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Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Has anyone seen a (fairly) recent film called Odd Thomas - and if so is it any good?


Yes, it is good.  According to reviews, the film is very faithful to the books but I've not read the books so can't say on that score.


I found it well worth watching with the two leading characters (Odd Thomas and Stormy Llewellyn) having a likeable and witty chemistry with amusing, feisty, romcom dialogue that many romcoms aim for but don't pull off.  It's not a romcom though and there is plenty of action and 'Men In Black' type action sequences.  Supporting actors were good also. The SFX were pretty good and story captivating. 


It should really have done a lot better than it did at the box office.

Last edited by Carnelian

Do not buy, hire Skyhook. 


I hired the film because I'd seen it in the the local video hire shop and the cover looked impressive.  The main reason I hired it was I also saw it in HMV for ÂĢ9.99.  I thought, it must be a bit of a cult sci-fi classic that's not done too well in the cinemas but has been picked up by more discerning people in the DVD market.  A bit like, The Shawshank Redemption.  How stupid I was!


What a load of shit. The illustration on the box has no relation to anything in the film.  The recommendation "Visually Stunning: West Los Angeles Times" .  Visually stunning - bollocks. 


The leading lady was attractive but I don't think you can call a film "Visually stunning" because the leading plank of an actress is a looker!


Really bad acting, bad sets.  Wooden acting does a disservice to wood.


Does this newspaper even exist?  Los Angeles Times is well known but "West Los Angeles Times"? 




Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Do not buy, hire Skyhook. 

I'd never heard of this film before (apparently it only had a limited cinema release in the States) so I looked it up on IMDb: it's only got a rating of 4.4/10 (though admittedly only from a handful of votes).

So yeah; pretty bad...


And no: I've never heard of the "West Los Angeles Times" either...

Eugene's Lair

I watched The Tall Man the other night and found it surprisingly good. I was expecting a run of the mill - boogyman - thriller, but about 40 minutes in it throws a huge curveball at you.


Sure, you will question some of it, but if you've got a Netflix account and are stumped for something to watch, than this may just tickle your pickle.


Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Has anyone seen a (fairly) recent film called Odd Thomas - and if so is it any good?


Yes, it is good.  According to reviews, the film is very faithful to the books but I've not read the books so can't say on that score.


I found it well worth watching with the two leading characters (Odd Thomas and Stormy Llewellyn) having a likeable and witty chemistry with amusing, feisty, romcom dialogue that many romcoms aim for but don't pull off.  It's not a romcom though and there is plenty of action and 'Men In Black' type action sequences.  Supporting actors were good also. The SFX were pretty good and story captivating. 


It should really have done a lot better than it did at the box office.

Watched itâ€Ķ and thoroughly enjoyed it!

It would appear that this film “slipped through the net” – there was a wrangle over promotional funding which meant any theatrical release was shelvedâ€Ķ indefinitely.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Saint:

Watched Godzilla - good but not brilliant

Nice story line but far too much preamble and not nearly enough action.

Oh there is action, yes but - and I have to say this ... Cloverfield is better


I thought Cloverfield was a bit pants Saint.


After finishing the film I immediately emailed a friend and summed it up as an amalgamation of three films. Unfortunately I can't find the email or I would post it... and I can't see me watching it again.


For me there is far too much rehashing or rebooting of old films and the main difference is usually the effects are more polished.


To be honest, not seen the latest attempt at Godzilla so can't comment, but I'm not expecting too much.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by fremsley:

How can they remake The Secret In Their Eyes?


Maybe they should remake Clueless.

Can't really see the point.  Wasn't Clueless loosely based on Jane Austin's Emma. 


So you just get some 2010+ stereotype rich brats, dress them up in whatever fashions rich LA brats now wear.  Replicate the same attitudes but with current teen slang rather than 90s teen slang.  Which I'd imagine hasn't changed that much apart from saying "...not!" at the end of sentences.


I can't see that a remake of Clueless, so soon, is really worth doing.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by fremsley:

How can they remake The Secret In Their Eyes?


Maybe they should remake Clueless.

Can't really see the point.  Wasn't Clueless loosely based on Jane Austin's Emma. 


So you just get some 2010+ stereotype rich brats, dress them up in whatever fashions rich LA brats now wear.  Replicate the same attitudes but with current teen slang rather than 90s teen slang.  Which I'd imagine hasn't changed that much apart from saying "...not!" at the end of sentences.


I can't see that a remake of Clueless, so soon, is really worth doing.


I think the word of choice these days is "like".


But yes, I would tend to agree, I don't see much point in spending good money on a remake. Unlike Robocop (which In have not yet seen) a film I always tholught looked and felt dated even only a few years following release.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Has anyone seen The Hundred-Foot Journey starring Helen Mirren?


I'm tempted to go and see it.


I saw review and interview. Can't say I know what it was like but did not like Helen Mirriums French accent much.


They should have got that French actress Binoche (sp) to do  the part.


Let us know what you think CS.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Has anyone seen The Hundred-Foot Journey starring Helen Mirren?


I'm tempted to go and see it.


I saw review and interview. Can't say I know what it was like but did not like Helen Mirriums French accent much.


They should have got that French actress Binoche (sp) to do  the part.


Let us know what you think CS.



Juliette Binoche is a great actress but not sure if she would be the correct fit for this role. Surely if casting a French actress Isabelle Huppert would be a better fit?


Ooh la la

Cold Sweat

I watched "Left Behind" recently.  Nicolas Cage.  I quite like Nicolas Cage.  My view is that he usually turns out, at worst, a watchable film and will usually have good special effects budget chucked at it if the genre demands.  I was amazed at Left Behind, which was absolutely terrible.  A career low, without a doubt.  Looked like a TV movie.  I can only assume that Cage has recently got divorced or been landed with a huge tax bill.  It looked like a good action sci-fi with a bit of bible guff thrown in.  If only.  Bad acting, horrible special effects, TV movie style sound track.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I watched "Left Behind" recently.  Nicolas Cage.  I quite like Nicolas Cage.  My view is that he usually turns out, at worst, a watchable film and will usually have good special effects budget chucked at it if the genre demands.  I was amazed at Left Behind, which was absolutely terrible.  A career low, without a doubt.  Looked like a TV movie.  I can only assume that Cage has recently got divorced or been landed with a huge tax bill.  It looked like a good action sci-fi with a bit of bible guff thrown in.  If only.  Bad acting, horrible special effects, TV movie style sound track.

its one of the worst movies ive ever seen

it was like an advert to promote christianity


i had no idea where it was going


im gonna watch 'the boy next door' ina bit

Jlo's new one

its got crap review but i'm giving it a go

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I've just started watching something called Into the Storm. The premise reads as something not dissimilar to Twister.

It is a bit like that but a bit more unrealistic.  Enjoyable none the less and good special effects.  Acting and characterisation is so so, but not really out of the ordinary for a special effects film and not a big issue in a film of this type, IMO.  I'd recommend it.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I've just started watching something called Into the Storm. The premise reads as something not dissimilar to Twister.

It is a bit like that but a bit more unrealistic.  Enjoyable none the less and good special effects.  Acting and characterisation is so so, but not really out of the ordinary for a special effects film and not a big issue in a film of this type, IMO.  I'd recommend it.

It wasn’t bad although take away those special-effects and it would have resembled a run-of-the-mill TV movie.

Cold Sweat

American Sniper - well ... its the highest ever grossing war movie.

Does it deserve this accolade?




I guess it's due to it being based on a true story about a guy with a tragic ending. Bums on seats.

But in the cold light of day it is nothing new. Good - but not new.

It's very similar to Black Hawk Down in its feel and execution.

It's not better than Saving Private Ryan.

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I've just started watching something called Into the Storm. The premise reads as something not dissimilar to Twister.

It is a bit like that but a bit more unrealistic.  Enjoyable none the less and good special effects.  Acting and characterisation is so so, but not really out of the ordinary for a special effects film and not a big issue in a film of this type, IMO.  I'd recommend it.

It wasn’t bad although take away those special-effects and it would have resembled a run-of-the-mill TV movie.

Fair comment but films of this type live or die by their special effects.  You're never going to get subtlety of acting and character nuances in such a film and the melodrama is always going to be cranked up to the maximum - as it would be if the situation were real life - to be fair.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I think someone in the Guardian described it as film Goebbels would have been proud to have made, so I assume it lays the gung-ho patriotism on with trowel. 

Oh yeah


EDGE OF TOMORROW - excellent

Clever, thought provoking and unique

I say unique then say it's a bit like Oblivion but much, much better.

Invaders control time and reset the war if they feel they are losing.

But in steps Groundhog Day Cruise.

I'll say no more except its very good indeed

Originally Posted by Saint:

EDGE OF TOMORROW - excellent

Clever, thought provoking and unique

I say unique then say it's a bit like Oblivion but much, much better.

Invaders control time and reset the war if they feel they are losing.

But in steps Groundhog Day Cruise.

I'll say no more except its very good indeed

Edge of Tommorrow's great, and a strong contender for most underrated movie of 2014. I saw it in the cinema and have been recommending to friends and colleagues since. Every one of them who took my advice has thanked me afterwards.


Oh, and Emily Blunt's a revelation in it...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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