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Im not into this sort of thing at all. I usually dismiss it as a load of old codswallop but... I recently hung a mirror over my bed and i can hand on heart say from the night i hung it my sleep has been insane.

 I have had the most disturbing yet organised dreams where i am literally working through any problems i have in my waking life. Its like i have a dream 'list' and even in my sleep im aware im doing it, its like a conscious decision to think 'right that's that problem dreamt about what scenario is next'.  The dreams are so real its horrible, i toss and turn and constantly half wake and think 'that bloody mirror is causing this'.  So much so that today i googled it and apparently a mirror above your bed causes vivid dreams and restless sleep (i cant see myself in it when sitting or i would have been really in trouble )

so either im going mental or theres something in it! Do you beleive this stuff

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I am a believer in Feng Shui and I dont like mirrors in the house I only have a small one in the bathroom now, my house  use to feel heavy when I started walking upstairs I had a big mirror on the wall on the top landing.. that is another story,a few changes to the furniture/house etc has made a difference my house upstairs now feels light the heaviness feeling has gone.. think of it what you may but it is true I never liked going upstairs in my house..
It is thought that to some extent, sleep is a time for the brain to transfer various thoughts during the daytime from one part of the brain to another. A bit like filing the papers on a desk into the correct places in a filing cabinet. We are not normally aware of this process, but if your sleep is disturbed, then the sleeper can be more aware of this, and that seems to be happening.

As far as the mirror is concerned, in your mind you are aware that it is there over your bed. Also everyone whilst they are asleep wakes uo during that time. They are only awake for a very short time, and generally do not realise that they have been awake. But it may be sufficient for you to be submiminally aware of that mirror hanging over your bed. That could explain the disturbed dreams.

So the obvious answer is to move the mirror.
El Loro

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