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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

RENTON! I've found a film that even you'll love!!!


"What We Do in the Shadows"


It's a mockumentary about a group of vampire housemates and their lives of living together, socialising, and dealing with natural sunlight.


It's hilarious. I was in tears of laughter.

Saw it when it came out in the cinema - utterly brilliant.

"We're Werewolves, not Swear-Wolves."


"Well, that's offensive."

"Is that a fur coat?!"




Film: Spectre


Thursday 29th October : Cineworld Sheffield - IMAX


(NO Spoilers) Difficult to write one's impressions without giving away plot or significant scenes so I won't do that.


Ultimately I enjoyed this film as I have done for all of Craig's output. Despite all the furore over Craig's appointment I think he is now my joint favourite Bond actor.


The thing about Craig is I find him quite believable in fight scenes, especially in this film where in one scene I completely believed that he was fighting for his life.


The producers seem to have again put a little more distance from the older films when it comes to 'Bond girls', gadgets and quips. Yes they are there, but I think they play their part and are then gone. Screen time for some of them is quite short.


I love the way it has been shot and the locations look good and I didn't feel the pace to be sluggish at all. Those pre credit sequences seem to be getting longer to me, but I enjoyed the opening to this one a lot.


There is one scene I was not keen on and I actually felt a little sick, but that's my weak stomach.


This film appears to continue the story arc and I felt that it sets itself up for another.


I do wonder how much of the wikileaks, corporate systems hacking etc news influenced the script.


If you have enjoyed Craig's Bond and films so far then this is a no brainer, go see it.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

REC 2 (subtitled)


The original REC (Spanish) was far, far superior to the USA remake - Quarantine.

REC 2 had a tough act to follow and  ... it's not as good, but still good but nothing's better than the first time, right?

Clever story continues but there's not enough new stuff to keep you shocked or guessing.

Nice twist at the end though and Manuela Velasco is very nice indeed.


Tomorrow Quarantine 2 - let's see if USA can trump Spain this time round

Last edited by Saint

Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension and Saving Mr. Banks


PAGD: Same old, same old. Relies too much on CGI special effects so takes away from the creepiness of it. It's pretty much the same as the others where you're waiting for that jump scare rather than being surprised by it.


Saving Mr. Banks: Brilliant, charming, heartfelt, and dare I say a little moving. Tom Hanks is fantastic. Emma Thompson is even better. Supporting cast are great. WATCH IT NOW!!!

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:


A bit of a heads-up, as I've just had a look at next week's Radio Times and BBC2 seem to be on a bit of an Ealing Comedy kick at the moment. They're showing two films on Saturday: "The Man in the White Suit" at 8.05am, and "Whisky Galore!" at 4.10pm.


I spotted your post but unfortunately I had too many commitments to watch them. Whisky Galore would be the one I would want to have seen most as I had seen MitWS.


Cheers for the info. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities


Bunch of girls go on a spring break - of sorts - but lacking the cash choose to hold up a diner ... then go on the run.

A thoroughly nasty piece of work, salacious, violent, reckless and mostly unnecessary.

A soft porn effort passing itself off as a graphic look at life's seedy under belly begs the question why people like Selena Gomez chose to accept the role.

Really rather tasteless throughout.

Originally Posted by Saint:


Bunch of girls go on a spring break - of sorts - but lacking the cash choose to hold up a diner ... then go on the run.

A thoroughly nasty piece of work, salacious, violent, reckless and mostly unnecessary.

A soft porn effort passing itself off as a graphic look at life's seedy under belly begs the question why people like Selena Gomez chose to accept the role.

Really rather tasteless throughout.

Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one, It initially got some really good reviews, so I saw it at the cinema: it remains one of my most disappointing movie-going experiences.   It doesn't even work as a satire, as that sort of thing's been done much better before.

(I've just checked IMDb and it's scored 5.3/10 - which sounds average but is actually low for IMDb, so it looks like there's a bit of a gap between critics and audiences there.)


BTW, I thought Selena Gomez's character was the only remotely interesting one in the whole film (the other three lead girls being virtually interchangeable), but they cut her out of the story about half-way through - 'nuff said...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

Just to counter that ... I thought her character was a token gesture to add some sort of balanced view ... which it doesn't cos she treated as a nuisance and once rid of it's business as usual.

Gomez was aware of the full story and accepted the role - as did the men but we know why the men did 

The most concerning part was how young the female characters were - a rather pervy movie and quite worrying to boot.


TRANSFORMERS - revenge of something or other . . .

Y'know I've watched several of these and fallen asleep every time.

They're a perfect example of less is more cos it's all too frantic ... and the comedy element misses the mark every time.


The only saviour is Megan Fox - she is epic.


Check out Jennifer's Body - it's fantastic

Originally Posted by Saint:

TRANSFORMERS - revenge of something or other . . .

Y'know I've watched several of these and fallen asleep every time.

They're a perfect example of less is more cos it's all too frantic ... and the comedy element misses the mark every time.


The only saviour is Megan Fox - she is epic.


Check out Jennifer's Body - it's fantastic

I do agree here.  That is the only saviour.  There's really little about that first Transformers film except Megan Fox being very hot. 


Transformers was a lame idea for a movie franchise and I expect one the main attractions for their teen audience (and less so, the not so teen male audience ) was Megan Fox. 


Still not as epically lame as 'Battleshitp"

Originally Posted by Saint:


What a hilarious, bizarre and touching movie.

Daniel Radcliffe is excellent.

Man is accused of killing his girl friend - somehow he is gifted the power to find out the truth.

Oddball movie that keeps you interested throughout.

Sadly the ending is rather twee and messily done.

Yeah, I enjoyed this film although I think it got poor reviews.  Daniel Radcliffe is good in the role and well plotted but best to ignore the tedium of "Kill Your Darlings" where Radcliffe plays one of those American 'beat poets',Allen Gingsberg.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Saint:

TRANSFORMERS - revenge of something or other . . .

Y'know I've watched several of these and fallen asleep every time.

They're a perfect example of less is more cos it's all too frantic ... and the comedy element misses the mark every time.


The only saviour is Megan Fox - she is epic.


Check out Jennifer's Body - it's fantastic

I do agree here.  That is the only saviour.  There's really little about that first Transformers film except Megan Fox being very hot. 


Transformers was a lame idea for a movie franchise and I expect one the main attractions for their teen audience (and less so, the not so teen male audience ) was Megan Fox. 


Still not as epically lame as 'Battleshitp"


Your original spelling was correct. 


But it was a dreadful film.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Saint:

TRANSFORMERS - revenge of something or other . . .

Y'know I've watched several of these and fallen asleep every time.

They're a perfect example of less is more cos it's all too frantic ... and the comedy element misses the mark every time.


The only saviour is Megan Fox - she is epic.


Check out Jennifer's Body - it's fantastic

I do agree here.  That is the only saviour.  There's really little about that first Transformers film except Megan Fox being very hot. 


Transformers was a lame idea for a movie franchise and I expect one the main attractions for their teen audience (and less so, the not so teen male audience ) was Megan Fox. 


Still not as epically lame as 'Battleshitp"


Your original spelling was correct. 


But it was a dreadful film.


Rhianna was in it as a no-nonsense tomboy marine. You've got Rhianna in a film, who is regarded by millions as beautiful and sexy. so why the hell don't you use her as a hot key character? 


A few sexy scenes to draw in the male audience. Instead Rihanna wears a cap or beenie the entire film. Which would have been commendable as not exploiting females  had the film not been so shit


I'm not saying Rhianna being hot would have made the film less shit, but it would have been a diversion from the lame plot and action sequences.

Last edited by Carnelian


Possibly the worst Tom Cruise movie I have ever seen.

It's laughable and reminiscent of a bad '80's offering.

Everything looks staged and forced and to be honest ... badly done.

Cruise is impossibly heroic, spins far too many times and slo-mo's so often it must have added 30mins to the movie.

Utterly ridiculous - not a patch on the first MI movie .. not surprising then that John Woo (Director) didn't make another Mission Impossible.

In short it's embarrassingly bad.


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