Kaytee posted:Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Take those silver balls off (which I hate) and I would try hers too.
They take me back to xmas cakes when I was a kid
Not kind to the teefsπ
Kaytee posted:Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Take those silver balls off (which I hate) and I would try hers too.
They take me back to xmas cakes when I was a kid
Not kind to the teefsπ
Rocking Ros Rose posted:wow doesn't sound easy
Blinis are easy to make....Miss KT made some for school,so they definitely are because she can't boil an eggπ
Kaytee posted:Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Take those silver balls off (which I hate) and I would try hers too.
They take me back to xmas cakes when I was a kid
Not kind to the teefsπ
they were tasteless and horrible
Kaytee posted:Rocking Ros Rose posted:wow doesn't sound easy
Blinis are easy to make....Miss KT made some for school,so they definitely are because she can't boil an eggπ
Kaytee posted:Rocking Ros Rose posted:wow doesn't sound easy
Blinis are easy to make....Miss KT made some for school,so they definitely are because she can't boil an eggπ
Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Take those silver balls off (which I hate) and I would try hers too.
They take me back to xmas cakes when I was a kid
I find them so hard. But I remember them of old too.
They DO NOT look like Yorkshire Puds!
Fish eggs
Nicola could be a good cook. They seem to like her flavours.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:Nicola could be a good cook. They seem to like her flavours.
They are a good laugh this lot
Rocking Ros Rose posted:Kaytee posted:Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Take those silver balls off (which I hate) and I would try hers too.
They take me back to xmas cakes when I was a kid
Not kind to the teefsπ
they were tasteless and horrible
Amythist posted:They are a good laugh this lot
Baz posted:They seem a nice bunch
Don't keep saying flavour....reminds me of Barra Boyβ οΈβ οΈβοΈ
Kaytee posted:Don't keep saying flavour....reminds me of Barra Boyβ οΈβ οΈβοΈ
Kaytee posted:Don't keep saying flavour....reminds me of Barra Boyβ οΈβ οΈβοΈ
Will it look much like this?
Baz posted:His sounds nice ....
Last thing any female wants is Hollywood creeping up behind them.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Last thing any female wants is Hollywood creeping up behind them.
Iβd surreptitiously bring my elbow back ....forcefully
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Last thing any female wants is Hollywood creeping up behind them.
agree -he is so slimy
Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Last thing any female wants is Hollywood creeping up behind them.
Iβd surreptitiously bring my elbow back ....forcefully
Not the place to be trying out wacky techniques like that love.
I cant stand fondant
Dylan won Celebrity Mastermind last night - safe to say, the competition was not very good.
Baz posted:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Last thing any female wants is Hollywood creeping up behind them.
Iβd surreptitiously bring my elbow back ....forcefully
If I did that....I'd only damage his kneeππ
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