds and at her * token* reprimand....TBH all she done was show him by continuing as she done was show him even if she doesn't like it she'd tolerate it and that could have dire consequences of she does hook up with him.
She has told him that Corin is lovely, all the way through. He blames Josie for making him see Corin in a different way, just because Josie said she'd seen a different side to Corin, when she lost it over her wigs, the first time. Josie has a right to disagree with Corin's behaviour sometimes, but she never held a grudge over it and they've been friends ever since.

As for the Rachael thing, Corin shouted at John James about it, but later apologised, as she had thought he was angry with her, not Rachael. Shabby also had words with him, I seem to recall. Josie maybe thought she didn't need to do so too, but they weren't that close then. She certainly told him he was being over the top, when he was ranting about Rachael to her and Govan, and she's told him since.
Was it not Josie and Caoimhe he blamed for  his view on Corin,I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me  but when she said something nice about Corin recently did he not say it was because of what they'd said,him again off course never taking responsibility for anything she should have told him to bog off ...Corin is absolutely oblivious to the bitching that went on behind her back, oblivious to what he said and who was there and laughed ,I'm sure when she does find out she'll be gutted,who wouldn't be.
Reference: Lee
Was it not Josie and Caoimhe he blamed for his view on Corin,I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me but when she said something nice about Corin recently did he not say it was because of what they'd said,him again off course never taking responsibility for anything she should have told him to bog off ...Corin is absolutely oblivious to the bitching that went on behind her back, oblivious to what he said and who was there and laughed ,I'm sure when she does find out she'll be gutted,who wouldn't be.
Yes, as I said in one of my posts above, he tried blaming her.

And she responded that she had merely said that she had seen a different side to Corin and didn't like being accused of messing with the wigs, when they hadn't touched them. She told John that she wasn't going to take responsibility for his feelings against Corin, and rightly so.
Marguerita offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 52,246 Forum Posts Today at 12:55 AM Last Edited: She does tell him Lee and she does disagree with a lot of what he does say, but she does load the gun for him quite a lot then takes a back seat and calls him names she is very sly that way IMO.
Agree Marg.

I also think that when they were all bitching about Sam in Showergate, she could've actually gone in there and told them to pack it in and that Sam could hear everything.
Reference: ll
also think that when they were all bitching about Sam in Showergate, she could've actually gone in there and told them to pack it in and that Sam could hear everything.
but at that point sam was laughing about it with wasn't until he said john james could suck a part of his anatomy which dave responded 'you want to tell john that'.....that sam went into the shower.. john james kicked off and sam subsequently got upset........prior to that he was laughing.............and tbf........sam was listening.......why didn't he go into the shower himself and say he could hear every word if he was bothered by it instead of lying on the floor listening?
aaaaaaaaaaaand!!......josie has told john plenty of times she doesn't 'like him when he's being like that'........when they did the game on the h/l show last night and mario(i think it was) said he's got 2 names cos he had 2 personalities.......john said 'yeah josie says that all the time to me'........she said 'yeah you're a prick or a nice guy'...
spongebob squarepants offline 5,532 Forum Posts Today at 8:01 AM Last Edited: Reference: ll also think that when they were all bitching about Sam in Showergate, she could've actually gone in there and told them to pack it in and that Sam could hear everything. but at that point sam was laughing about it with wasn't until he said john james could suck a part of his anatomy which dave responded 'you want to tell john that'.....that sam went into the shower.. john james kicked off and sam subsequently got upset........prior to that he was laughing.............and tbf........sam was listening.......why didn't he go into the shower himself and say he could hear every word if he was bothered by it instead of lying on the floor listening?
Yes, this is true and I agree that he should've gone in there.  I also think that Josie could've said something too, after all it was the love of her life who was bitching in there and she did draw Sam's attention to what was going on.
I blow hot and cold with Josie, but I do think she would have been so much better without JJ. She spent weeks under the duvet with him, he seems to have dragged the humour and sparkle she had in the first couple of weeks out of her. We still see flashes of it, but I bet we would have seen a darn sight more if she hadn't been latched to knobhead. She's said time and time again his negativity drags her down and some have just wanted to enjoy the experience, her, Corin and Mario mainly IMO. JJ doesn't believe this, in his tiny warped mind he thinks everyone's got to be nasty and vindictive to be real, I do hope if she wins this she gets rid PDQ. He'a a leech on positive attitudes, he's not satisfied until he finds one little fault and he can rejoice for hours how right he was in the first place.
Dame_Ann_average(Corin's Crib# 4) offline 7,610 Forum Posts Today at 8:53 AM Last Edited: I blow hot and cold with Josie, but I do think she would have been so much better without JJ. She spent weeks under the duvet with him, he seems to have dragged the humour and sparkle she had in the first couple of weeks out of her. We still see flashes of it, but I bet we would have seen a darn sight more if she hadn't been latched to knobhead. She's said time and time again his negativity drags her down and some have just wanted to enjoy the experience, her, Corin and Mario mainly IMO. JJ doesn't believe this, in his tiny warped mind he thinks everyone's got to be nasty and vindictive to be real, I do hope if she wins this she gets rid PDQ. He'a a leech on positive attitudes, he's not satisfied until he finds one little fault and he can rejoice for hours how right he was in the first place.
Totally agree Dame.
I blow hot and cold with Josie, but I do think she would have been so much better without JJ.
Absolutely Dame! I sometimes feel that JJ1 started his 'seduction' of Josie as a way of marginalizing her and keeping her on side. She's had his number from early on, and he feels threatened by her, hence his tears and running through fire exits every time she calls him out. Keeping it real, my back foot! 
Reference: spongey
aaaaaaaaaaaand!!......josie has told john plenty of times she doesn't 'like him when he's being like that'........when they did the game on the h/l show last night and mario(i think it was) said he's got 2 names cos he had 2 personalities.......john said 'yeah josie says that all the time to me'........she said 'yeah you're a prick or a nice guy'...
We've been watching the same show, spongey.
What on earth does Josie see in a guy like JJ.  She has seen him, bully, harrass, bitch and backstab someone who is supposed to be her friend in the house.  Ok she has had a word or two with him, but then is seen cuddling and kissing him minutes later thus seemingly condoning it.

Have a backbone Josie love.  Get your head out of the bloody clouds and speak up for your friend and take those rose tinted glasses off

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