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I like a good old fashioned action alien invasion movie and enjoyed "the Darkest Hour".  Either I've got bad taste (highly likely) or just different tastes to the critics, who didn't really rate it at all.  Setting it in Moscow was a change from NY or LA (or even London, I suppose).  Acting, hardly Shakespearian, but doesn't have to be for this type of film.

Originally Posted by Katerina:



Saint, did you see Abe Lincoln or Snow White and the Huntsman? I'm probably going to see the latter this week.


I have The Descendants, Green Lantern, and Take Shelter waiting to be watched, but with Wimbledon and the footie, not sure when!

I didn't see either - my friend was poorly

I've decided if we can get together we are seeing Abe Lincoln !!



I don't think I saw the third Alien film, just the first two.


Saw Snow White and the Huntsman:

Better than I expected, with striking visual effects and cinematography. A dark fairytale with a chilling performance from Charlize Theron. Kristen Stewart was a fitting Snow White, although she still retains some mannerisms from the Twilight movies, which is very annoying. Her accent was good too.
Chris Hemsworth was great, although I thought his Scottish accent was a bit ropey at times, but I will forgive him because I am a tiny bit in love with him.
Very enjoyable film, but I felt there was something lacking, the story could have flowed a bit better. I think perhaps the director tried to do too many things.


Next time I go to the cinema, I will request back row seats to prevent a repeat of last night when the chavs sitting behind me constantly kicked my seat, and the little cowards ran off before the credits rolled. That's the only problem with going to the cinema - other people, lol.

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I watched A lonely place to die last night. Quite a simple film but very good 


I thought it started off very well. Great shots and location, but the last 30 minutes were a bit of a let down, as it wasn't such a 'lonely place to die'... if you catch my drift Lacey? 


I watch Young Adult last night. Its and independent comedy, wasn't bad. More drama than comedy though.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

 Found a naughty free on line movie channel and been re-watching Twilight Saga - nice


I don't know what I'm more disgusted with, watching films illegally or that fact its Twilight.

Rawky be disgusted, be very disgusted . . . but at the right people.


Rawky Rawky Rawky . . . *sits back and relaxes*

Unlike so many, I haven't, how can i put it ... felt the need to "show off".

I hate snobbery yet it exists in so many places

Even in movie gawping - it exists

I have my silly moments and movies like "Vampires Suck" render me in fits of giggles. I don't sneer at their silliness - i embrace it.

And hurrah for that !!



Wow, nice to see this thread re-emerge. Better give some updates:


The Dark Knight Rises: was good, although I'm not a fan of Batman - The Avengers was better.


Arahan: Korean film (getting in some practice). Martial arts with super powers, pretty funny too.


Outcast: British horror film with James Nesbitt and some bird from Dr Who. Not bad. Quite gritty and urban


Backdraft: Classic 90's films, although a tad bit schmultzy than i remember.


I did love Avengers, but I'm a Batman geek and TDKR just edged it for me.


The last DVD film I saw was Adventureland, I thought it was a bit weak, Jesse Eisenberg was nothing special, and Kristen Stewart once again employs the extremely irritating 'smile and then grimace as if something hurts' acting technique from Twilight.


Have also seen The Proposal and The Change-up(I've been having a bit of a Ryan Reynolds moment lately) The former was not good, the latter quite funny.

I also saw Bridesmaids, but didn't like it.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

The Dark Knight Rises - Best movie trilogy ever!



He He - Now is that a challenge I wonder? Anyone wanna be first?


Indiana Jones (not including the 4th film)




I watched one on TV the other night, not my cup of tea to be fair.

Really disliked the fourth Indy film.


Thought you may have gone Godfather Trilogy.


For me, The Dollars Trilogy.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

The Dark Knight Rises - Best movie trilogy ever!



He He - Now is that a challenge I wonder? Anyone wanna be first?

The original 3 Star Wars films. surely?


Which versions? Lucas has messed around with them so much, editing this, re-CGI'ing that.


But on a serious note, I've never been much of a fan, enjoyed them at the time, but they don't hold up for me over time. I know a lot of people hold Star Wars up as a great film, but I much prefer 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

But on a serious note, I've never been much of a fan, enjoyed them at the time, but they don't hold up for me over time. I know a lot of people hold Star Wars up as a great film, but I much prefer 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Well, me too actually, but we're talking trilogies here.

I personally think the original Star Wars film does still stand up as a great adventure film. Most Star Wars fans tend to think that "The Empire Strkes Back" was the best of the series, though...

Eugene's Lair

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