quote:Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I'm off now laters
Cya later Trix
quote:Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I'm off now laters
quote:Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
I feel i'm being lied to "I don't feel sociable, i don't wanna meet up with anyone"
A week later she's going out
I told her she's sayin one thing and doing another
I think you probably got it right Renton seems as though she doesn't value the friendship as much as you. If i was you id back off, let her know what shes missing. She will soon miss you im sure.
quote:Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Gotta go now sons need lappy for college work, and who am I to stop him lol see you all later
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Bye Trixy + LG
Hello KIMI
Thak you Kelly - any advice from a female perspective is greatly appreciated
i did say i need to know how you see our frendship so i don't demand more than you wanna giv - i don't wanna pester
quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
quote:Originally posted by Kimizak:
Hiya Puss
It's peeing down here as well, it's horrible!
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Hello Pussycatj + JEN
KELLy - i just dunno - but i told her i feel i rate very low on her scale of importance if we aint met for 2 months
But she sed - we do chat on phone a lot
So i sed - do u wanna be mates? Do you wanna find work together ... she sed yes
But i fear i am just one of a crowd of frends to her
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
Hello Pussycatj + JEN
KELLy - i just dunno - but i told her i feel i rate very low on her scale of importance if we aint met for 2 months
But she sed - we do chat on phone a lot
So i sed - do u wanna be mates? Do you wanna find work together ... she sed yes
But i fear i am just one of a crowd of frends to her
quote:Originally posted by pussycatj:
ooh its nasty here, pee'ing down
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
KELLY - i truly appreciate your replies, cheers
i fear that if i 'back off' (which i will a bit) she will see it as me being moody annd therefore a burden
quote:Originally posted by pussycatj:
Hi JJ, Kelly
quote:Originally posted by RENTON:
I feel the message i am getting is that i am a frend .. of many frends that she sees as all the same
She did say as we had worked together A LOT that our frendship was different, more solid than the others and we didn't need to meet as often, hmmmmm
quote:Originally posted by china:
im off to bed perchance to dream etc..
cos i was up at 5am
so im armed wiv daily mail crossword and a cup of char
have a lovely afternoon
kelly and PCJ
quote:Originally posted by Jenstar:
Renton hope you get things sorted out hun xx
quote:Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Night night Soulja
Hello big boy moonie
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