*wipes PCJ's slime from face*
Snail trail
quote:Originally posted by Poolshark:
Afternoon all!
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
KELLY all i want is a good frendship where she is straight with me - i don't feel she has been
She has a reputation of leading men on and i feel she has unintentionally done it again
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Hello Poolie
Hello Moonie (bloke by the way)
quote:Originally posted by moonie:quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Hello Poolie
Hello Moonie (bloke by the way)
*Checks credentials*..Yep, still a bloke....(and to remain one too)..
quote:Originally posted by pussycatj:quote:Originally posted by moonie:quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Hello Poolie
Hello Moonie (bloke by the way)
*Checks credentials*..Yep, still a bloke....(and to remain one too)..
I have checked his credentials and they certainly do what they say on the tin
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
KELLy - no offence with the term - its the term several people have used with her and she has has a few problems with men misreading her
I have told her that there is nothing wrong with being a flirt but i can receieve unwanted attention
I feel in a way i have been treat similar - lead to believe we are better frends than we are
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
KELLY - she will be in bed cos was on nightshift last night - so not yet
She unfortunately does have a reputation for misleading guys but is a wonderful girl
I thought i knew where we were coming from but wen she sed i never crossed her mind after working with me 30/40hrs per week for 6months ... well i wonder if i was just 'another guy' to flirt with at the time
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
She sed so much i can't put it in a nutshell - but the mesage i came away with was - we are frends but not the way i thought
She doesn't hold it in as high regard as me but still wants to be frends, basically
But see - this is wot has happened to other blokes
Led to believe ... then it isn't
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
KELLY your so right - i am just stunned that i may be yet another one of her 'flirt' guys
Cheers for helping me - your a star , seriously
quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
Kelly you speak sense
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Awwww KELLY i don't think you can
I do tend to stew and i know it is a bad thing for me
i just can't get beyond being stunned that i may just be another guy to flirt with - she never regarded me highly
But then she says she wants to work with me again on nights
quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
Well i better go get sorted, making a day trip to birmingham to visit my mom in hospital, should make a move soon eh?
catch you all laterxx
quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
Well i better go get sorted, making a day trip to birmingham to visit my mom in hospital, should make a move soon eh?
catch you all laterxx
Not a soon thing kels, she been there for like 5/6 weeks now. She will get better just taking a little time is all.quote:Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
Well i better go get sorted, making a day trip to birmingham to visit my mom in hospital, should make a move soon eh?
catch you all laterxx
Cya later Jen. Sorry to hear you mums in hospital. Hoe she gets better soon x
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