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weak??  A woman more like....
there's only Corin n Farmer Giles (woman-wise) left in the house - crab-eyes cant grind Corin down by himself so he's doing/done his utmost to get everyone else to hate her.
He's ok with Farmer Giles tho - cos she's in it to win it as much as he is.
I truly believe that Corin would be 'luvvin it' and 'buzzin' and 'mint' to win - she's playing the game without letting herself down and I honestly believe that she is in fact LUVVIN being in the BB house, she will no doubt do very well out of it (ladz-magz wise) - all power to her elbow.  She hasnt hurt anyone physically or mentally whilst she's been in there.  Ol crab-eyes is only jealous of everyone else - they didnt have to fly round the world to find someone to accept him
She does tell him Lee and she does disagree with a lot of what he does say, but she does load the gun for him quite a lot then takes a back seat and calls him names she is very sly that way IMO.
Marge that is why I can't support her because like you and some others I see that side of her, and I just don't like it.
Senora Reyes
totally agree Marg hun - did you notice how when she crept out of bed at about 4.30 am to tip garlic powder onto Sam's face wilst he was sleeping and she got called to the DR for a warning - was COMPLETELY left out of the h/ls tonight?
It was left out because just as last year when Sophie won which I predicted...They want Josie to win, I can't see anything else happening otherwise...Josie will win BB because BB want her to...You Decide? PAH! More like Endemol decides we just waste our money and continue to get manipulated by them....
Senora Reyes
I dont like Josie one bit Marg (et al) - what exactly has she done to deserve a pass to the final?  She spends all day in bed, most recently, after the mexican task she went straight back to bed, today she was actually allowed to sleep for well over an hour whilst everyone was up (except Steve) - he had about 20 mins kip after taking medication (and I dont like Steve either).  What exactly makes her so appealing??  She does NOTHING but lie in bed, lie by the bath, lie over the lop of the sofas, even the other day she was lying on the astro-turf with her thumb stuck in her gob and the duvet over her - when they had the playground task she was lying on the bloody roundabout
Yes, she has, Lee.

Which is why he calmed down a lot, for a few weeks. He started getting bad again, when Queefer joined forces with him, which was one of the reasons Josie started going off her.

I've always said that she tells him off for getting so agro about people, but people thought it was just part of her 'sly, manipulative' masterplan.
Yes, she has, Lee. Which is why he calmed down a lot, for a few weeks. He started getting bad again, when Queefer joined forces with him, which was one of the reasons Josie started going off her. I've always said that she tells him off for getting so agro about people, but people thought it was just part of her 'sly, manipulative' masterplan.
Blizze we'll agree to disagree,I've never heard her tell him that before,never....That aside why go of Caoimhe?,he was like that before Caoimhe was on the scene with them ,he's been just as bad since she's been off the scene,has Josie gone off him?...She stayed in his company while he tore other HM's to shreds,she sat and laughed ,not telling him off,laughing.
Reference: Lee
That aside why go of Caoimhe?,he was like that before Caoimhe was on the scene with them ,he's been just as bad since she's been off the scene,has Josie gone off him?...She stayed in his company while he tore other HM's to shreds,she sat and laughed ,not telling him off,laughing.
John James had calmed down before Josie took Queefer under her wing. Then he started bitching with Queefer and Josie kept saying that she didn't like him when he got like that. She kept telling him that he was going back to his old ways and she didn't like that side of him.

Yes, she may have laughed during some of it, but only at the absurdity of his over-the-top reactions to people.
Yes, she may have laughed during some of it, but only at the absurdity of his over-the-top reactions to people.
Did she tell him that?....I wish I'd heard that ,her telling him he was being absurd and OTT....She didn't keep telling him anything Blizz,she sat in and laughed at his sessions about Corin and Keely,it was pathetic.
I heard it, Lee. I honestly wouldn't like her, if she had been agreeing with him.
You heard her tell him he was being absurd and OTT?....Her manner to him to me always came across as tongue in cheek,let's be honest would anyone accept being reprimanded from someone stood smiling and laughing,not even a child would,the only time I saw her be firm with him was when he tried his bullshine with her ,the night he ended up crying in the closet.

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