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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 ......and in some style!  That's perfect blizzie - so you!  and so absolutely right for the occasion - I know he'd be appreciative of your choice and have a wee smile on his face  

Because it's so pretty? 



 errrm "pretty" wasn't the first word that sprung to mind,...... more along the lines of original .but I  suppose in a certain light........................... 


Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I did think about a duck shaped rose but decided to go for something classic and respectful



I see you did the same Ditty.

well..   Mr Ditty made my cow flower for me...    brisket always appreciated it when someone went to the trouble of doing a bit of graphic design 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I did think about a duck shaped rose but decided to go for something classic and respectful



I see you did the same Ditty.

well..   Mr Ditty made my cow flower for me...    brisket always appreciated it when someone went to the trouble of doing a bit of graphic design 

Ditty I was thinking of you earlier with your cow themes and thought of cowslip flowers, so I googled cowslip and got this....



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Ditty I was thinking of you earlier with your cow themes and thought of cowslip flowers, so I googled cowslip and got this....



That cow has the dodgiest head ever...  



and dungarees 

The dungarees look like a pair I had when I was pregnant..actually thats what I looked like when pregnant....

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ducky:


*hopes no one notices I now look like a pelican*


I have stared at it..    I have clicked on it and seen the bigger version...   I have squinted & I have turned my head to the side... 


I am not seeing a pelican... 


is it some sort of magic eye jobby?


Twas a crap  intricate joke that obviously fell flat went over your head.


I was a duck shaped pinocchio, I was fibbing slightly..... my bill grew to pelican size.



Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ducky:


*hopes no one notices I now look like a pelican*


I have stared at it..    I have clicked on it and seen the bigger version...   I have squinted & I have turned my head to the side... 


I am not seeing a pelican... 


is it some sort of magic eye jobby?


Twas a crap  intricate joke that obviously fell flat went over your head.


I was a duck shaped pinocchio, I was fibbing slightly..... my bill grew to pelican size.





I am sorry too...    ((hugs))  



(sorry I spent 5 mins of my life trying to see a pelican) 

Originally Posted by Jenny:

Lovely idea!. Here's mine. It's one of my own. It has a most delightful fragrance. Although it's not red, I think it would be acceptable to brisket.

 it's lovely Jenny - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could share the fragrance of our flowers along with the pictures.  I think brisket would be so touched by everyone doing this in his honour 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 it's lovely Jenny - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could share the fragrance of our flowers along with the pictures.  I think brisket would be so touched by everyone doing this in his honour 

He would be touched, hoochie. 


I'm not sure he'd want me to share the fragrance, mind you! 

 he was a gentleman blizzie - he'd have thanked you in any case.


I have been so moved looking at the forum tonight, I have shed a few tears again, but there's warmth in there.  After the sadness of the last few days it's nice that it feels like a celebration for him, and the community has come together to show their respect.  

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:


I have been so moved looking at the forum tonight, I have shed a few tears again, but there's warmth in there.  After the sadness of the last few days it's nice that it feels like a celebration for him, and the community has come together to show their respect.  


I'm sure that goes for most of the members Hoochie 


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