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I work at a Zoo .... *sigh* Its crap, but its a film career is 'slowly' getting there....i hope.


Anyway, the story of the Zoo i work at (which is called Dartmoor Zoo), is about a family that bought a derelict zoo, to rebuild it, and to make it a better place for the animals to live. They had some troubles over the years, the wife passed away from a brain tumour, leaving her husband and 2 very young children.  The owner (Ben Mee) wrote a book about the story and now its been turned into a Hollywood film, coming out in December.


Here's the looks proper cheesy balls!



and no, Matt Damon is not playing me...nor is Scarlett Johannson.


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Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

No, no penguins. We have an Otter...and some ducks.

Otters and ducks are NOTHING like penguins, incidentally. Thanks for trying, though.


And thanks for the link to the penguin cam, katty! I've been to that zoo: do they still do the daily walk with the penguins? That's the closest I've ever been to a penguin.... *sigh*


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